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Is Imp healer stacking the norm on SS?


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7 matches in a row against this same group. So I requeued to break the rotation and I get a triple healer 1 tank premade on the other team for 3 matches. Requeue again, get another 3 healers.

This is ridiculous.

14 matches today and only one didnt have 3 healers on the other team, which was a cross faction match with only one rep (me) and the healers are all on my team. Not only that, but I get abused and trolled all match by my own idiot team with 3 healers while they run off and leave nodes unguarded and we lose them. I then get stuck guarding and take 5 solo kills against 2v1 odds most of the time and only die once when I leap and fall through the floor.

I am seriously questioning these people’s capabilities and capacity to play pvp and be decent human beings. Abusing me was not called for when I did most of the work that won us the game. Sure I did half the dps of the rest of them because I spent the whole match guarding and died once, while they didn’t die because they had 3 healers keeping them alive. (I also didn’t lose the node when I died because the attacker died too and we both got back at the same time ;))

The Imps that are now on SS are the most toxic people I’ve ever seen in any game... ever.... Even ranked wasn’t this bad on Harbinger.

I wish pvp popped more on SF so I could leave this cesspool and go back to playing with adults.

Oh, and needing a 3 healer premade and tank is lame. Especially from a supposed pvp guild. :rolleyes:

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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Some of your posts make it very clear you're a below-average pvper. Nobody ques regs in a premade with more than one healer who's worth a ****.


I see a lot of trinity comp premades, but I cant remember the last time I saw a 3 healer premade. It just doesnt happen.

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Some of your posts make it very clear you're a below-average pvper. Nobody ques regs in a premade with more than one healer who's worth a ****.


I see a lot of trinity comp premades, but I cant remember the last time I saw a 3 healer premade. It just doesnt happen.


I’m not the one queueing in a premade. It’s the Imps. Get your facts right

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I haven't played on SS in awhile and my toons there are gathering dust, so I can't comment on what is normal now in the PVP queue.


People being toxic in Ops chat however is not limited to any server so that I will weigh in on. As hard as it may sometimes be, try not to let it get under your skin. While sometimes people ranting in Ops chat are right about whatever it is they are complaining about even if not in the way they phrased it, most times it is coming from players who either are clueless or who will be turning in a poor performance when that leaderboard pops. I once had a player blame my Sentinel for breaking CC and a node cap at a node I wasn't even at! I guess all Sents start to look alike after awhile. ;)


If it does get under your skin just do what I did. Switch factions (if you're on a Rep toon. Imp side a switch isn't necessary) and if you see that player on the other team...Tunnel and farm. By around the fifth kill you'll feel better.

Edited by Aeneas_Falco
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I haven't played on SS in awhile and my toons there are gathering dust, so I can't comment on what is normal now in the PVP queue.


People being toxic in Ops chat however is not limited to any server so that I will weigh in on. As hard as it may sometimes be, try not to let it get under your skin. While sometimes people ranting in Ops chat are right about whatever it is they are complaining about even if not in the way they phrased it, most times it is coming from players who either are clueless or who will be turning in a poor performance when that leaderboard pops. I once had a player blame my Sentinel for breaking CC and a node cap at a node I wasn't even at! I guess all Sents start to look alike after awhile. ;)


If it does get under your skin just do what I did. Switch factions (if you're on a Rep toon. Imp side a switch isn't necessary) and if you see that player on the other team...Tunnel and farm. By around the fifth kill you'll feel better.


Switching factions doesn’t always work. Point in fact. This is what happened a few hours later.


Once some of those imp healers started to log off for the day, those remaining toxic Imps jump over to the rep side because we were winning and they start being toxic, ruining a relatively nice time we were all having.

One with a similar name to his imp toon would troll me on my own team. He was a sage so he would pull me into fire pits, even with the ball :mad: and pull me back when I’m capping. He didn’t care if the team won or not as long as he could troll me.

