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Why NO KILL option on Ashara?


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Male Companions that can be killed:





Theron(from all the indications he can be killed)



Female companions that can be killed:


Scorpio (Though I would classify her as a droid)




So it doesn't look like it is a female thing.


Added a few you missed. I probably missed some too. :D

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It probably depends on the character's actions. Ashara shows blatant disrespect for her master. Not to mention that she was pretty flakey before KotXX. My SI didn't want to abuse her. But execution for insubordination would have been appropriate.


I agree, it's all about the attitude and the intention for me. I have no need for prolonged torture, but I do need to be able to deal with her as I see appropriate--killing her, or at very least leaving her for dead.


And, Andronikos *was* looking for the SI. It's bad writing. Completely bad writing. He *was* looking for her...for seven years. Tearing apart Eternal Fleet ships.


So no, I don't see there being any reason for a SI to want to kill him. Because he was looking...BioWare just apparently wants us to think he's a total idiot.


And I agree with this. Also I believe that if you love someone you might be more likely to overlook their foibles, where as if you don't, and you actually hate them, nothing they say or do will redeem them. My DS SI loves Andronikos and she accepted him back lovingly with open arms, cause she missed him and in her eyes he was trying to find her in the way he knows how, by being a space pirate...clearly not the cleverest route, but at least he didn't go off to 'find himself' and help who knows what faction instead of you.


Male Companions that can be killed:





Theron(from all the indications he can be killed)


Female companions that can be killed:


Scorpio (Though I would classify her as a droid)


So it doesn't look like it is a female thing.


And I agree with this (and additions to this). It's definitely not a female thing, as I see it that the 'sacred waifus' are somewhat more protected than their male counterparts.



And time to throw another two cents onto the pile. I see a few people implying that there is something wrong with playing an evil, lightning flinging, 'death to those who offend me' sort of Sith. The fact is there are many Sith like that. Like another poster, I play my SIs with varying personalities, but for the most part they are dark-minded and even the light side ones aren't into flakey Ashara. My Sith may be evil, intolerant lightning flingers and kill over slights, but the one thing they do respect and admire is loyalty...to the Sith, to the Empire and to the Inquistor (not necessarily in that order :cool: ) Ashara has never shown that, she's a flip-flopping flibbity gibbet with an insubordinate attitude, that earns my characters (and my) disgust.


That aside, given the choices we are given there is no 'wrong' personality to give our characters, so I would appreciate that people quit acting like it's WRONG to be evil in a game that allows you to play a villain.


What is wrong is that the dark side Sith gets no option to behave as it is in their nature to do.

Edited by Lunafox
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And time to throw another two cents onto the pile. I see a few people implying that there is something wrong with playing an evil, lightning flinging, 'death to those who offend me' sort of Sith. The fact is there are many Sith like that. Like another poster, I play my SIs with varying personalities, but for the most part they are dark-minded and even the light side ones aren't into flakey Ashara. My Sith may be evil, intolerant lightning flingers and kill over slights, but the one thing they do respect and admire is loyalty...to the Sith, to the Empire and to the Inquistor (not necessarily in that order :cool: ) Ashara has never shown that, she's a flip-flopping flibbity gibbet with an insubordinate attitude, that earns my characters (and my) disgust.


That aside, given the choices we are given there is no 'wrong' personality to give our characters, so I would appreciate that people quit acting like it's WRONG to be evil in a game that allows you to play a villain.


What is wrong is that the dark side Sith gets no option to behave as it is in their nature to do.


I haven't seen anybody say anything about it being wrong to play a super dark character. In fact, that seems to be the leading voice in this thread, and that the general implication is that it's somehow wrong to play a Sith who might think more like Lana...or Marr...but I doubt that's actually the case. We're all just talking here. So if the comment was aimed at me, then I apologize...because that was not my intent..though I do think it should be said that being "dark minded" doesn't necessarily have to mean "evil" or "bad" either (just look at Lana, or Marr). It all boils down to what you, as the player of your character, makes of it.


