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glitch or bug?


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I just finished the Oppressor mission and was then told to use my ship's holoterminal which I did.


Then told to travel to Tython which I did also. BUT when I arrived I couldn't/can't see the Jedi Coincil as I know that's the next step. Seems I can't advance any further until that happens.


Is this a bug or glitch? I am level 30 on my Jedi Sentinel character.

Is there something I can type ingame I.e. /stuck when I am stuck or is this a game problem?


Also has anyone else come across this and could not advance further in the story?

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Many thanks for the suggestion. It was Alderaan that triggered it. Hope this also helps others that may need it.

When you arrive at Alderaan Master Satele talks via holoterminal to you THEN it changes. Should be when you leave the Agressor but go figure. Obviously a bug of some kind.

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The bug is that a bunch of ways of travelling were added over the course of the game's history, but the scripting inside the game for the class story travel segments were never updated to accommodate them. The consequence is that ALL those "Travel to X" objectives are really "Use your ship's galaxy map travel console to travel to X". Some of them almost say so, but most just say, "Travel to X."


So when you are told to travel to X, and the words "Use your ship to travel to X" are not there, use your ship anyway.


And that means using the galaxy map console on the bridge. Do not simply go to the galaxy map from the current "M" map panel, even if you are standing in your ship when you do it.

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  • 2 years later...

Just ran into this myself earlier today.


I have 3 Knights, my original who was a DvL toon, the second more recent one who is my Pub saboteur, and a third who is going to be my Pub loyalist (yeah, don't really play my DvL toons outside of for the event)...


But never ran into this before on the first two.

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