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Just wondering, shouldn't be there more than two factions? Third : the Chiss loyal to the Ascendancy . Fourth: the Mandalorians.

After KOTET, everything is a bit confusing, don't think the Imp will be exactly happy to see my BH ( she sided with the Rep on Iokath) or my Chiss IA who did the same thing.

What do you think?

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Just wondering, shouldn't be there more than two factions? Third : the Chiss loyal to the Ascendancy . Fourth: the Mandalorians.

After KOTET, everything is a bit confusing, don't think the Imp will be exactly happy to see my BH ( she sided with the Rep on Iokath) or my Chiss IA who did the same thing.

What do you think?


The Bounty Hunter...shouldn't be a problem because they are 'For Hire.' However, the Chiss IA on the other hand...will be an issue. I don't see how they could effectively be part of the Empire after a supposed 'traitorous act' in supporting the Republic on Lokath. Unless BWA allows for faction cross-overs, I really don't know how they can make this work.


Unless...they have a story line for those Imperials who chose the Republic side to operate within the Empire as an agent provocateur. Then...that may work as they are actively working against the Empire for the Republic.


Then again, BWA may just white wash it and ignore the results of Lokath all together.

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I always thought how the Hutt cartel could be one of the factions for the BH and smugglers, but I don't see the BW adding more factions because they would require separate questing experience which would lead to the increase of the cost of the production for the game.
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I always thought how the Hutt cartel could be one of the factions for the BH and smugglers, but I don't see the BW adding more factions because they would require separate questing experience which would lead to the increase of the cost of the production for the game.


Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I was of the impression that while powerful, the Hutt Cartel couldn't stand next to the two superpowers? I figured they were gangsters, extremely powerful, and well organized by nothing more. Wouldn't they be considered "small time" to the Empire and Republic?



The Mandalorians and Chiss Ascendancy, that we could realistically see more of in the future. As it stands, all we can do is wait to see what Bio does. But, I don't think we need to be worried about Bio ignoring Iokath.

Edited by TyonYlle
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Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I was of the impression that while powerful, the Hutt Cartel couldn't stand next to the two superpowers? I figured they were gangsters, extremely powerful, and well organized by nothing more. Wouldn't they be considered "small time" to the Empire and Republic?


The Hutt cartel will never be extinguished, it will always have the resources to get an entire armies of the mercenaries under its disposal and the criminal networks in the entire galaxy. The story itself could always be made for it to make it into the logical faction , something in the way how the hutts were described on the Makeb - that they would have the technology with which they would be able to stand against both the republic and the empire and even be a threat to them.

Edited by Lunablade
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The Hutt cartel will never be distinguished, It will always have the resources to get an entire armies of the mercenaries under its disposal and the criminal networks in the entire galaxy. The story itself could always be made for it to make it into the logical faction , something in the way how the huts were described on the Makeb - that they would have the technology with which they would be able to stand against both the republic and the empire and even be a threat to them.

Oh, that's true! I totally for about what Bio did with Makeb, it's been so long since I played through that arc lol

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Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I was of the impression that while powerful, the Hutt Cartel couldn't stand next to the two superpowers? I figured they were gangsters, extremely powerful, and well organized by nothing more. Wouldn't they be considered "small time" to the Empire and Republic?


Hutts had their own empire long before Republic and Sith Empire were founded and their organization was still powerful enough to declare a war on Darth Krayt empire over 130 years after Yavin - so while not as big as Empire or Republic, much less formal and without official military, Hutts are the most enduring organization in Star Wars.

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Hutts had their own empire long before Republic and Sith Empire were founded and their organization was still powerful enough to declare a war on Darth Krayt empire over 130 years after Yavin - so while not as big as Empire or Republic, much less formal and without official military, Hutts are the most enduring organization in Star Wars.


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Having a ton of factions would probably get difficult to implement since many areas, flashpoints and events are faction-bound. At most I'd see a third faction maybe being a "freelance" or "neutral" faction with an "alliance" with either republic or empire, to access their waypoints and events while not actually being either. Edited by Kiesu
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Having a ton of factions would probably get difficult to implement since many areas, flashpoints and events and faction-bound. At most I'd see a third faction maybe being a "freelance" or "neutral" faction with an "alliance" with either republic or empire, to access their waypoints and events while not actually being either.