How do you stop that from happening when the queue pops are slow and you are guaranteed to be in his team? You can’t, so the only thing you can do is stop pvping, which for me means logging off.

The toxicity is probably driving just as many people from pvp as the Devs are. The mentality these people demonstrate is beyond childish, it’s borderline psychotic.


What do we know about trolls?

Psychological studies show trolls tend to be male, show higher levels of psychopathy traits — low levels of empathy, guilt and responsibility for their actions — and higher levels of sadism traits, the enjoyment of causing others physical and psychological pain.


Edit : I just get PM’d by this guy on another toon because Ive put him on ignore on his main, so he can keep trolling and abusing me some more.

Basically tells me I’m his bi-ach and I should at least be perfoming oral on his node,... oh... and to uninstall of course

I’m not paper flower, but hours of this finally broke me...

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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It happens a fair bit on Darth Malgus too quite frequently.


Usual PUG mix is something like








+1 more. ( sin or Mara usually, occasional sniper or PT)


Which means that they can't kill anyone, since their DPS is really poor, but conversely they can't be easily killed since they all x-heal.


Only enjoyable thing is that I can do other stuff while camped in my fave spots, fluffing my damage until the game is over, or one side or the other manages to bait-and-switch and get one more objective than the other team. - But GL with that if you're stuck with the usual un-coordinated PUG. :rolleyes:


In an ideal world a DPS should evenly match a healer - so it's the first to make a mistake loses. - but 3+ healers bouncing around a node is hard to shift / cc for long enough to channel the cap.


Personally I think the whole thing needs looking at. I'd sacrifice some of my longevity and OP-ish DCDs for a quicker TTK.

That's something that needs attention - and would probably be easier than re-jigging the maps so that respawns or travel--to-node times taking longer. - IMHO

Edited by Storm-Cutter
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I’ve just come moved back to SS and most matches has 2-3 imp healers and a tank. People criticise reps for doing this on the forums. But I’m seeing the Imps doing it more.


What’s the deal?


Trixie, my guild premades regularly in WZs on SS. I can't speak for other Imp guilds that premade, but we never bring more than one healer per premade (one premade = one group of 4 players). If we end up with a double-premade (which doesn't happen often), we'll have a total of two healers. Off peak hours, sometimes we'll have no healers.


It is possible that a healer in one premade, plus 4 PUGs, you can end up with 3 healers if there happens to be 2 healers in that PUG component, but I rarely see this happen. And I play almost every night.


However, the Pub side brings out healers in droves when they are playing late at night. I'm not sure what times you play, but if you queue up between 11pm and 3am CT (midnight - 4am ET), you'll see what I'm talking about.

Edited by Mournblood
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It happens a fair bit on Darth Malgus too quite frequently.


Usual PUG mix is something like








+1 more. ( sin or Mara usually, occasional sniper or PT)


Which means that they can't kill anyone, since their DPS is really poor, but conversely they can't be easily killed since they all x-heal.


Only enjoyable thing is that I can do other stuff while camped in my fave spots, fluffing my damage until the game is over, or one side or the other manages to bait-and-switch and get one more objective than the other team. - But GL with that if you're stuck with the usual un-coordinated PUG. :rolleyes:


In an ideal world a DPS should evenly match a healer - so it's the first to make a mistake loses. - but 3+ healers bouncing around a node is hard to shift / cc for long enough to channel the cap.


Personally I think the whole thing needs looking at. I'd sacrifice some of my longevity and OP-ish DCDs for a quicker TTK.

That's something that needs attention - and would probably be easier than re-jigging the maps so that respawns or travel--to-node times taking longer. - IMHO


We’ve just had a few hours where the imp healers had logged off. We’ve had pretty balanced teams of 1 healer 1 tank each. We were having some really good matches and Reps were dominating the Imps for about 3 hours and all of sudden, new imp healers pop and we’re back to 3 imp healers and multiple tanks per match.

