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Why NO KILL option on Ashara?


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Haha of course, and I definitely agree with you that we need more intelligent darkside decisions! Darth Jadus was excellent example of a person who was extremely evil but also highly intelligent.


And yeah if you romanced Ashara and decide to take her back you do get a sweet kissing scene which is nice, but I was hoping for a bit more dialogue and an actual mission. I guess I shouldn't whine too much though since it seems like most romanced characters got the shaft. I doubt they'll treat Kira's or Jaesa's return any different, and Akaavi is definitely getting shafted. My expectations have been extremely tempered by this experience


I agree, an actual mission together would be nice rather than just suddenly being thrown into a room with the person. I did like the original companion quests where you had to travel and do a small quest line. I doubt they'll handle future returns any differently than they have been. Personally, I think Akaavi would've fit in with the Mandalorians, she could've been returned with Torian, though I hate dual returns, I think each one should get their own little return. I think however at that time, they were likely still thinking about doing chapters for the major ones.


I haven't had high expectations about much of anything in a very long time, easier to avoid disappointment. If I don't get excited, maybe just maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised.

Edited by Lunafox
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Did they change or fix this yet? I thought I could finally bend Ashara back to my twisted little apprentice/Romance.....

Did I just waste my money on sub???.....

They ruined the whole sith Inquisitor..egotistical messed up maniac story...how can you just Butcher your own story...:eek::mad:

I think you guys forgot your story...

Last I checked I was a darth..../Eternal Empire ruler...lets say she is not a padawan anymore...she is still not my equal....

She is at most some random sith lord/renegade Jedi...wth...

Edited by inukamisan
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Hell no. I can't stand Arcann. I let him live on one alt just to see the story and use him for a crafting slave.


I haven't forgiven Arcann anything. I never thought he should've been romanceable. I HATE Arcann with the flaming passion of a thousand suns, so kindly don't assume anything about someone you clearly don't know.


I killed Arcann on 3 of 4 of the toons I've played through KOTFE/ET. And I'll kill him again in any future ones, I've no interest in romancing space hitler. I watched the romance on youtube just to see. I won't even play it out on an alt, because I don't want to add to their metrics.


Ashara and Arcann both should be worm food, as far as I'm concerned.



I'm rather curious who you hate the most now Luna. I know you hated Thana from classic, but never knew you hated Ashara too.

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How...a character/companion is portrayed (Written) can totally change how they're viewed. For myself I always thought of Ashara as the confused kid that didn't even know what she wanted (Certainly Not Killable). However....because of this latest scene I really would just tell her to "Move On". Insubordination in "Our World" leads to rough changes and at times Life Changing events, in the Sith structure, its a fight and the resulting death is accepted (unless the power base objects the result). This Reunion portrays the players character as very weak, nobody wants that. :(
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I'm rather curious who you hate the most now Luna. I know you hated Thana from classic, but never knew you hated Ashara too.


Hmm, from the companions I always hated Ashara and Skadge the most. Skadge actually grew on me a little bit (like a fungus lol) because at least as gruff as he was, he had a sense of acceptence of the BH and the crew, and I guess 'runt' started to sound like an endearment.


I despised Thana Vesh too, as you know, she wasn't a comp, and I didn't want to see her as one. I think I hate them both equally, Thana for being stupid and pompous and Ashara for being indecisive to the point where she was 'nothing.' She was no Jedi, couldn't commit to being Sith, my SI saw her as wishy-washy and a waste of time. Both of them were annoying to my characters and to me as their player.


So, I guess it's a three-way tie between Ashara, Thana, and Arcann. Not my cup of tea at all, for differing reasons.


With Thana it was also her voice, it was grating. Hard to believe it's the same VA who does Kira.

Edited by Lunafox
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Hmm, from the companions I always hated Ashara and Skadge the most. Skadge actually grew on me a little bit (like a fungus lol) because at least as gruff as he was, he had a sense of acceptence of the BH and the crew, and I guess 'runt' started to sound like an endearment.


I despised Thana Vesh too, as you know, she wasn't a comp, and I didn't want to see her as one. I think I hate them both equally, Thana for being stupid and pompous and Ashara for being indecisive to the point where she was 'nothing.' She was no Jedi, couldn't commit to being Sith, my SI saw her as wishy-washy and a waste of time. Both of them were annoying to my characters and to me as their player.


So, I guess it's a three-way tie between Ashara, Thana, and Arcann. Not my cup of tea at all, for differing reasons.


With Thana it was also her voice, it was grating. Hard to believe it's the same VA who does Kira.


Ha! I know I'm supposed to hate Skadge too but he is just so blatantly obnoxious he makes me laugh. I actually get a kick out of seeing other people running around with him, and seeing the outfits people choose for him.


