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So it's either Lana or Arcann?


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I imagine Theron, even if you didn't fully romance-lock him before KOTFE, stayed mostly faithful/single but that is in large due to his character. He doesn't open up easily, he doesn't connect with people easily, he makes it pretty clear during SoR that such things are uncommon for him and it makes your situation rather unique. I headcanon Jonas tried to set him up on a date or two, to get him out of the office and take his mind off of you but it didn't amount to a thing.


Andronikos I can imagine probably picked up several one nighters or flings along the way, no matter how much he still loves you. To drown out his loss, as an escape and simply because 'needs'. Same for Kaliyo and I would think DS Jaesa as well. I can even see Doc at some point, growing hopeless, drinking his sorrows away and stepping out with some random woman.


Vector, Malavai (lol I almost said 'and Quinn', durr) and Aric I imagine remained faithful. I don't see them as the type to engage in meaningless affairs or to open up easily to someone new.


Corso... not sure. He is a traditional, somewhat old fashioned romantic soul but if I recall right, he did have a fiance before you and didn't he somewhat give up on her at one point and start dating you? Not sure how the 5-6 years would have affected him.


The others like Torian and Felix, or the female romances, I just don't know well enough to judge and I think it's obvious Lana engaged in a fling of sorts with Koth before you were rescued.

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I just want BW to stop messing with our companions, period. You like Lana? Great, have at her. Arcan more your speed? Go for it. Want to try and bang as many as possible in a playthrough? Why not? It's your story, have fun with it. BW caused a huge problem when they allowed LIs to be killed. If we want to change that, we need to stop attacking each other for our likes or dislikes and start attacking them for pitting us against each other. Bad publicity isn't equal to good, and it seems like they have forgotten that.
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As far as i see, there will be only two romance options, both forced on players. This is not OK! Get over it, some people are STRAIGHT, so they will never be with Lana. Some people actually want honorable good looking partners, so they will never be with Arcann.

Please stop this forced LI nonsense, it will make more people unsub.




- BH



Hi, Bluehufsa!

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I just want BW to stop messing with our companions, period. You like Lana? Great, have at her. Arcan more your speed? Go for it. Want to try and bang as many as possible in a playthrough? Why not? It's your story, have fun with it. BW caused a huge problem when they allowed LIs to be killed. If we want to change that, we need to stop attacking each other for our likes or dislikes and start attacking them for pitting us against each other. Bad publicity isn't equal to good, and it seems like they have forgotten that.


Yep, that is what I said in another thread and was accused of nagging. I am not attacking anyone's LI, all LIs should be protected, even ones I don't like. Cause I know not everyone likes the same ones I do. We need to be a united front.

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Yep, that is what I said in another thread and was accused of nagging. I am not attacking anyone's LI, all LIs should be protected, even ones I don't like. Cause I know not everyone likes the same ones I do. We need to be a united front.

I would welcome a united front. We do and should want better treatment for all companions and romances regardless of our personal favorites. I'm quite happy for NamelessChick#1 to be sitting behind her screen enjoying a hand in hand walk through the wilderness with Arcann while in my own gameplay, Theron whisks my character away for a romantic outing.

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I can definitely see Andronikos as more receptive to an open relationship, and I see it in Nox's nature too. Same with a Smuggler in ways (if you're not tied down to Corso who's far more traditional) and an Agent who is given some leniency by Vector though I agree with Este, he'd want to be the only true love in your heart. But he seems to understand the flirtatious nature of an Agent, how it serves them in their line of work etc.


I read rumors, and they're JUST rumors, I've seen no actual proof of course, that is you say for example hook back up with Jorgan and you're happy la la la and then dump him for Arcann, he (along with the others) will send you a nasty NASTY letter basically whiskey tango foxtroting you about it.


Like I said, no idea if those are true, but just read some forum where they said it could happen. If it's true, I'm loling at everyone who got back with their original LI and then dump him/her for Arcann.


Just so we're clear, I never saw proof, just what someone said, so it could all be lies and wishful thinking.

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I read rumors, and they're JUST rumors, I've seen no actual proof of course, that is you say for example hook back up with Jorgan and you're happy la la la and then dump him for Arcann, he (along with the others) will send you a nasty NASTY letter basically whiskey tango foxtroting you about it.


Like I said, no idea if those are true, but just read some forum where they said it could happen. If it's true, I'm loling at everyone who got back with their original LI and then dump him/her for Arcann.


Just so we're clear, I never saw proof, just what someone said, so it could all be lies and wishful thinking.


I thought there was a break up scene. My characters are faithful to whatever LI I put them with, so I've never gotten one, but I thought I saw someone talking about a mission that was basically a break up. Maybe that's just with Lana or Theron, though.

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Exactly!! His letter is pretty disappointing, someone sure as hell turned him into a kicked puppy and I'm not liking it, he has a lot more backbone than that so that one, yeah, big nope, bad Bioware. But the other ones are pretty damn good and harsh, as they should be, and I had a good chuckle and hooray at them. Grateful my toons will never receive them, I'd feel crushed, but Arcann is a huge no in my book so I'm safe lol.