I’ve only been on one rep team all day that had more than one healer.

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what i see ad server DM is a lot of assassins

maby 1 ore 2 juggs 1 merc and a few sorcs

but assassins realy hit the top spot atm


am sure players try a other class now becouse of the kind of nerf comes to skank tanking mostly for juggs


on the rep side they focus more on sagas only from heal to dps spec

and its a pain in the butt to kill so many sagas XD


i play self atm sorc ( madness ) and am doing ok not top dps dealer but mostly i hit over 1 mil damage

only jugg and sniper hit way more and sometimes merc to


but i don't see much IA healers on our server

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I think you need to go fill out that mood log Trixie. :p


I solo PUG almost exclusively, and usually between about 4 PM and 7-8PM EST, and usually imp side now. I can only speak for my own experience of course, but I haven't noticed "us" stacking healers on purpose. I'll see multiple healers on, but since a lot of matches are imp v. imp, I get to see them distributed all over the place. One match they are all on my team, the next match they are all on the other, the next they are split up.


And I think the population seems small enough now, even on SS, that I see the same group of people all night long. I'll see a few obvious premades... GD as already mentioned pops up, or Resisting or Orange Juice. But I also see them showing up just by themselves, so it's not like they only ever queue if they can "unfairly stack" or something. But mostly, in my experience/opinion, it's just there happens to be a few people playing healers and/or tanks, and with BW's wonderful matchmakingnot, it might look like purposeful stacking.


Or maybe I need to take these rose color glasses off... who knows? :D

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I don't see many Imp premades and don't see usually 3 + healers on IMP side (I play imp only) however i do see in the evening abundance of pub premades with 2+ healers.


BTW any guild do regularly wz on SS and need sin tank or oper.?

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I don't see many Imp premades and don't see usually 3 + healers on IMP side (I play imp only) however i do see in the evening abundance of pub premades with 2+ healers.


BTW any guild do regularly wz on SS and need sin tank or oper.?


Must be the different times we play. I played for 12 hours straight yesterday. From 6pm - 9am EST.

I think it saw 4 rep premades of 4 players. I did see a few 2 man rep premades, but saw just as many Imp 2 man premades. While the Imps had multiple 4 man premades, I saw at least 10 different guild premades over that period and god knows how many impromptu premades of non guilds. I know for a fact there was at least one because they were guys who trolled me in my own Yavin team.


I only saw one Imp guild premade of 3 heals and tank. But they were in the queue for hours and as a rep side player with limited reps in the queue, we seems to get this premade a lot.

There were other 2 man Imp guild premades that ran double healer or healer tank combos. The double healer is a bit much for a guild to run, but I understand the healer tank premades are fine.

The problem is those healers aren’t the only ones in the queue. So we were getting 2x 2 man healer tank premades in lots of matches, that’s 2 healers and 2 tanks. Plus, we would often get one extra solo healer as well. This is why we were getting lots of matches with 3 healers and a bunch of tanks.


One would have thought that if you were an imp and kept popping match after match with 3 heals and tanks on your team, some people would switch class for the next few matches to see if it fixed the team balance. But that doesn’t happen and the same people get into a pop rotation together and we end up with these ridiculous impromptu 3 healer tank premades every match.

Imp vs Imp matches might be different and there so few reps in the queue compared to Imps. So people who play Imp might not be seeing these 3 healer teams as much as the reps are. But there are some Imps who are and when they get into a pop rotation together, they are more than happy to stay like that instead of breaking it up (you know who you are... cough, cough, pvp guild)


I know in the past that reps would form actual premades of 2 healers and tanks, but I’m not seeing that on SS. It is a thing on SF still and very annoying, even when they are on your team. I’m just so surprised to see it on SS because it never used to be like this. I think people have played so long with the reps doing it, that they thought, if you can’t beat them (metaphorically), you might as well join them. Now it’s the Imps with too many healers and the reps seem to have dropped this tactic on SS.