Everybody is entitled to play the game however they want and play their characters however they want, making them into whoever they want them to be.


But, when we have such variety, it would be virtually impossible for the writers to take into account every little intricacy in how one SI might be from the next, from the next, from the next, and so on and so forth, on and on and on down the line. Yes, they should have done more...but they didn't. They should have done more for *all* of the Alert returns. Not just Ashara. Depending on how Ashara is engaged by the SI throughout the class story, she can wind up with three distinct attitudes. Theoretically, we should have gotten three possible versions of that character for the Alert. But, we didn't. We got one version, and that version was completely out of character to me...based on the Ashara I saw in my class story.


So the only thing I can say is...make it up in your head. Do whatever you want. Skip the alert, even...because it's pretty much certain at this point that we'll never hear Ashara's voice again. Or Nik's.

Edited by Dracofish
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I haven't seen anybody say anything about it being wrong to play a super dark character. In fact, that seems to be the leading voice in this thread, and that the general implication is that it's somehow wrong to play a Sith who might think more like Lana...or Marr...but I doubt that's actually the case. We're all just talking here.


Everybody is entitled to play the game however they want and play their characters however they want, making them into whoever they want them to be.


But, when we have such variety, it would be virtually impossible for the writers to take into account every little intricacy in how one SI might be from the next, from the next, from the next, and so on and so forth, on and on and on down the line. Yes, they should have done more...but they didn't. They should have done more for *all* of the Alert returns. Not just Ashara. Depending on how Ashara is engaged by the SI throughout the class story, she can wind up with three distinct attitudes. Theoretically, we should have gotten three possible versions of that character for the Alert. But, we didn't. We got one version, and that version was completely out of character to me...based on the Ashara I saw in my class story.


So the only thing I can say is...make it up in your head. Do whatever you want. Skip the alert, even...because it's pretty much certain at this point that we'll never hear Ashara's voice again. Or Nik's.


Well, it was implied, the way I read it, from the number of people explaining how 'pragmatic' or thoughtful their Sith are and referring to evil ones as 'crazy' etc. Those statements to me implied a judgment and as you say people should be able to play their toon how they want and given the choices in responses, there is no wrong way to play your Sith.


But anyway, the dark side isn't just a nuance, it's a major thing and should've been considered in the character return. Light side, even neutral was given their option but dark side, nada. Typically there are 3 responses, it just sucks that dark side didn't get one appropriate to their character. Bad writing and yeah I pretty much do make up my own stories for my characters. The ones we get lately are inadequate or downright awful.

Edited by Lunafox
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Male Companions that can be killed:





Theron (from all the indications he can be killed)


Female companions that can be killed:


Scorpio (Though I would classify her as a droid)


So it doesn't look like it is a female thing.


Arcann is killable before he's a companion. Quinn can also only be killed by one class out of eight.


Add Senya ETA and Vette. If you're going to put Arcann in there, also add Acina since she runs with you as a companion in one chapter.


If there actually is a kill option for Theron there will also be one for Lana.



And I'm referring to people's behavior regarding the recent returns. We've had Andronikos, Vector, Corso, Risha and Ashara back this year. The only one that people are whining about is Ashara but they claim they want "equality" with kill options and want everyone to have a kill option. If you want equality, you should be whining for a kill option for Andronikos and Vector just as hard as Ashara. If people can come up with valid reasons to kill Ashara for having a brain of her own, people can come up with just as many for the men. But they don't.


And if you think it's a DS Sith's nature to kill Ashara you should also think it's their nature to kill off Andronikos or Quinn. But again, that doesn't seem to happen, does it. In fact we hear nothing but crying about how terrible it is that precious Quinn can finally be killed for betraying the Sith Warrior.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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Well, it was implied, the way I read it, from the number of people explaining how 'pragmatic' or thoughtful their Sith are and referring to evil ones as 'crazy' etc. Those statements to me implied a judgment and as you say people should be able to play their toon how they want and given the choices in responses, there is no wrong way to play your Sith.