Oh, forgot to mention, heard the Corso one (well most of them to some extent) basically calls you a ****. And it makes me nod my head like YUP!

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Not just his letter but if you make him beg before either sending him to prison, taking him back, or killing him. I'm like who the **** is this companion and WHY did you do that to him!!?? He went to PRISON for you and they're (Bioware) are going to treat him like ****? They're the ones who created the character, don't turn him into some crappy whiny *****.

His letter is absolutely the most pathetic one in the bunch. I'd rant a lot more if it weren't for spoilers but yeah, this person who writes for Malavai now either doesn't know him AT ALL and lacks the brain to comprehend the complexity Neil put into him or they just hate him and are wrecking him on purpose.


Corso's packs a punch as well, for which I'm glad because he's one of the sappier dudes out there and he seems to be taking a lot of your **** through the class arc stuff as you flirt with anything that breathes but now he kinda bites back which is a welcome thing.


Can PM you uh, things, if you wanna.

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His letter is absolutely the most pathetic one in the bunch. I'd rant a lot more if it weren't for spoilers but yeah, this person who writes for Malavai now either doesn't know him AT ALL and lacks the brain to comprehend the complexity Neil put into him or they just hate him and are wrecking him on purpose.


Corso's packs a punch as well, for which I'm glad because he's one of the sappier dudes out there and he seems to be taking a lot of your **** through the class arc stuff as you flirt with anything that breathes but now he kinda bites back which is a welcome thing.


Can PM you uh, things, if you wanna.


Yes PM me, just so the swtor forum gods don't kick us in the butt.

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I would love to read these letters. I will never get them in game, but I am really curious to read them.


I'll have to pm you the link, if i can find it again. Like I said, they may/may not ever go live, but just the thought of them makes me lol.

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Re Quinn, what seems like pathetic toadyness to some people actually shows (in my opinion) how utterly besotted he is with the PC. He just loves her so much that he'd take her back again under any circumstance. :(



I agree with this completely.

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I can get the sentiment of "I love you so much, I'd take you back despite everything" but it's the rest of the letter and tone of it. The air of "I knew it wouldn't last, you're such an amazing woman and I am a nothing, I'm not surprised you're moving on, you deserve better" etc etc, like the way he speaks about himself being so worthless in comparison, that's the part that really grinds my grill. And I know, lowly Imperial vs mighty Sith but after this long and the marriage they had, nope, really hate seeing him weasel like that about who he is because he has so much worth and I do believe he has a fair bit more confidence than what you see in that letter.


But that's me and I get protective over him so the lack of backbone in that letter when speaking of his own worth just, grrr. That's not who he is and I don't even wanna imagine him beating himself up STILL over that whole dumb betrayal business


Did you see his letter he sends when Theron 'betrays' you? Something along the lines of 'Knowing something about betrayal blah blah blah, I'm here for you' I'm like OMG STOP BEATING THIS DEAD HORSE!! My sith warrior forgave him, took him back into her life and bed and even told his *** that she still loves him and always have. Please stop bringing up the betrayal. I know you did it, he knows it, we don't need to keep hearing/reading about it, thanks, the end.

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I can get the sentiment of "I love you so much, I'd take you back despite everything" but it's the rest of the letter and tone of it. The air of "I knew it wouldn't last, you're such an amazing woman and I am a nothing, I'm not surprised you're moving on, you deserve better" etc etc, like the way he speaks about himself being so worthless in comparison, that's the part that really grinds my grill. And I know, lowly Imperial vs mighty Sith but after this long and the marriage they had, nope, really hate seeing him weasel like that about who he is because he has so much worth and I do believe he has a fair bit more confidence than what you see in that letter.


But that's me and I get protective over him so the lack of backbone in that letter when speaking of his own worth just, grrr. That's not who he is and I don't even wanna imagine him beating himself up STILL over that whole dumb betrayal business


The writers are NEVER going to let it go, ever. Every conversation we have with him, every conversation about him with someone else, every letter we get from him, is going to reference it in some way. I'm so sick of it. At least this is a letter I won't have to see.

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Not just his letter but if you make him beg before either sending him to prison, taking him back, or killing him. I'm like who the **** is this companion and WHY did you do that to him!!?? He went to PRISON for you and they're (Bioware) are going to treat him like ****? They're the ones who created the character, don't turn him into some crappy whiny *****.


The writer who created him is long gone. The new people don't seem overly familiar with him beyond the very superficial.

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Damnit Quinn! I think it is in character for him, but still...after the Quinncident he just doesn't see himself clearly. He is clearly devoted to you, but can't accept why you would feel the same about him.


And Vector...always breaking my heart with his sweetness.


And there it is, the last letter on the list. I was actually surprised to see it there. Isn't that a little too spoilery? Although, it does give me a little bit of hope.

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The writer who created him is long gone. The new people don't seem overly familiar with him beyond the very superficial.


