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Two new classes : Non Force user, melee


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Well, I know a new class is very, very unlikely... too much work, even without having any class story for it.

As the title imply, the idea revolves around a melee fighter that doesn't isen't a Force user.


Empire side : Fighter-Slave

A slave used for labor and fight, but mainly fight... his life expectancy isn't good and most die at an early age, from untreated wounds, or the abuse of their masters. But sometime, one can rise above all others.


Advanced Class 1 : Pit Fighter

Weapons : None (uses two catalyst/shields), or maybe cestus/claws

The Pit Fighter is often found on crime-worlds, where law, if there is any, is just a word for the inhabitants. Betting on fights is commonplace, from the lowest slums to the richets crime-lord palaces... and what better show than two people pitted against each other with their fists for sole weapons.

- Discipline 1 : Teräs Käsi (tank). Developed by the Followers of Palawa, Teras Kasi is a hand to hand fighting style devoted to fight off the Jedis. A practitionner of Teras Kasi is trained to effectively anticipate opponent attacks. An evasive tank.

- Discipline 2 : Brute (DPS). Some fighters use brute strength to overpower their ennemies. A Brute is a fighter who often breaks his opponents bones, shatter their skull and has no qualm to use an opponent to hit others. DPS that uses debuffs and AoE a lot.

- Discipline 3 : Precision (DPS) Some martial artits aren't that strong, but perfer to be quick and precise in their strikes. Such fighters often learn how to detect weaknesses of their ennemies and are the best to use those weaknesses. DPS based around crit rating and huge damaging hits.


Advanced Class 2 : Gladiator

Weapons : Single vibro-sword/techno-blade main-hand and vibro-knife off-hand.

Even in the more refined societies, one can find fighting arenas where fighters are put against each others, or against dangerous creatures. There is more than blood and gore in these fights and a fighter's presence can win the crowd. Some slaves bound to this life can become wealthier than kings and queens.

This one has Stealth.

- Discipline 1 : Showman (Healer). It's all about the show right ? And if one want to show-off longer, he must learn to survive longer... and sometimes help his opponent to survive longer. This type of fighter end up being better combat medics than real combat medics.

- Discipline 2 : Finesse (DPS). When a fighter know his blade, its shape, its weight, he can use it with a fightening efficiency. This trained swordsman has nothing to envy to the jedis can will often surprise them with feints, tricks and precision. DPS based around multiple low-damaging strikes.

- Discipline 3 : Trickster (DPS). In the richest arenas, it's all about the show. While some devote themselves to be the center of the spotlights, others prefer to stay shrouded in mystery. Mastering his own image, the trickster appears to be underwhelming at first, before ending the fight with one, precise strike. Stealth based DPS.



Republic side : Bodyguard

People who can fight are always useful in the galaxy, even more during a war. Most learn how to use a gun and a rifle, because you should never bring a sword to a gunfight. But some people are just so good without any sort of ranged weaponry they are hired as bodyguards, special agents and even teachers.


Advanced Class 1 : Honor Guard

Weapons : Electrostaff/Double bladed vibroswords main hand, shield/catalyst off-hand.

A lot of nobles and senators like to have bodyguards that are pleasing to the eye : a fighter who can effectively defend them but who are also prestigious. Honor Guards are such fighters, trained to fight with beautiful, but hindering outfits.

- Discipline 1 : Protector (Tank). Some of these fighters prefer to attract attention to themselves, to let their employer flee at their leisure. Those fighters are often equiped with the best shields and know a lot of fighting styles, not to use them but to effectively counter them. If there is one fighter who know how to face a blaster rifle with only a stick, it's the Protector.

- Discipline 2 : Rioter (DPS). Some guards are trained to fend off angry mobs, without harming them too much. They know how to hurt without killing, and how to sweep into the crowd. DPS that uses debuff and AoE a lot.

- Discipline 3 : Duelist (DPS). Some guards are trained to defend their employer's honor, by dueling for them. Often calm and composed, those fighters know how to strike down an opponent quickly by exploiting its weaknesses. DPS based around crit rating and hits with huge damages.