Yes, a freelance or neutral faction would do nice, it could include smugglers & bounty hunters. Great idea ! :)

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My preference would be to have the Alliance remain intact for those who do not want to return to the Republic or Empire, but that future content would have a choice similar to Iokath, where the player can choose to align with either one, but not fully integrate into the organization. I know most of my characters would not return to either the Republic or Empire.
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My preference would be to have the Alliance remain intact for those who do not want to return to the Republic or Empire, but that future content would have a choice similar to Iokath, where the player can choose to align with either one, but not fully integrate into the organization. I know most of my characters would not return to either the Republic or Empire.


^^^^ That's what I think is going to happen. We'll still be the 'Alliance' supporting our allied faction in their war.

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^^^^ That's what I think is going to happen. We'll still be the 'Alliance' supporting our allied faction in their war.


I hope that people who want to return to their old faction will have that option, just not at the expense of those who don't want to. I think there's room for a middle ground that wouldn't require creating too many versions of the content. It could really just be a conversation wheel in an early cutscene and leave it at that. In a perfect world they would be able to create all kinds of variations of content, but that's not the reality. I think there are little ways around it though.

Edited by DuchessKristania
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I hope that people who want to return to their old faction will have that option, just not at the expense of those who don't want to. I think there's room for a middle ground that wouldn't require creating too many versions of the content. It could really just be a conversation wheel in an early cutscene and leave it at that. In a perfect world they would be able to create all kinds of variations of content, but that's not the reality. I think there are little ways around it though.


One solution would be the following: your Alliance members ( including comps) refuse to return to their original factions and want to stay with you till the bitter end. I can see Torian, Shae & a few other doing that.

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One solution would be the following: your Alliance members ( including comps) refuse to return to their original factions and want to stay with you till the bitter end. I can see Torian, Shae & a few other doing that.


That's part of the reason I want to stay with the Alliance. I love all my comps. I collect them, like Pokemon and I want to keep ALL of them. Not only that, but I want to have the option of having ALL of them for any of my toons. I want to create my own crew. It would usually end up being Vector, Theron, Torian, Vette, and Zenith. Though, there would be some change ups, like having Bowdaar, T7, or Akaavi (her name always sounds like a desert fruit to me.) Vector would be with EVERYONE, lol. I'm not biased or anything, lol.

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My preference would be to have the Alliance remain intact for those who do not want to return to the Republic or Empire, but that future content would have a choice similar to Iokath, where the player can choose to align with either one, but not fully integrate into the organization. I know most of my characters would not return to either the Republic or Empire.


The "faction" choice for Iokath was a disaster. Grouping, operations, chat, warzones, all are still imp/pub based, so an imp class choosing republic or a pub class choosing empire just screwed the player. There were numerous times I tried to do Colossus where someone couldn't be in the op group because they chose the wrong faction. I also had times were GotM raids were messed up.


Unless they fix the underlying mechanics of a game completely designed around imp/pub split and opposed to each other, they definitely should not repeat their Iokath faction disaster.

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That's part of the reason I want to stay with the Alliance. I love all my comps. I collect them, like Pokemon and I want to keep ALL of them. Not only that, but I want to have the option of having ALL of them for any of my toons. I want to create my own crew. It would usually end up being Vector, Theron, Torian, Vette, and Zenith. Though, there would be some change ups, like having Bowdaar, T7, or Akaavi (her name always sounds like a desert fruit to me.) Vector would be with EVERYONE, lol. I'm not biased or anything, lol.


LOL no worries, i understand your fascination for Vector, he is not exactly the typical "imperial" , even if his description states he admires the Empire .


If i could make my own crew, it would greatly depend of the Outlander, for example my JC would chose Torian, Dazh Ranos, Akaavi, Theron & Zenith ( well that's a difficult one, since my girl is kinda in love with both of them..)

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LOL no worries, i understand your fascination for Vector, he is not exactly the typical "imperial" , even if his description states he admires the Empire .


If i could make my own crew, it would greatly depend of the Outlander, for example my JC would chose Torian, Dazh Ranos, Akaavi, Theron & Zenith ( well that's a difficult one, since my girl is kinda in love with both of them..)


I really just like his respectful nature, intelligence, and Vector-ness, lol. I just don't want to be forced back into a faction that doesn't make sense for who my characters have become, and I don't want to endure another companion culling. Leave the companions alone.

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One solution would be the following: your Alliance members ( including comps) refuse to return to their original factions and want to stay with you till the bitter end. I can see Torian, Shae & a few other doing that.

I replayed the story last night and 1 of the conversation between me vs Lana about I wanted to turn the galaxy back to where it was before I got put into carbonite sleep, and Lana replied that she "won't go back to her empire and go fight against me (i'm a Jedi)", so my guess she refer to stay neutral as free lander alliance.

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