It seems to be the only thing they know. What about his prison time? Couldn't he talk about that a little? I want to know more about that.

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Damnit Quinn! I think it is in character for him, but still...after the Quinncident he just doesn't see himself clearly. He is clearly devoted to you, but can't accept why you would feel the same about him.


And Vector...always breaking my heart with his sweetness.


And there it is, the last letter on the list. I was actually surprised to see it there. Isn't that a little too spoilery? Although, it does give me a little bit of hope.


That part I don't know. Someone here in the forums I think, said you can romance Arcann right when he is redeemed and comes to see you, so that person, would be able to send you that.

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Did you see his letter he sends when Theron 'betrays' you? Something along the lines of 'Knowing something about betrayal blah blah blah, I'm here for you' I'm like OMG STOP BEATING THIS DEAD HORSE!! My sith warrior forgave him, took him back into her life and bed and even told his *** that she still loves him and always have. Please stop bringing up the betrayal. I know you did it, he knows it, we don't need to keep hearing/reading about it, thanks, the end.

Exactly!! Neil Pollsomethingwhatever stopped writing for Quinn long ago, unfortunately, because he knew the character he created. Whoever picked up the slack of this seems clueless and loves beating a dead horse which is annoying. You don't see Kaliyo whimpering over how she cheated on you like 10 bloody years ago but apparently that's who they think Quinn is and he is NOT.


The writers are NEVER going to let it go, ever. Every conversation we have with him, every conversation about him with someone else, every letter we get from him, is going to reference it in some way. I'm so sick of it. At least this is a letter I won't have to see.

Nope. You'd almost think they got a whiteboard checklist saying "Quinn; Imperial, Betrayed the PC" and that's all they know to go by and base new content for him on, it's silly.


I won't get the letter either thankfully, I won't be getting any of them, Theron's really quite breaks my heart so I'm more than ever thrilled I didn't romance Arcann.

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The writer who created him is long gone. The new people don't seem overly familiar with him beyond the very superficial.


Then we all need to have a talk with the new writer cause he/she has no clue about Quinn. He has a damn backbone! He's not a whiny little ponce. By the time you're already married and at least Shadow of Revan begins, he still shows respect due to you being all mighty sith (which annoys me because I'm his wife by this time) but he's smart and has his backbone.


*sigh* There's always fanfiction I guess. I know I *********** love Phyreblade, I think is his/her name, they write a DAMN good Quinn who has a damn backbone and they just write fanfiction.

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That part I don't know. Someone here in the forums I think, said you can romance Arcann right when he is redeemed and comes to see you, so that person, would be able to send you that.


Well I am going to hold out hope that maybe these letters were planned for 5.9, because Theron is included on the list. I think his letter is the most heartbreaking, knowing his background and everything. I won't ever get these letters, if they make it in game, but it was nice getting insight into how everyone feels.


I really like Aric and Kaliyo's letters, more of them should have been angry like those two.

Edited by rachetsw
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I don't want to imagine what Quinn went through in prison. You gotta remember, there was all that Broysc stuff too and him being court-martialed, which for a man with his character and sense of honor was a tough blow. He languished on bloody Balmorra for years. Then you get the betrayal situation which I believe was actually just as, if not more so, hard on him as it was on us and when those obstacles have been overcome and he gets to enjoy his career by the Wrath's side and a life with his wife, he loses that too and gets chucked into prison when he goes looking for us. I'm thinking he faced a lot of demons while he sat there having not a whole lot to do or occupy himself with. Edited by JennyFlynn
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I don't want to imagine what Quinn went through in prison. You gotta remember, there was all that Broysc stuff too and him being court-martialed, which for a man with his character and sense of honor was a tough blow. He languished on bloody Balmorra for years. Then you get the betrayal situation which I believe was actually just as, if not more so, hard on him as it was on us and when those obstacles have been overcome and he gets to enjoy his career by the Wrath's side and a life with his wife, he loses that too and gets chucked into prison when he goes looking for us. I'm thinking he faced a lot of demons while he sat there having not a whole lot to do or occupy himself with.


Especially if he gave up hope and didn't know if you were even alive or not. Though, I wish he'd come to see us on Dromund Kaas. I know he said he was afraid we didn't love him anymore, but omg, it was 5 years with us being frozen, then almost 2 years being away from him. Why would he think we stopped loving him? He didn't do anything to us in those 7 years (as far as we know, which doesn't seem like he would). I wish I had an option to smack him upside the back of his head for thinking we stopped loving him. If it had been right after the betrayal, THEN I could see him thinking we stopped loving him, but being frozen and then being busy with fighting Arcann and his crazy *** sister? No. Which is why I'm like if Bioware doesn't give us a cutscene or two with Quinn during 5.10 or 6.0 or whatever, I'm going to fly out to Texas and start kicking butts, bad knee or not. :mad:


Did you guys see Vector's response when we went to go grab him? People were saying he sounded different, but to me, it sounded like he was about to cry his eyes out after everything.

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