I think it’s time to change the perception that reps are the main perpetrators of this tactic and realise that Imps are just as much to blame for it, especially on SS. Not so much SF and I’ve no idea what they do on the EU servers.


The game needs a match making system in regs or at least a system that limits matches to 1 healer per team. Games just become boring or one sided because of this healer stacking, even if it’s not intentional. I’ve seen 4 healers in Yavin matches on one team and none on the other, even though they were healers from both factions.


We can’t control how many solo people queue as healers, everyone queues with their fav when they are playing by themselves. But we can be aware of it if we are making premades or have many Alts and have choices on what to play.

When I see trinity premades from old pvp guilds or big names guilds who have been around forever, it shows they aren’t there to be competitive or play with friends or make sure they don’t have bads on their team... they are there to stomp people, there is no other reason because they rarely have competition and they are usually seasoned players.


I understand premades are a thing and nothing seems to change people’s perception, even though I wish they would limit the size of them. All I ask is if you are good players, limit your premades, don’t stack healer-tanks and definitely don’t run trinity in regs. If you are queueing solo as a healer and see other healers consistently on your teams, switch to an Alt for a bit. If you are a seasoned pvp, you probably have one of each class and know them well, even if they aren’t your main. Doing this will make pvp less tedious (like dummy parsing) and more fun and dynamic.


Edit: also just to add and nothing to do with healers, these 4 man stealth premades are multiplying like cancer. They are nothing more than troll groups, guys, just don’t. It’s worse than trinity premades because one is usually a healer.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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Switching factions doesn’t always work. Point in fact. This is what happened a few hours later.


Once some of those imp healers started to log off for the day, those remaining toxic Imps jump over to the rep side because we were winning and they start being toxic, ruining a relatively nice time we were all having.

One with a similar name to his imp toon would troll me on my own team. He was a sage so he would pull me into fire pits, even with the ball :mad: and pull me back when I’m capping. He didn’t care if the team won or not as long as he could troll me.

How do you stop that from happening when the queue pops are slow and you are guaranteed to be in his team? You can’t, so the only thing you can do is stop pvping, which for me means logging off.

The toxicity is probably driving just as many people from pvp as the Devs are. The mentality these people demonstrate is beyond childish, it’s borderline psychotic.


What do we know about trolls?

Psychological studies show trolls tend to be male, show higher levels of psychopathy traits — low levels of empathy, guilt and responsibility for their actions — and higher levels of sadism traits, the enjoyment of causing others physical and psychological pain.


Edit : I just get PM’d by this guy on another toon because Ive put him on ignore on his main, so he can keep trolling and abusing me some more.

Basically tells me I’m his bi-ach and I should at least be perfoming oral on his node,... oh... and to uninstall of course

I’m not paper flower, but hours of this finally broke me...


Yikes. Sorry to hear that you ran into that. Tempers sometimes flare in PVP but a person going through the effort of alt hopping to send harassing tells to you after a warzone ends takes a special kind of obsessive douchebaggery. There is no excuse for it and it is no longer "heat of the moment."


I thankfully haven't run into that yet but maybe at that point it's best to report, if you haven't done so already. I don't like reporting other players but that's exactly the sort of behavior that deserves to land a player on time out. In any case it was understandable that it got under your skin.


As for healers and premades...


I haven't run into any 3 healer premades on Star Forge but I have not infrequently ended up teamed up with double premades running two healers while I was solo pugging my Sage healer. That includes Yavin where there is no reason to have all the healers stacked on a single team. The biggest thing this game's PVP needs is some basic form of matchmaking.

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I played 22 warzones yesterday. One of them had 4 healers (2 per side). The rest was 1-3. Some of those I was queuing as healer with 1 or 2 other players. 3 games I was the only healer on my team to two healers on the opposite team, I won all of those games. One was an arena where they had two healers and I was solo healer, won.


