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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Izax VM's POV vid and written guide

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Hello guys, this is Axomm Gm of <Aeon> on Satele Shan and today I'm linking you guys the guide to VM Izax and a video of our kill to help other groups be able to complete the encounter and claim their laurels.


Our hope here isn't to brag or do anything of the sort. The real objective is to try and help ALL the members of the community, with or without pts access or casual NiM players or whatever category you may feel you fall in, to be able to complete this encounter and enjoy this game to this full extent and collect your mount/title. The more time you have to work on it, the more likely you can succeed. And trust me, you can succeed with enough practice and focus. Hopefully, with our video posted and strat, people will suggest their own strategies and better solutions to problems we encountered and that way diversify and clarify this intense encounter. BY NO MEANS is this the PERFECT strat, probably far from it, but it was how WE dealt with the encounter. Also, real big shout out here to Rugles, who made this possible and put immense work into this guide.


If you do not want to know the strat, do not click the following link (made by Rugles and full credits go to him on putting this together) :




If you do not wish to see the video of the encounter (the music is dank though), do not click the following link (also, some things we did may be a little weird... but it's because we weren't quite sure of some mechanics yet). This is the tank POV that does the phase 4 mechanic, i'll upload the healer POV that handles Scyva in phase 5 in a bit:



Nonetheless, some people will hate me for linking this, others will agree. I don't care. Our hope is to help even ONE group succeed with what we've shown today. And if we do that, if even one group suceeds, then for us that shall be a victory in itself. I hope this helps and may the Force be with you all in this encounter!


PS: I also want to announce I will be quitting the game with after the update from 5.9. I've had an amazing journey over the past 6 years and have made many friends and faced many dangers in this galaxy far far away, but it's time for me to focus on my personal life and end this saga of mine. I'll be writing a book on all these adventures (already have 115 pages), so some part of you guys will always be with me.

I want to personally thank my guild members and the Sleens Team, Tru, Nox, Muha, Slice, Process, Rugles, Splizza, Fortis, Nywi, Spooky, Iron and Yam. It was a pleasure this entire time and I've grown so much with you all. Without you, none of this would be possible. To all my guildies, thanks for having faith in me as a leader and I'll be passing on the <Aeon> baton to the next generation. To all those that I've helped/helped me, this is what it's about. Not creating barriers in the community and barring people out, but helping each other grow and having patience. Succeeding together is the only way forward, don't let anyone else tell you otherwise. The "I'm better than you" mentality has got to go. I'm guilty of doing that as well, but we can all bring the best out of each other. Please try.


To those that still hold grudges against me, or that will be created now with this post, let it go. I'm sorry to all those that I've deeply offended and wronged. To others with which I had disagreements, well...that's life. It's only a game. Get outside, get some sun, go have fun. In the end, all that matters is having fun and enjoying yourself, wherever that may be.


And in the wise words of Luke Skywalker:

"No one's really ever gone."


I hope you all interpret that in the best manner that fits you, like it did for me and my life.

Thank you and may the Force be with you all!

Axomm Harth

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  • 2 months later...

Yeah sorry about that wasn't aware it was no longer working. I'll monitor this thread since Axomm is no longer subbed. If the link above stops working for whatever reason, I have the original copy and will upload it again.


Cheers :)

Edited by FerkWork
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Yeah sorry about that wasn't aware it was no longer working. I'll monitor this thread since Axomm is no longer subbed. If the link above stops working for whatever reason, I have the original copy and will upload it again.


Cheers :)


Thanks Yam ;)

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Izax VM's POV vid and written guide


Oh, and I thought that this would be a short story written to show the point of view of the AI running inside of Izax's Virtual Machine ...


Sad, my mouth was already watering ...

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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