But anyway, the dark side isn't just a nuance, it's a major thing and should've been considered in the character return. Light side, even neutral was given their option but dark side, nada. Typically there are 3 responses, it just sucks that dark side didn't get one appropriate to their character. Bad writing and yeah I pretty much do make up my own stories for my characters. The ones we get lately are inadequate or downright awful.


I did add this to my post, but you beat me to the response, lol -


So if the comment was aimed at me, then I apologize...because that was not my intent..though I do think it should be said that being "dark minded" doesn't necessarily have to mean "evil" or "bad" either (just look at Lana, or Marr). It all boils down to what you, as the player of your character, make of it.


And please don't take this the wrong way, but in summing up a character with things like "evil", "intolerant lightning fingers" and "kill over slights"...I feel like we're splitting hairs here, lol.


You could go out and play a character who is completely off-the-wall looney tunes...I have a couple actually...that doesn't mean *you* as a person are in real life. But anyways...my entire point is that there's no wrong way to play your character. It's a game. It's not real, so anybody who passes judgement on someone for how they react as a character in a fictional world...they are in the wrong.


In any game, we can only be given so many ways to play out a scene. It can be frustrating, but it can also be half the fun to go over the top with stuff in your head. :p

Edited by Dracofish
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And it's pretty telling that there hasn't been the same insistence in "it's the Sith Way OMG GUYZ!!" for the male companions. The same people that don't think a simple kill option for Ashara would have been enough, but want to enjoy abusing her, have not asked for that for Andronikos. So the Sith way doesn't cover him, too?


Andronikos wasn't looking for the SI and raided their ships, but he gets a pass? Any DS inquisitor would either fry him on the spot or torture him for it. I haven't heard a single person ask for that, but they'll ask for it for a female character.


Because it's okay to kill and abuse a female character and if the game doesn't allow it, that's somehow an agenda. If the game doesn't allow it for a male character on the same class, that's apparently fine. It's more that people are using what they perceive to be the Sith way to justify whatever they want and dropping it when it's convenient.


Its NOT female characters only, not even close. Ashara "Directly Challenged" the S.I. and She Wants to go in that arena so be it. To clarify another fact of the "Kill / No Kill" issue is Mostly Men not to mention the question of "Would so many want Lana's head if the roles were reversed and / or if she IS also in the conspiracy" that question always has been largely ignored with a few "Probably Not's". The Waifu issue does not cover guys (any of them). Andronikos has never been my favorite companion but he is smart enough to not push a fight he certainly cant win; whereas Ashara is acting the same (actually worse) as she always has; her insubordinate, childish ways in a room with a killer that has "No Compunction or Scruples" about Alleviating themselves of a Long Time Noise Maker (If so played).


The Sith in this game and actual "Movie" have an established history of Killing the weaker (Sometimes Spouses) when the situation so calls. All of this is again a poorly written scene, a scene that drives straight into the corner however this time there was no *Option (way Out). The entire Sith Regime is not going to change simply because one twit or writer wants "Their Way". The Sith can be terribly cruel, power hungry, backstabbing, enslaving, often torturing, murdering lot, Lucas intended that, it wont change anytime soon if ever. Personally I would have broken off that companionship as soon as the alert started (She had no reason to be on a sith ship). BW *Never* should've started the "Kill / No Kill" issue they haven't handled it well and the scenes thus far were written in ways the option was used *Needlessly (A better written scene wouldn't need that).