In 22 warzones I didn’t see a single game with 5 or more healers or 3 or more on a single team.

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I played 22 warzones yesterday. One of them had 4 healers (2 per side). The rest was 1-3. Some of those I was queuing as healer with 1 or 2 other players. 3 games I was the only healer on my team to two healers on the opposite team, I won all of those games. One was an arena where they had two healers and I was solo healer, won.


In 22 warzones I didn’t see a single game with 5 or more healers or 3 or more on a single team.

you must be a hacker then.

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you must be a hacker then.


Are you kidding? Look at all those healers in his sig! He's obviously on those healer-stacked premades, and is just fibbing to distort the facts! Well, I guess he might hack too. :p

Edited by Banderal
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Someone commented in a match today about all the imp healers on the other teams we’d been against.

I cheekily said, “isn’t it the reps that do that”... to which I got this reply that made me laugh hard...

“nah, they were always Imps who couldn’t hack it as reps, so they went back to Imps and took their stupid healer premades with them” :D

I nearly blew my coke all over the monitors... I haven’t had a good spontaneous laugh like that in a while.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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Someone commented in a match today about all the imp healers on the other teams we’d been against.

I cheekily said, “isn’t it the reps that do that”... to which I got this reply that made me laugh hard...

“nah, they were always Imps who couldn’t hack it as reps, so they went back to Imps and took their stupid healer premades with them” :D

I nearly blew my coke all over the monitors... I haven’t had a good spontaneous laugh like that in a while.


It is the reps that do it. They log onto Imp side from being tired of the constant dirt stomping to try and get some wins.

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Im pretty sure this is a mere lack of matchmaking phenomenon. As someone who does premade, why would i trust my healer so little that i needed more than 1 per 4 people? Besides, my healer buddy is perfectly capable of outperforming 3 average imps :p
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It is the reps that do it. They log onto Imp side from being tired of the constant dirt stomping to try and get some wins.


What’s weird is when they are on the Imp side doing it, the reps are usually the ones winning or the side with the better players.

If I had to take a stab in the dark, I would say those reps who were doing on the rep side before, switched factions and spent lots of time gearing their imp toons up and they are now higher, so they are sticking with them.

Which is sort of good for reps. IMO, let the Imps keep them so some of the dead wood is removed to allow greener shoots to grow on the rep side.

Also, any good Imps that get sick of being on teams with 3 healers should just switch over to reps ;)

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y'all overanalyze regs too much. people just queue whatever they feel like playing and sometimes friends queue together and stuff. I recommend spending less time on the forums and more time practicing your classes Edited by Hoppinswtor
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Anyone who thinks imp premade stacking is a myth should queue SS lvl 70 regs right this minute,


I play on SS, Pub-side Guardian by the name of Lodesamoney, and though I feel the advantage is definitely slanted towards Imp side in most situations, Pubs do get good rosters from time to time and frequently go on their own winning streaks. It's skewed in favor of Imps and they certainly get more healers in the queue (surprising since you would think most people on Imp side want to kill kill kill, not heal), but it's not THAT one-sided.


If anything, I think GSF is a bit more one-sided in favor of Imps. When they win, they wipe the floor with us.

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I play on SS, Pub-side Guardian by the name of Lodesamoney, and though I feel the advantage is definitely slanted towards Imp side in most situations, Pubs do get good rosters from time to time and frequently go on their own winning streaks. It's skewed in favor of Imps and they certainly get more healers in the queue (surprising since you would think most people on Imp side want to kill kill kill, not heal), but it's not THAT one-sided.


If anything, I think GSF is a bit more one-sided in favor of Imps. When they win, they wipe the floor with us.


It’s not the winning streaks, it’s the boredom of not being able to kill anything. We are winning about 40% of the time when we out manoeuvre them with strategy. But having 3-4 healers is terribly boring.

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