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Help Me Decide on a Mandalorian Bounty Hunter Set


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I recently got for my bh mandalorian tracker set and it looks pretty great, I like shining green armor with a combination of the black, and there aren't many people on the fleet in those colors.


Mandalore preserver set is good to in my POV and not to expensive. I plan to get in the future for my character Shae Vizla armor which is the best looking one for the bh in my opinion.


Anyway check this video out about the evolution of mandalorian armor :


Edited by Lunablade
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Mandalore the Preserver is a really cool set *but* it doesn't have a jetpack. How important are the ability animations for you?


If they are important you may want to choose one of the armor sets with a jetpack, since the jetback will activate when you recharge and reload, activate rocket boost, or use the death from above AOE. If you don't have one of the armor designs with a jetpack the rocket effect will appear from your boots instead.


On that note the Rohlan Dyre chest piece dyed black is nice, though I'd pair it with the Mandalorian Hunter helmet.


Wasteland raider is a good one as well but IMO looks a lot better on a female character than it does males. Of course that's just my opinion, yours may vary.

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Mandalore the Preserver is a really cool set *but* it doesn't have a jetpack. How important are the ability animations for you?


If they are important you may want to choose one of the armor sets with a jetpack, since the jetback will activate when you recharge and reload, activate rocket boost, or use the death from above AOE. If you don't have one of the armor designs with a jetpack the rocket effect will appear from your boots instead.


Wow, I never noticed the difference otherwise than with rocket boost, thanks for the heads-up :csw_fett:

Edited by BenduKundalini
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Thought you might like a heads up with regard to the Wasteland Raider set. I tried to mix & match that chestpiece with various pants and boots, only to realize that most metal-looking sets don't color match properly. Wasteland Raider has what I call the "weathered metal" effect, which makes colors appear a slightly different shade than on most armor, but it's not visible in the preview window. So I bought several pairs of pants / boots off the GTN because they previewed well, only to discover that when I actually wore them, they didn't match. I can put the Mandalorian Seeker helmet with it without it looking too bad, but only the helmet. The other pieces didn't match.
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I'm kind of partial towards the Headhunter chest piece from the Rishi reputation vendor.



I would also like to point out that there are cheaper alternatives to some of the Cartel Market items on the Adaptive armor vendor in the supply section of fleet.



Edited by Boomdiddy
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I'm kind of partial towards the Headhunter chest piece from the Rishi reputation vendor.



I would also like to point out that there are cheaper alternatives to some of the Cartel Market items on the Adaptive armor vendor in the supply section of fleet.




Yup, fleet adaptive sets are way underrated.


Rishi stuff is drifter in grey, with a rocket.

Edited by BenduKundalini
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I've figured out a set, I'm just trying to work out the colors now. So I'm using the Rohlan Dyre chest (I was going to use the wasteland raider chest, but I liked the Dyre jetpack more), tracker greaves, belt, gauntlets and wrist guards, wasteland raider boots, and I found it hard to choose between the wasteland raider helmet, or the tracker helmet, in the end I went with the more modern supercomando look of the Tracker Helmet. Also, I'm using the Scorpion TK Blaster. Edited by BellumEstBellum
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I'm quite proud of this. lol






Well done. That looks very cool.


Of course if there were other sets you like you could always create multiple outfits by puchasing extra outfit tabs. I have several on the characters I use often and change it up whenever I get bored of looking at one for too long.

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