Edited by MikeCobalt
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And time to throw another two cents onto the pile. I see a few people implying that there is something wrong with playing an evil, lightning flinging, 'death to those who offend me' sort of Sith. The fact is there are many Sith like that. Like another poster, I play my SIs with varying personalities, but for the most part they are dark-minded and even the light side ones aren't into flakey Ashara. My Sith may be evil, intolerant lightning flingers and kill over slights, but the one thing they do respect and admire is loyalty...to the Sith, to the Empire and to the Inquistor (not necessarily in that order :cool: ) Ashara has never shown that, she's a flip-flopping flibbity gibbet with an insubordinate attitude, that earns my characters (and my) disgust.


That aside, given the choices we are given there is no 'wrong' personality to give our characters, so I would appreciate that people quit acting like it's WRONG to be evil in a game that allows you to play a villain.


What is wrong is that the dark side Sith gets no option to behave as it is in their nature to do.


I agree that we all play our sith differently. When my best friend was alive and playing, her sith was light side while my sorceress is very dark side. She will kill if you don't follow what she say and give her an attitude oh lord you better hope the ground comes up and swallows you. Regarding Andronikos, no she wouldn't kill him because she loves him but she would definitely not be happy but he did at least tried to find her, albeit his way which may not be good but at least he didn't flippantly respond to her like Ashara that they were equal. It is one thing to go and develop your skills and wonder about my reaction again but quite another to flippantly say we were equals. Excuse me? Who in the hell destroyed the emperor? mmm I don't remember her doing that, I believe it was me (player character) so that comment was a bit over the top for my sorceress and then just to walk out, mmm no. My sorceress would have left her on the floor.

Edited by casirabit
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I completely disagree with this.

It was statements like this that cheated us out of the full three episodes at 16 chapters each with full blown and satisfying companion returns and gave this the rubbish we have now.


I enjoyed every part of KotFE and KotET and if you appreciated the depth of the Aric, Kaliyo, Torian, Scorpio, and the Vette/Gault returns then that depth would have been for a vast majority of the companions.

Instead we got a few Alerts and the dross that is being served up as "returns" now.


It's not statements like that that caused BioWare to change direction (again), after kotfe - it was several reasons, not the least of which people weren't buying (figuratively and literally) into the corridor grindfest and monthly bug filled playsessions.


They have had plenty of time to write satisfactory returns for each and every companion, so there is absolutely no reason to believe what we would have gotten had they continued on would have been any better. The fact that one of the most obvious and necessary choices for the interaction with Ashara is missing is proof of point.


I came to this game because of the names associated with the project (EA notwithstanding), and stayed because of the stories and leveling content. The stuff we got with 4.0 and beyond was utter tripe.

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The Sith in this game and actual "Movie" have an established history of Killing the weaker (Sometimes Spouses) when the situation so calls. All of this is again a poorly written scene, a scene that drives straight into the corner however this time there was no *Option (way Out). The entire Sith Regime is not going to change simply because one twit or writer wants "Their Way". The Sith can be terribly cruel, power hungry, backstabbing, enslaving, often torturing, murdering lot, Lucas intended that, it wont change anytime soon if ever. Personally I would have broken off that companionship as soon as the alert started (She had no reason to be on a sith ship). BW *Never* should've started the "Kill / No Kill" issue they haven't handled it well and the scenes thus far were written in ways the option was used *Needlessly (A better written scene wouldn't need that).


It may be what Lucas originally intended in a purely black and white with no room for grey way (OMG RHYME). But, in EU, and with this game, we have been given the opportunity to see a bigger picture. A corrupt Republic that might not be all that much different than the Big Bad Evil Empire. Jedi drunk on their own self-righteousness. Sith that aren't as bad as everyone thought. There are plenty of examples. Marr. Lana. Cytharat. That guy on Oricon who's name escapes me.


I mean, sure...there are extremes on either side of the equation, but...the Inquisitor has one of the best lines I can think to describe it -


"There are as many interpretations of the Sith Code as there are Sith."

