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How do the different planet storylines differ by class? [no spoilers plz]


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I am almost level 50 on my sith inquisitor and have only finished 2 planet storylines and was wondering how the storylines differ by class. I know there are dialogue differences based on my class (responses to my sithity and other sith options) but I was wondering how these differ for the planet storylines. As well, are these differences major and is there a better class for some stories? I really enjoyed being able to zap people on the class storyline for sith inquisitor so would the planet storylines let me zap people commonly if I played them as inquisitor or should I just play them as other classes to get the content on them.


Also, what are your favourite planet storylines in the game (both factions)? I really enjoyed Dromund Kass as I felt it was more like the KotOR 1 Korriban than the actual Korriban but the zaps were so satisfying for the inquisitor storyline there.


I'm really enjoying this game but I wish the content were harder and I would level slower (as ironic as that is). I really only die to fall damage and while this is quite common for me I wish I died more to monsters or heroic missions (only the 3 waves of monsters from 3 sides of the room have caused me to die and retry it until I beat it). I remember back in beta the game was ruthlessly difficult for soloing some things.

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In general there isn't a lot more than just detail difference in dialogues in the <Story Arc> planetary missions. There are differences of that nature between Sith in general and non-Sith ("My lord" versus not "My lord", that sort of thing), and on Imp Balmorra, the conversations with Darth Lachris on a male character (specifically the [Flirt] options) "feel" more appropriate to a Sith Warrior(1), but there is no "big" variation by class.


Aliens (characters who are neither human, Cyborg, nor PBS) get some dialogue variations, in the class stories and in more or less any general mission (<Story Arc>, exploration or general side mission), including in some cases a free "excuse" to fry people without having to justify "well, I wanted to". (I'm thinking specifically of Major Bessiker's son, but he's not the only one.)


(1) Unlike Celvanta Grathan, Vette seems pretty positive about you having off-screen fade-to-black time with Lachris, while she disapproves heavily of you doing that with Lady Grathan.

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In general there isn't a lot more than just detail difference in dialogues in the <Story Arc> planetary missions. There are differences of that nature between Sith in general and non-Sith ("My lord" versus not "My lord", that sort of thing), and on Imp Balmorra, the conversations with Darth Lachris on a male character (specifically the [Flirt] options) "feel" more appropriate to a Sith Warrior(1), but there is no "big" variation by class.


Aliens (characters who are neither human, Cyborg, nor PBS) get some dialogue variations, in the class stories and in more or less any general mission (<Story Arc>, exploration or general side mission), including in some cases a free "excuse" to fry people without having to justify "well, I wanted to". (I'm thinking specifically of Major Bessiker's son, but he's not the only one.)


(1) Unlike Celvanta Grathan, Vette seems pretty positive about you having off-screen fade-to-black time with Lachris, while she disapproves heavily of you doing that with Lady Grathan.


Wasn't the Bessiker's son quest a class quest as it involved Bessiker and that alternative reward for zapping the son? And I see what you mean and it's mostly flavour for your race/class. I'm assuming all the class/race choices get the same kind of flavour quality towards them and it's mostly just a matter of preference for which you'd like to receive. Thanks for the heads up though

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I once read that Quesh differs greatly depending on whether you play an Agent or any other class.

This had led at least one forum member to believe that Quesh was made for the Agent class in the first place.


Interesting. Have you heard of any other planets like this and do you have any experience on this claim?

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Wasn't the Bessiker's son quest a class quest as it involved Bessiker and that alternative reward for zapping the son?

It is, indeed, part of the SI class story, but that part of my post was directed at the effect that species can have rather than the effect that class can have. And of course the distinction I was making was more "character motivation" than "actual story flow". A human/cyborg/pbs character won't be able to justify murdering the son (in a head-canon sense - you don't even try to *justify* the act in the in-game dialogue) by citing how the first words out of sonny-boy's mouth were a rant about alien filth, and must fall back on "I want that Sith artifact and he's not going to let me have it, therefore he dies." But hey, that's just typical Sith power politics at work, so there's no real reason to justify it anyway.

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I'm really enjoying this game but I wish the content were harder and I would level slower (as ironic as that is). I really only die to fall damage and while this is quite common for me I wish I died more to monsters or heroic missions (only the 3 waves of monsters from 3 sides of the room have caused me to die and retry it until I beat it). I remember back in beta the game was ruthlessly difficult for soloing some things.


Next 2XP event, go to fleet and pick up something from a gree vendor called the White Acute Module. Not only will it cancel the greater xp gains from the event itself, it will also significantly slow it down during normal gameplay. If you use it on a level 1 character, do all sidequests on a starter planet, you'll only be level 11 or so by the time you leave. It's BoL, and costs one credit.


Also, what are your favourite planet storylines in the game (both factions)? I really enjoyed Dromund Kass as I felt it was more like the KotOR 1 Korriban than the actual Korriban but the zaps were so satisfying for the inquisitor storyline there.


DK was pretty good, yeah. On pub characters I like NS planetary questing the best. I also like Corellia on both factions. I skip Quesh wherever possible; apart from the weird bug / feature where comps don't gain affection from conversations, it also has a very irritating quest mechanic during the last zone for both factions.


should I just play them as other classes to get the content on them.


Even using the WAM it's unlikely you won't overlevel. If making multiple alts, have them do some planetary quests and avoid others, and get other chars to run through them, whoever it makes sense for you to do. I've never done this but some players evidently use excel to keep track of which of their chars do which missions.


To me it never made much sense for Agents in Act 2 to run planetary quests because they need to keep on the down low. Likewise JKs in Act 1 don't really have time to screw around with Alderaanian politics when they are looking for superweapons at the same time. In Act 3, as you may know, your SI starts to run into some problems, and while the game doesn't reflect any difference, I have a hard time imagining them running errands for Darth Serevin on Voss while their mind is literally coming apart at the seams.

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Interesting. Have you heard of any other planets like this and do you have any experience on this claim?


No, sorry, because I don't play the Agent class - I don't play imperial side much at all, with very few exceptions (like the dig for HK parts).

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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