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Worth the Wait: Nathema Conspiracy = 10/10


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Until 6.0 drops, I have to hold out hold on to hope we can! >_>

That would be really awesome. If we can, I'd love to see them publish statistics on how many Imperials went Republic, and how many Republic toons went to the Empire, perhaps even broken down by class. I imagine more Agents and Smugglers would jump ship than anyone, eh?

Edited by Xina_LA
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That would be really awesome. If we can, I'd love to see them publish statistics on how many Imperials went Republic, and how many Republic toons went to the Empire, perhaps even broken down by class. I imagine more Agents and Smugglers would jump ship than anyone, eh?


My ex-Slave Inquisitor and betrayed Agent would totally jump ship.

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Liked the enviroment very much... but I have some problems with the story:



- The big bad turns out to be some random fella bitter over me overthrowing Valkorion... and he just dies without much screen time. He looks lame and his motivations are boring. Where are the cool villains like Baras, Jadus or Dread Masters?

- We don't get to fight with our class enemy. Now, return of elements from class stories is super cool (I got Zash) but after a brief conversation we all fight the same lame droid and then see our class enemy but can't directly engage them in combat.

- The end of the Alliance was... underwhelming. We started it all without the fleet and with barely working Gravestone but now suddenly those ships are gone and everybody decides to pack their things and go home. I missed an option to say 'We stand our ground and rebuild from here' when Lana offers to contact one of the big factions.

- Finished it on my fem sorc romancing Lana. Why am I the one taking a knee in the last cutscene? :)


Re: last item... Um, because you're asking her to marry you? Isn't that one of the Earthly tropes for proposing to someone? What the [REDACTED] happened to your inner romantic?

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Re: last item... Um, because you're asking her to marry you? Isn't that one of the Earthly tropes for proposing to someone? What the [REDACTED] happened to your inner romantic?

It would have been fun if the dialog gave us the option to propose first, or wait for them to do it.

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Since servers are down, I have some time to post. So...I'll give it 9.5 / 10. (I'm a tough grader.) The designers did some things particularly well...


1) Pacing. If they screw this up, it can really bog an instance / flashpoint down. I thought the amount of trash was just right.


2) Art design. As others have mentioned, so I won't belabor -- top notch. Creepy, atmospheric, etc. Well done.


3) Story. Look we all knew they had to get out of the "Alliance Reigns Supreme" storyline. I thought they handled it as well as they could have done.


4) Theron. Again, they handled it pretty well. To those that say, option to kill a character means no return, I give to you Exhibit A: Arcann.


5) Tuning. I was the one who bished about TAtC bosses being a HP sponge so I think I have some credibility here. The bosses here I thought were tuned just right.


Can one point to a couple plot holes? Well, yeah...but I am pleased to see that the typical naysayers have remained silent, though time will tell.


Yes, 5 months is too long for content to be released. But this content wasn't just good, it was very good.



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I really enjoyed the flashpoint, all of it.




The boss fights were enjoyable and fresh.


I liked the story.. I really liked it.. and Theron... <3 <3 <3 glad to have the spyboy back and to be engaged to him!! Ahh..


The scenery is amazing.


Theron... just Theron!


Just a couple of things though...

Why did Satele send our girls a message and NOT mention anything about our engagement to her son? Really.. its about time future MIL had something to say on the matter... please. Approval? Disapproval? Anything...


My biggest concern is moving forwards, that this doesn't spell the end for Theron romance content or Theron content. I'd like confirmation from bioware that now, with a kill option on ALL of the LI's available for female players who romance male characters that we will see future romance content with existing LI's - new ones don't count, not even Arcann. Right now the future looks bleak. Koths been ignored, completely as have all the earlier companion LI's save some pretty speedy lame reunions. The characters who were available to all - Koth, Aric, Torian and Theron now all have kill over their heads which has so far meant being ignored afterwards for content. I don't care that new romances might be in the works I care about the romances my characters already have -- and them getting content going forwards. Right now im on the verge of unsubbing and leaving my outlanders to retire peaceful with their LI's because I'm just not seeing future potential.




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As someone else mentioned in another thread, the whole vitiate/valkorion story ended up being a sham. I was led to believe this Tenebre fella developed dark side sith abilities and performed rituals to consume all life on Nathema. Revan "resurrected" the emperor to destroy him and that backfired. Revan was also using a ritual to accomplish this feat. Vitiate then goes to Ziost all on his own consumes all life to regain his power.


Now we find out it was Zildrogg who did these rituals and probably gave the power to Tenebre (like he tried to do with Vinn). Okay but it doesn't explain how he consumed all life on Ziost and the whole story arc for the Jedi knight where his plans were to do the same thing in the galaxy (Scourge please show up and explain these things!). Zildrogg wasn't a factor in any of that.


I am probably over thinking this a bit. I am glad they had so much dialog with Theron. We all needed that closure after Umbara.

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I enjoyed it a lot! Love the new decos (especially the Nathema Statue Large after I came upon this area) and the story choices really fit with my main's personality. The SI cameo surprised me, too, in a good way!

I'm sure not everyone will agree, but taken as a whole, I thought this wrapped up really well. Kudos to Charles!

Edited by aerockyul
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Now we find out it was Zildrogg who did these rituals and probably gave the power to Tenebre (like he tried to do with Vinn). Okay but it doesn't explain how he consumed all life on Ziost and the whole story arc for the Jedi knight where his plans were to do the same thing in the galaxy (Scourge please show up and explain these things!). Zildrogg wasn't a factor in any of that.