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And I'm referring to people's behavior regarding the recent returns. We've had Andronikos, Vector, Corso, Risha and Ashara back this year. The only one that people are whining about is Ashara but they claim they want "equality" with kill options and want everyone to have a kill option. If you want equality, you should be whining for a kill option for Andronikos and Vector just as hard as Ashara. If people can come up with valid reasons to kill Ashara


I do recall there being a why can't we kill Vector thread.



And here is Corso's


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It may be what Lucas originally intended in a purely black and white with no room for grey way (OMG RHYME). But, in EU, and with this game, we have been given the opportunity to see a bigger picture. A corrupt Republic that might not be all that much different than the Big Bad Evil Empire. Jedi drunk on their own self-righteousness. Sith that aren't as bad as everyone thought. There are plenty of examples. Marr. Lana. Cytharat. That guy on Oricon who's name escapes me.


I mean, sure...there are extremes on either side of the equation, but...the Inquisitor has one of the best lines I can think to describe it -


"There are as many interpretations of the Sith Code as there are Sith."


:) My own "Jedi Sentinal" is very Drunk on his own "Righteous Sanctimonious Ferver" :) hahahahah. I honestly didn't intend it to come out that way but it has nevertheless. My own Inquisitor is "DS 4" however they do NoT kill *everybody. I've played that character very much like the Classic Core Star Wars Imperials, Proper, Professional and Dignified basing on the "Even Vader knew when making a deal lead to more then simply killing for the sake of Killing". Its not the "Kill / No Kill Issue" I think is the problem here, its how the scene was *Directed. It puts the default S.I. in a difficult situation ending Literally in "Swallow your pride then Pay more to continue swallowing your pride". It didn't have to be written like that. The writer *Didn't understand or Wanted to Break the default Character Neither of which fits B.W. established direction.

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I do recall there being a why can't we kill Vector thread.



And here is Corso's



Both of those were actually started as satire threads based on this one. And I don't see the "all should die! !!!Equality!!! people campaigning quite so hard there, or justifying Quinn's kill option. And I'm sure if Theron gets a kill option they'll scream and cry endlessly because the Sith way won't apply to him either.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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:) My own "Jedi Sentinal" is very Drunk on his own "Righteous Sanctimonious Ferver" :) hahahahah. I honestly didn't intend it to come out that way but it has nevertheless. My own Inquisitor is "DS 4" however they do NoT kill *everybody. I've played that character very much like the Classic Core Star Wars Imperials, Proper, Professional and Dignified basing on the "Even Vader knew when making a deal lead to more then simply killing for the sake of Killing". Its not the "Kill / No Kill Issue" I think is the problem here, its how the scene was *Directed. It puts the default S.I. in a difficult situation ending Literally in "Swallow your pride then Pay more to continue swallowing your pride". It didn't have to be written like that. The writer *Didn't understand or Wanted to Break the default Character Neither of which fits B.W. established direction.


Oh yes, I agree the alert was awful. They all are. Completely out of character on all sides. I was just talking about Sith in general.


And yes, just like with anything we have to do with Theron. I don't know how my SI is going to be able to forgive him, even more so because they're in a relationship (head-canon poly for ever! lol). BioWare has completely painted us (actually, an Outlander of any class) into a corner with that quagmire. Forgive him and you look weak. I'd like to think there's more to it that we're missing, but I just can't give them the benefit of the doubt anymore.

Edited by Dracofish
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Both of those were actually started as satire threads based on this one. And I don't see the "all should die! !!!Equality!!! people campaigning quite so hard there, or justifying Quinn's kill option. And I'm sure if Theron gets a kill option they'll scream and cry endlessly because the Sith way won't apply to him either.


I thought the Vector thread was sincere tbh. Not sure about the Corso one -- it got turned into a joke so fast. Apparently I wasn't the only one to feel that there had been too many fights about the kill options lately.

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In my opinion, there doesn't need to be "equality" among companions. Their return stories should have been written with the companion's personality in mind and a reaction based on a PC's alignment and possible past interactions. And this means some would get kill options and some wouldn't.