Thana used to tick me off too. But after running through those missions so many times I started getting the sense that she had very, very low self esteem, like she talked big but she was trying to hide how intimidated she was by the PC. Especially when you do the bonus missions and really punk her *** at every turn. I pretty much play everything dark side these days but the last time I dealt with Thana I let her go at the last second because I pitied her, lol.


Still wouldn't want her as a companion though :p

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The most character I feel satisfied after I finished every stories expansion is my Alt toon Dark Sage, I killed everyone that has an option to kill them off LOL. Sadly part, I can not undo a lot of mistake choices in the stories that I made with my main character on the 1st play through. Edited by Xbladez
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Ha! I know I'm supposed to hate Skadge too but he is just so blatantly obnoxious he makes me laugh. I actually get a kick out of seeing other people running around with him, and seeing the outfits people choose for him.


Thana used to tick me off too. But after running through those missions so many times I started getting the sense that she had very, very low self esteem, like she talked big but she was trying to hide how intimidated she was by the PC. Especially when you do the bonus missions and really punk her *** at every turn. I pretty much play everything dark side these days but the last time I dealt with Thana I let her go at the last second because I pitied her, lol.


Still wouldn't want her as a companion though :p


I like sending Skadge out on crew skill missions. "If it'll SHUT YOU UP!"


I think Thana is pretty representative of a lot of Sith-in-training who get big heads about their newfound strength. Jedi go through the same thing (like Ashara). Thana was SUPPOSED to be grating on our nerves. I wonder if it might have been a good idea to give us the option of Thana or Ashara--it seems like all the domination of Ashara that so many SI keep demanding for their DS characters would have fit better with Thana.

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There was no kill option for queen either. You don't even get a chance to slap it, tell it to go to hell or converse in any way. No, choose to side with the Empire and that traitorous beta scum forces its way into your companion list with no way to object or prevent it. So the fact you can't kill Ashara either is fair enough really. At least not recruiting her is an option.
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Ha! I know I'm supposed to hate Skadge too but he is just so blatantly obnoxious he makes me laugh. I actually get a kick out of seeing other people running around with him, and seeing the outfits people choose for him.


Thana used to tick me off too. But after running through those missions so many times I started getting the sense that she had very, very low self esteem, like she talked big but she was trying to hide how intimidated she was by the PC. Especially when you do the bonus missions and really punk her *** at every turn. I pretty much play everything dark side these days but the last time I dealt with Thana I let her go at the last second because I pitied her, lol.


Still wouldn't want her as a companion though :p


LOL, yeah, I've seen some pretty strange get-ups on him :D It took me a while, but he did reach the point where I liked him much more than Ashara. At least he had a sense of who he was, wanted to be on the BH team, treated my BH with respect and even said he'd get me an in with the Black Sun lol. All that force-forsaken Togruta would do is whine about her teachings. I really wish I could've given her the boot out the nearest airlock. I play dark side more often than not in the game. I've done all the light side stuff to see how the other half live, but I always return to the DS.



I missed the word "tie" when I first read this :eek: Juvenile, I know...


LOL thanks for that. That's um...some imagery right there. *snirk*

Edited by Lunafox
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Reading through this thread, I'm now curious who any of these DS Inquisitors romance.


All the talk of "My DS Sith would never..."


Andronikus not only goes after your ships, he proves to be an idiot for not knowing they're your ships. He also didn't find you.


Koth betrays you.


Theron betrays you.


Arcann should never be alive for any dark side inquisitor. After all, Senya betrays you and he was an enemy.


All that's left is Lana and being a dark side inquisitor, one would think the SI would be upset she didn't find out Theron was the betrayer.

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Reading through this thread, I'm now curious who any of these DS Inquisitors romance.


All the talk of "My DS Sith would never..."


Andronikus not only goes after your ships, he proves to be an idiot for not knowing they're your ships. He also didn't find you.


Koth betrays you.


Theron betrays you.


Arcann should never be alive for any dark side inquisitor. After all, Senya betrays you and he was an enemy.


All that's left is Lana and being a dark side inquisitor, one would think the SI would be upset she didn't find out Theron was the betrayer.


Lana gets a pass...but all the other's deserve to die...

Maybe Andronikus can live..after a but of sith maintenance....an arm or a leg, or some shock therapy...or he better bring me a Republic ship as a gift...or lots of booty....

Koth and Theron die....Unless Theron is working to secretly bring me more power....

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Lana gets a pass...but all the other's deserve to die...

Maybe Andronikus can live..after a but of sith maintenance....an arm or a leg, or some shock therapy...or he better bring me a Republic ship as a gift...or lots of booty....

Koth and Theron die....Unless Theron is working to secretly bring me more power....


Would a DS SI ever have someone with them who is treated as an equal? Not to mention, even feel love?

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Would a DS SI ever have someone with them who is treated as an equal? Not to mention, even feel love?


