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Anyone else okay with EGA and just psyched to play?


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Think this is just a massive overrection and the only negative thing to come from this for me is a glance at the kind of community this game may have to endure :(


Staggered early access doesn't bother me one bit. Yay for play.


Complete cluster-**** shipping combined with grace period retraction - those have me steamed.

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Love getting in early - don't care that it temporarily reduces pop, love that in fact. If everyone was admitted today it would have been a s*&t show for questing etc. By the 20th it will be in full swing, stable, and well distributed because of the ramp launch. This is smart, its the right thing to do, and I am loving it.
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The fact is when people pre ordered they were under the impression that early access would begin 5 days before the game was slated to released. They have been granted an additional two days ahead meaning that for many of them its likely they could recieve additional free time and their still complaining. I'm psyched, the waiting is hard but man when I get in it will be sweet.
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Looks like the timeline will be exactly the same. Doesnt bother me a whole lot. Maybe the rumors that people who pre ordered in November are getting in. I think those are rumors whoever.


I say people need to lay the glass pipe down.....

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Think this is just a massive overrection and the only negative thing to come from this for me is a glance at the kind of community this game may have to endure :(


Ding ding mcdingerson.


I like the idea that when I get in, I won't have to do Hutta with every single Dark/Mundane player running around me killin' mah mobs all at once.

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I am fine with it. When I preordered in early October I figured that I might get in the game on the 18th. Now I am guessing that I may get in on the 16th. Who knows I could luck out and get in on the 15th.


Yeah, I ordered in october too. Thursday/Friday for us is my guess, which is cool. Whole weekend to get cracking.


This is the internet, so I knew I'd see a good deal of ridiculous hyperbole and crying from people who think they are entitled to play 2 days earlier than anyone ever expected to play before a week and a half ago, but geez. This place is really in a league of it's own.

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I didn't get in early and don't expect anything really for a few more days, but im fine with how they are doing this. I mean think about it, early access even one minute is just bonus time. Thank you bioware for the early access.


Hey people a watched pot never boils, go hug your mom, wife, son, daughter, call your grandparents and tell them you love them, youll be in game in no time and the person you hugged/called will probably smile.


Thats gotta be way better then sitting at your pc refreshing your inbox.

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The staggered early access doesnt bother me too much. I am however a little disapointed that some of my good gaming buddies will be far ahead of me. I have been gaming with some of them for nearly a decade (:eek: yikes im old) and it would have been nice to start this new adventure together.


As it is, I will get over it and we shouldn't be too far apart. I just look forward to playing.

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way I see it if I get in thursday (in 2 days, and with an early augest pre-order that seems likely if not earlier( I get in a day earlier then expected. I'm cool. sides LOTRO just released a new update I can always run instances there for a bit (too bad the new epic book is only like 45 minutes of content :( )
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I didn't get in early and don't expect anything really for a few more days, but im fine with how they are doing this. I mean think about it, early access even one minute is just bonus time. Thank you bioware for the early access.


Hey people a watched pot never boils, go hug your mom, wife, son, daughter, call your grandparents and tell them you love them, youll be in game in no time and the person you hugged/called will probably smile.


Thats gotta be way better then sitting at your pc refreshing your inbox.


Thats the best idea ive heard all day friend:)

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Like this way of doing a early start over letting everyone in and crashing the servers. This is Biowares first MMO and they are learning.


No I am not be in till wave 8 or 12 since order Aug 3. But our guild leader is in which helps.

Edited by Romiz
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I have no problems with their methods of staggering the population, the only thing I ask for is better communication between the company and it's consumers. Just a simple thread letting us know (based on time of pre-order) when people should be expecting their emails.


I am still looking forward to playing, regardless if it's 5 days or 1 day I get to play earlier. In a month, no one's going to care about the date they got into the game anyway.

Edited by Vidsw
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I actually think its a good idea how they are doing this. Even though i probably still gotta wait a few days im really glad they added a couple of more days of early access. I preordered probably late august but didnt get a code until late October so i was only expecting maybe a couple of days early anyways.
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