Sadly, this is not what we got nor will we get in the future.

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In my opinion, there doesn't need to be "equality" among companions. Their return stories should have been written with the companion's personality in mind and a reaction based on a PC's alignment and possible past interactions. And this means some would get kill options and some wouldn't.


Sadly, this is not what we got nor will we get in the future.


See, now, this would be logical and decent writing. Along with this, if a player chose to keep a killable character, they'd continue to have a big role in that player's story.

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In my opinion, there doesn't need to be "equality" among companions. Their return stories should have been written with the companion's personality in mind and a reaction based on a PC's alignment and possible past interactions. And this means some would get kill options and some wouldn't.


Sadly, this is not what we got nor will we get in the future.


See, now, this would be logical and decent writing. Along with this, if a player chose to keep a killable character, they'd continue to have a big role in that player's story.


If that was a possibility then yes!! There are really only two characters that I would like to kill, and one of them you get the option with an alert, the other, the one that I really really wanted, doesn't have one. :/ Actually it works out better that way, I was able to kill him off in a much more satisfying way in my headcannon then they would have given us in a cut scene anyway.


But if the characters were able to play a role in your story, where you didn't kill them, then this would negate a lot of bickering over companions. Everyone could kill who they wanted without it affecting anyone elses story.

Edited by rachetsw
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I did add this to my post, but you beat me to the response, lol -


So if the comment was aimed at me, then I apologize...because that was not my intent..though I do think it should be said that being "dark minded" doesn't necessarily have to mean "evil" or "bad" either (just look at Lana, or Marr). It all boils down to what you, as the player of your character, make of it.


And please don't take this the wrong way, but in summing up a character with things like "evil", "intolerant lightning fingers" and "kill over slights"...I feel like we're splitting hairs here, lol.


You could go out and play a character who is completely off-the-wall looney tunes...I have a couple actually...that doesn't mean *you* as a person are in real life. But anyways...my entire point is that there's no wrong way to play your character. It's a game. It's not real, so anybody who passes judgement on someone for how they react as a character in a fictional world...they are in the wrong.


In any game, we can only be given so many ways to play out a scene. It can be frustrating, but it can also be half the fun to go over the top with stuff in your head. :p


He hee, that does happen sometimes, no worries. :)


I wasn't aiming at anyone in particular. I inferred sentiments in some posts that people felt that it's wrong to play a darkside V sith, because there was pragmatism and other 'sane' qualities discussed and also some said that 'no one would follow a Dark V leader in the Alliance etc'; but the game/writing made it so, and therefore it's not 'wrong' to be dark V, and behave as is expected from that alignment. I think we actually agree on this point more than not, as we're both of the mind that people should run their character according to what they want their behavior to be.


My Dark V Sorceress is quite like Marr, but she doesn't suffer fools gladly and they pay the price in full if they incur her annoyance. Heck, Marr even is heard in the chapter where they chase the EE, as wanting to 'cut out someone's tongue' because they annoyed him. I love him, he's practical, pragmatic, and an excellent leader, but maker help you if you irritate him :)


Thing is, yes, there are only so many ways to play out a scene, but when the default for the SI is dark side, there really ought to be a dark side option that suits the level of darkness that is available in the alignments given and I'd say that light and neutral are well covered, but Star Wars has always been about Light side and Dark side and to not include a proper darkside option ruins the spirit of the game/franchise and the characters in it.


It is frustrating, on that we can agree for sure. :)



I agree that we all play our sith differently. When my best friend was alive and playing, her sith was light side while my sorceress is very dark side. She will kill if you don't follow what she say and give her an attitude oh lord you better hope the ground comes up and swallows you. Regarding Andronikos, no she wouldn't kill him because she loves him but she would definitely not be happy but he did at least tried to find her, albeit his way which may not be good but at least he didn't flippantly respond to her like Ashara that they were equal. It is one thing to go and develop your skills and wonder about my reaction again but quite another to flippantly say we were equals. Excuse me? Who in the hell destroyed the emperor? mmm I don't remember her doing that, I believe it was me (player character) so that comment was a bit over the top for my sorceress and then just to walk out, mmm no. My sorceress would have left her on the floor.