Love is a weakness, one that can be amusing to keep. My Sith does it to feel alive, since he is soo powerful....Only I can treat Ashara like trash in My personal story....anyone else who tries gets the saber...


But they took that way...and ruined it...


And even the most evil guy has loved ones...or can fall in love..


Thank you Bioware for killing your own story.....

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Darth Malgus Killed the woman he loved because he saw her as his only weakness.

Eleena Daru https://imgur.com/Z30ZiJM

I believe as a human he felt love as strongly as any other, but his desire for power was still higher. Can the Sith "Love"? certainly, do they cherish it? some. The Inquisitor may Love Ashara or Andronikos but they didn't get where they are by considering others either. Its great the Original SWTOR allowed so many varieties in their stories however now its written in a very "Tunnel Vision", "Shoehorn", "Play it my way" and often pleasing only a few while frustrating the main larger groups its unattractive to most.

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Darth Malgus Killed the woman he loved because he saw her as his only weakness.

Eleena Daru https://imgur.com/Z30ZiJM

I believe as a human he felt love as strongly as any other, but his desire for power was still higher. Can the Sith "Love"? certainly, do they cherish it? some. The Inquisitor may Love Ashara or Andronikos but they didn't get where they are by considering others either. Its great the Original SWTOR allowed so many varieties in their stories however now its written in a very "Tunnel Vision", "Shoehorn", "Play it my way" and often pleasing only a few while frustrating the main larger groups its unattractive to most.


funny thins is they could have made it better or fix it, by making an option for submission...I mean common...its the Siths we are talking about...not Jedi....

they basically turned the Sith into a dark Jedi inquisitor....Heck even a dark Jedi would kill her....

she is too goody 2 shoes fir a corrupted/broken person......and demands alot for the tiny power she got..

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Allowing/Initiating this kind of "Event" is completely "Unprecedented" in any "Star Wars" story (Blasphemy). Not at all how the Sith work. This game keeps wavering "towards, away from, towards, away from "Star Wars" what brings and keeps players (Incomes). Again this was written for the LI/LS Inquisitor/Ashara theme but with "Dialog Options" and "Choices Matter" why it was written in only one direction is absolutely beyond me. in another thread I wrote a simple system to cover "All Aspects" of player intentions in a simple 1 tier "Choice > Response" operation, why they cant who knows.



If you...

1, Want her to resume same

a -If LI she "says yes"

b -If LS she "says yes"

c -if DS she says "No More Abuse"


2, Want her to move on

a -she says "yes I understand and walks out"


3, Want her to stay but respect her as a person

a -she says "yes that's what I was Hoping"


*If 1,c -A fight starts (She starts the fight) after she takes a knee and stops you have 3 options (LS/Grey/DS)

LS -Spare her to walk out

Grey -Spare Her to resume before Hierarchy

DS - Kill


I think this would be Fair to all sides (Its actually still a bit LS biased but everything stays "Status Quo" as before and preserves both Players and Ashara's integrity).



Upsetting the core customers/members is the last thing any progressive company would do.

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Reading through this thread, I'm now curious who any of these DS Inquisitors romance.


All the talk of "My DS Sith would never..."


Andronikus not only goes after your ships, he proves to be an idiot for not knowing they're your ships. He also didn't find you.


Koth betrays you.


Theron betrays you.


Arcann should never be alive for any dark side inquisitor. After all, Senya betrays you and he was an enemy.


All that's left is Lana and being a dark side inquisitor, one would think the SI would be upset she didn't find out Theron was the betrayer.


My inquisitor has no one. She's with Theron because I felt like seeing the romance, but truthfully, she doesn't love anyone but Talos. (I don't mean in a romantic way.) I think loneliness is what fuels her. :o

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Allowing/Initiating this kind of "Event" is completely "Unprecedented" in any "Star Wars" story (Blasphemy). Not at all how the Sith work. This game keeps wavering "towards, away from, towards, away from "Star Wars" what brings and keeps players (Incomes). Again this was written for the LI/LS Inquisitor/Ashara theme but with "Dialog Options" and "Choices Matter" why it was written in only one direction is absolutely beyond me. in another thread I wrote a simple system to cover "All Aspects" of player intentions in a simple 1 tier "Choice > Response" operation, why they cant who knows.



If you...

1, Want her to resume same

a -If LI she "says yes"

b -If LS she "says yes"

c -if DS she says "No More Abuse"


2, Want her to move on

a -she says "yes I understand and walks out"


3, Want her to stay but respect her as a person

a -she says "yes that's what I was Hoping"


*If 1,c -A fight starts (She starts the fight) after she takes a knee and stops you have 3 options (LS/Grey/DS)

LS -Spare her to walk out

Grey -Spare Her to resume before Hierarchy

DS - Kill


I think this would be Fair to all sides (Its actually still a bit LS biased but everything stays "Status Quo" as before and preserves both Players and Ashara's integrity).