Advanced Class 2 : Shadow Guard

Weapons : no weapon (generator/catalyst) main-hand and vibro-knife off-hand.

While some people prefer to uses their guards as a symbol of their wealth and power, some are more saavy and tend to keep their bodyguard consealed until needed. A shadow guard must protect by taking out the menace before it strikes. Those types of guards are best trained in hand to hand combat and with the use of small weapons.

This one has Stealth.

- Discipline 1 : Medic (Healer). Even with the best training, it's sometime hard to prevent things to go south. A good bodyguard with medical skills can prevent his employer from dying, even in the most dire stituation.

- Discipline 2 : Lightning Fists (DPS). While staying concealed until it's time to strike, some bodyguards like to put on an intimidating show, where they pummel their opponent with multiple strikes. While those fighters are not necessarily the strongest, they overwhelm their opponent with numerous strikes, preventing them to effectively dodge. DPS based around multiple low-damaging strikes.

- Discipline 3 : K'tara (DPS). Of course, when one use little to no weapon, he will want to disable its opponent quickly. K'tara is a martial art designed to defeat an opponent quickly and quietly and is often used by assassins. DPS based around stealth.



And about the story ?

Easy enough :


The Fighter-Slave starts on Hutta, as Nem'ro's fighting slave.

The prologue revolve around the slave being seen as the best fighter of the planet, before being bought off by an Empire Noble, who was there to negociate with Nem'ro. Said noble acquire the Slave and take him to Dromun Kaas.

The Chapter 1 could be used to show Sith politics, when one isn't a Force User. We see some Empire Nobles who aren't force sensitive in the Bounty Hunter storyline, but it's underdeveloped. The chapter ends with the Slave being acquired by a true Sith, mayhap a member of the Dark Council.

Chapter 2 would explore Sith politics and scheming even more, with the Slave starting to pull his own strings, using the influence of his current master.

Chapter 3 would explore how a nobody, a slave without Force Powers, achieve nobility in the Empire.


The Bodyguard starts on Ord Mantel, as a senator/diplomat's bodyguard (duh).

The prologue revolve around his employer trying to bring peace in this warzone through negociations.

The Chapter 1 could follow the same idea, on a more galactic scale, ending with the Bodyguard seeing first hand the war starting again.

The Chapter 2 would follow Saresh, who now employ the Bodyguard and use him to further her own agenda.

The Chapter 3 would show how a bodyguard, a mere meatshield, can sometime influence political decisions.

Edited by Myrmicus
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Take care not to use existing in-game terminology for different things. You use "Discipline" where the game uses "Advanced Class", and "Spec" where the game uses "Discipline". That made following your suggestion harder than it should have been. (I found two disciplines but was expecting there to be a third, while I didn't find any advanced classes at all...)
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First, thanks for all the write up and thought for these classes.

Second, for me I don't see non force user classes fitting to SWTOR current game story.

*I refused to play any none force user classes available in game, after I finished their story class for legendary status they all got deleted in a blink of an eyes and I never look back to them :D

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First, thanks for all the write up and thought for these classes.

Second, for me I don't see non force user classes fitting to SWTOR current game story.

*I refused to play any none force user classes available in game, after I finished their story class for legendary status they all got deleted in a blink of an eyes and I never look back to them :D


Wait really? You didn’t like the agent?

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Wait really? You didn’t like the agent?


The only non force user class that made me laugh and enjoy while leveling is Smuggler Chapter One, the rest of Smuggler story went down hill after that. Also, I'm playing SWTOR because of the lightsaber :D If I'm in love with non force user class like Agent I would play other FPS game better than SWTOR :D

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The only non force user class that made me laugh and enjoy while leveling is Smuggler Chapter One, the rest of Smuggler story went down hill after that. Also, I'm playing SWTOR because of the lightsaber :D If I'm in love with non force user class like Agent I would play other FPS game better than SWTOR :D


Don't quite see the correlation between not liking a ranged class in an MMORPG game and playing an FPS game, but power to you for your opinion I guess. As far as I'm concerned I think the game would be boring if we'd just have force using classes, even if in the end I do prefer them.

Edited by silenthc
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