Exactly. Perfectly stated, I agree 100%. And I'm deeply sorry about your friend. I can tell she meant a lot to you. It's good to have nice memories like you clearly do, of fun times spent together. :)

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Thing is, yes, there are only so many ways to play out a scene, but when the default for the SI is dark side, there really ought to be a dark side option that suits the level of darkness that is available in the alignments given and I'd say that light and neutral are well covered, but Star Wars has always been about Light side and Dark side and to not include a proper darkside option ruins the spirit of the game/franchise and the characters in it.


I felt the neutral side of things wasn't that well covered when it came to Ashara. My Nox didn't mind her wanting to play leader and was more than willing to let her believe whatever she wanted as long as she served. Yet, the final choice was between warmly welcoming back your old friend, turning her away, or torturing her. I picked the first one, since the end result was then closest to what I wanted, but my Nox's tone of voice was all wrong in that option. She never liked Ashara and would have killed her in a heartbeat when she met her on Taris. There was no warmth in that relationship.


But then, I don't know what they could have done to make it better. They don't seem to have the resources to have companions behave differently depending on how they were treated in the past, and not including an option to send her away without torturing would surely also annoy someone. And for a SI who was good friends with Ashara, it wouldn't make sense if the SI was suddenly cold towards her. You'd need more than 3 options here.

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So you can choke Quinn near death, but still take him back, then, when you disapear, the guy's doing everything he can to find you, ends up in jail for several years because of that and it's perfectly fine to kill him for a betrayal that occured a decade earlier.

But wanting to kill Ashara on the spot (and a quick painless death would've been perfectly fine by me on that) for doing nothing to find you in 6 years, then claiming that she's your equal while having nothing to back that up, and that if you want her back, you nearly have to beg her to come with you is not ok ?


Would I react differently if Ashara was a guy, hell no. I never liked Anakin's arrogance and him always challenging authority, but at the very least he had actual strenght and feats to back that up. Ashara is even worse because she claims that she's more or less the strongest person in the galaxy while she has done nothing to prove it. She has done litteraly nothing to fight against the Eternal Throne.


Does that mean that all my SI would kill her, nope, my Imperious took her back, but my Nox, there's no way, she'll be lucky that he can just chose to send her off.


But if the characters were able to play a role in your story, where you didn't kill them, then this would negate a lot of bickering over companions. Everyone could kill who they wanted without it affecting anyone elses story.

And this is my biggest complaint with the kill option.

Companions that had an important part in the KOTXX storyline just become irrelevant plants standing in the background with nothing to say (unless you're romancing one of them and you get some lines from time to time). If you want to kill them, well, that's pefectly fine, you get exactly what you want, but if you don't want them dead, well they're as good as dead for you too anyways.

And then you have an obnoxious companion that you may very well hate from the start, that has been completly irrelevant to the plot so far and whose death would not affect anyone's story line as far as we know, and you can't kill her while she's disrespectfull to her master...


They don't seem to have the resources to have companions behave differently depending on how they were treated in the past, and not including an option to send her away without torturing would surely also annoy someone. And for a SI who was good friends with Ashara, it wouldn't make sense if the SI was suddenly cold towards her. You'd need more than 3 options here.

From what I can tell, Vette seems to react differently depending on how you treated her in the past.

I went through KOTFE with a token SW and it seems the game aknowledged that said SW never took off her collar, so when he met her she trashtalked to him, and in return he let her die at Vaylin's hands without any remorse.

But one of my friend told me that she was trully happy to see his SW so I guess, her reaction depends on your past actions with her at the very least.

Edited by Goreshaga
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