Upsetting the core customers/members is the last thing any progressive company would do.


Those choices are well thought out. Like you say, I have no clue why the company can't provide us with something similar. They totalled bungled the reaction of the Dark Side character.

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Those choices are well thought out. Like you say, I have no clue why the company can't provide us with something similar. They totalled bungled the reaction of the Dark Side character.


Back in the 90's there was a band named "Beck" and in their lead song was a single line "You cant write if you cant Relate". What "Relationship" do we have with the Dev's? A lot of single statements going one way from both sides (Mainly from the Players) but no "Back and Forth" at all or rarely as in the recent streams. It seems they literally Don't Know what the players want. There is no Rapport, no "Increased Communications" like we've heard about for a long time now but still hasn't started (Especially since the Conquest Debacle). The Forums would be a great place to show a bit of a Presence and actually Respond. If they cant offer what their members want it could be because they don't know their customers.

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Allowing/Initiating this kind of "Event" is completely "Unprecedented" in any "Star Wars" story (Blasphemy). Not at all how the Sith work. This game keeps wavering "towards, away from, towards, away from "Star Wars" what brings and keeps players (Incomes). Again this was written for the LI/LS Inquisitor/Ashara theme but with "Dialog Options" and "Choices Matter" why it was written in only one direction is absolutely beyond me. in another thread I wrote a simple system to cover "All Aspects" of player intentions in a simple 1 tier "Choice > Response" operation, why they cant who knows.



If you...

1, Want her to resume same

a -If LI she "says yes"

b -If LS she "says yes"

c -if DS she says "No More Abuse"


2, Want her to move on

a -she says "yes I understand and walks out"


3, Want her to stay but respect her as a person

a -she says "yes that's what I was Hoping"


*If 1,c -A fight starts (She starts the fight) after she takes a knee and stops you have 3 options (LS/Grey/DS)

LS -Spare her to walk out

Grey -Spare Her to resume before Hierarchy

DS - Kill


I think this would be Fair to all sides (Its actually still a bit LS biased but everything stays "Status Quo" as before and preserves both Players and Ashara's integrity).



Upsetting the core customers/members is the last thing any progressive company would do.


personally for me, I don't think your choices are fair....


they are "choices" but they don't equate darksiders..or normal siths who want her back as their lover but not their equal....

Ashara is frail minded, so she should be given a way to bend her to our will,


I personally think all they need is a little tweak...the good old carrot and stick approach


after the scene where she blocks the force shock with saber, it starts a mini duel...if you win she goes on cool down mode... the interacting with her gives you option to kill, maim, jail, force talk her down into submission...

If you loose...well she walks away....no punishments....

*((or you can beg her.....and and be her crybably little pooch of a sith...(pathetic)) and she stays...on her terms..} this part is a joke, please do not implement...)



If she is a Romance, you can give her the carrot...while she is down.... you invite a hug/kiss to show it was not out of hate and tell her "dominance is the sith way....

while you welcome her new found power, she belongs to you...and you will make her stronger than all..."

to which she can reply yes my master!!!


This should make her emotionally unstable...


And after at some other location, a cut scene with you explaining to her your actions,


telling her to feed of her weakness, if she wants to be seen as an equal....Which turns her darker..and more dark side(please make a dark Ashara skin... you just need to give her them sith eyes..and a dark aura...if you can...make her skill animations dark too...)


other choice is


You congratulate her new found strength she stays same


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That's 1,1c and Grey. Anyway, that system is only 1 Tier, its also worded in a way that another tier or two can be added to further refine the 1- Outcome and 2- Disposition of the relationship. It doesn't elaborate in any one direction just leads the player/Ashara to each of the 4 outcomes.

1-Stay and no change


3-stay on as equal


that's all it had to do(which is more then B.W. was able to offer:).

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That's 1,1c and Grey. Anyway, that system is only 1 Tier, its also worded in a way that another tier or two can be added to further refine the 1- Outcome and 2- Disposition of the relationship. It doesn't elaborate in any one direction just leads the player/Ashara to each of the 4 outcomes.

1-Stay and no change


3-stay on as equal


that's all it had to do(which is more then B.W. was able to offer:).


but they would have to scrap everything they already did..

which they probably won't do...

Gotta work with what they have already....

And like I said...your choices are fine and all...if you do not factor in Romance....

Malgus loved...but did not tolerate equals...

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:) inukamisan This reunion wasn't very good. I didn't take my S.I. through KotXX and now I'm glad for that. I hope everybody can pick up in 6.0 with *All of our characters, then just Move on and put this behind.

Malgus did kill Eleena and I'm sure others have aswell, Personally I would've told Ashara it was time for her to "Move on".

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