Zildrog was a tool. Tenevitiakorian was still the one who did the ritual to consume the energy from their deaths. On Belsavis, he was going to use a bomb. On Corellia, he used the warring Empire/Repbulic. On Ziost, he used the deaths caused by his puppets. He never performed the ancient "Force Vacuum Cleaner" technique on people. On Nathema, he we now learn used a doomsday droid. That's pretty consistent with how it's always been. The cause of extinction can be anything. His rituals are what let him feed off of it, regardless.

Edited by JLazarillo
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Agreed is was great ending to the story, great bosses, and beautiful landscapes. I thought it was cool each class got a unique encounter and it was based on choices too which is awesome.. This makes me hopeful about the game's future
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Agreed is was great ending to the story, great bosses, and beautiful landscapes. I thought it was cool each class got a unique encounter and it was based on choices too which is awesome.. This makes me hopeful about the game's future


This was not a great ending, this was a stupid and unlogical ending.


May be the gravestone could destroy the home fleet of odessan, but the greater part of the eternal fleet must be still there because it was patroling and Controlling the galaxy. It is totally unbeliebable that there was not also a greater part of the fleet protecting Zakuul or Controlling Conruscant and Dromund Kaas.


So in my opinion the end of the Story Comes from a third class Story writer, may be the original one has left the Team and only fanciless and unmotivated guys are left.

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May be the gravestone could destroy the home fleet of odessan, but the greater part of the eternal fleet must be still there because it was patroling and Controlling the galaxy.

That's an excellent point. Like a lot of Bioware story over the past years, this ending has some great initial feeling but not all elements withstand rigorous inspection (or even a teeny bit of thought sometimes).


That said, we can choose to believe there's some plausible reason why the full fleet would've been gathered at Odessen at that time. It's unlikely but not impossible.

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That's an excellent point. Like a lot of Bioware story over the past years, this ending has some great initial feeling but not all elements withstand rigorous inspection (or even a teeny bit of thought sometimes).


That said, we can choose to believe there's some plausible reason why the full fleet would've been gathered at Odessen at that time. It's unlikely but not impossible.


Even if it was ... the shipyard (Iokath) is still operation ... go get some more ... maybe turn Izax into Gravestone.2

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Even if it was ... the shipyard (Iokath) is still operation ... go get some more ... maybe turn Izax into Gravestone.2

Respectfully, that feels like a bit of an asspull at a meta level. If we can get infinite autowin ships from Iokath, conflict becomes completely meaningless.


Plus it opens up a whole bucket of other questions. Do new ships come with their own shackled AIs? Are we making our own slaves now? :rolleyes:

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Respectfully, that feels like a bit of an asspull at a meta level. If we can get infinite autowin ships from Iokath, conflict becomes completely meaningless.


Plus it opens up a whole bucket of other questions. Do new ships come with their own shackled AIs? Are we making our own slaves now? :rolleyes:


I would assume so, Scyva has some way of controlling the Iokath fleet, I just assumed it was something similar to the Gemini frequency. Even if they requiring manning ... we can still build them on Iokath :/

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Even if they requiring manning ... we can still build them on Iokath :/

Assuming that's true, where does the story go from there? Nothing genuinely challenging physical-danger-wise can happen in the story as long as we're always able to generate a fleet to enforce our wills. The real peril is more of a spiritual/moral one: how do we use this power, and is it right to use it at all? But this question seems to come up only rarely. Broadly speaking, the eternal fleet story's writer(s) resemble(s) some version of Tolkien who thinks The Lord of the Rings should be getting and using the Ring. :(


A problem with everything revolving around superweapons and doomsday machines is that it's about things that come and go, not about us as characters. Also, if that power can be taken away from us extremely easily, it's arguable that we never really had it in the first place, which not only robs us at the end of the story but makes our initial gaining of it just an illusion.

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Assuming that's true, where does the story go from there? Nothing genuinely challenging physical-danger-wise can happen in the story as long as we're always able to generate a fleet to enforce our wills. The real peril is more of a spiritual/moral one: how do we use this power, and is it right to use it at all? But this question seems to come up only rarely. Broadly speaking, the eternal fleet story's writer(s) resemble(s) some version of Tolkien who thinks The Lord of the Rings should be getting and using the Ring. :(


A problem with everything revolving around superweapons and doomsday machines is that it's about things that come and go, not about us as characters. Also, if that power can be taken away from us extremely easily, it's arguable that we never really had it in the first place, which not only robs us at the end of the story but makes our initial gaining of it just an illusion.


uhhh ... it was such a bad ending ... they should have blown up Iokath.

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uhhh ... it was such a bad ending ... they should have blown up Iokath.

But, if Iokath could easily be blown up, why would getting Iokath be such a big deal that Republic and Empire would go back to war to get it, and the side that didn't get it would be at a massive disadvantage? Something that could be destroyed just like that is not so pivotal. :)


What I'm less sure about is why Zakuul's economy has gone bottom-up. Don't they still have droids to supply a lot of their needs? Tribute isn't coming in from Republic or Empire, but it also wasn't coming in before the whole conflict started and reportedly ordinary people were fine then. (Not that there wasn't poverty anywhere, but it didn't seem that bad on average?) Maybe I'm just forgetting something - I don't think their nice lifestyles were explicitly linked to the eternal fleet? 'Cos if Vinn wanted to take the fleet back for that reason, to spare little children rooting for scraps around the Spire, that would've presented a different angle to things.


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I can't recall who says it, but someone says the fleet was barely seen before the conflict with the Republic & Empire, so I would agree, Zakuul isn't dependant on the fleet ... then you have Lana saying something about Zakuul was collecting more tribute than they consume ... so ... Zakuul has supplies they've been hoarding for 'X' years?


Sorry Zakuul, I know you have little defences and vast supplies ... I would start the war there and on Iokath ... whoever gets the supplies first ... wins.

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