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Does anyone else think that Starwars galaxies was a much better game?


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OP: this post is premature...atleast 5 years premature. SWG had 8 years to flourish and die. this game hasn't even been out for 40 days. a comparison at this stage, will prove nothing. re-post this topic in 5 years. then I bet anyone would be happy to compare. Edited by Ralom-Enoco
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SWG was plain terrible. No focus in its quests, any storyline was terrible and never fit canon of star wars in that period.


The game focused too much on economic classes or buff classes which basicallly made every other class rely on them. Sorry but combat classes should rely on anyone class. All classes should be balance to hold their own and have their own unique buffs or abilities..


The crafting which everyone claims is the best ever made just made a economic mess in game. Nothing sold had a reasonable or decent price: everything item in game was overpriced period. Crafters got out of hand in the game and developers did nothing about it.


Who cares about their ghost town cities or houses that made all the planets feel lifeless.


SWTOR has better story and quests anyday over SWG.

SWTOR is closer to sw canon over SWG.

Jedi in SWG was fun don't get me wrong it was the only fun thing to do is play Jedi. The only thing SWG has over SWTOR is variety in skills for classes. A Jedi can basically have a wide range of abilities light or dark. But extra class abilities still can safe everything else wrong with SWG.


I don't think SWG was a better game. But SWTOR needs alot of improvement of itself to last for the long haul: pvp space combat, guild ships, more companions, more exciting story telling and dynamite events.

Edited by DarthJopeous
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SWG was plain terrible. No focus in its quests, any storyline was terrible and never fit canon of star wars in that period.


I have no idea why you brought this thread alive after 7 months. swg obviously had no focus on quests and I dont give dirt about the quests. IDC about quests. SWG had great pvp, which is obviously much better then swtor. SWG was a better game. Your post makes me think you play star wars games because you care about the story. I like star wars and all but I'm not that strict that everything has to be this way and that way. Who cares about damn lightsabers, idc. I just want a good pvp mmo.

Edited by Jonoku
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SWG had more potential than SWTOR ever will they failed at fixing the problemsa in it and adding stuff because they tried to change it to a wow clone. If they had just fixed the game itself and added content it would still be running today and their would be no SWTOR.
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If anything, SWG's housing system was the best part about it. I really enjoyed being able to decorate my house and make it look completely amazing and there were some people who went hard core with that stuff. I hope that someday there will be another game with the player cites/houses. Other than that, SWG wasn't really all that great about the game, especially when they tried to completely change the game around. It was best in the original state.
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If anything, SWG's housing system was the best part about it. I really enjoyed being able to decorate my house and make it look completely amazing and there were some people who went hard core with that stuff. I hope that someday there will be another game with the player cites/houses. Other than that, SWG wasn't really all that great about the game, especially when they tried to completely change the game around. It was best in the original state.


SWG housing was a double edged sword though, sure you could make houses all nice and pretty or use them as shops or storage or what have you. But there was also fines to pay to keep it there, finding a suitable place to put down a house and eventually later down the road cities became ghost towns which were sometimes a pain in the *** to navigate through. Plus all those empty houses, really did nothing more then clutter up the planets....but yes housing was one of the more stronger parts of the game, but then again SWG was a sandbox.


I however though, my house was my YT-2400...well it wasn't really a house. It was more like a heavily armed freighter, and mobile rebel alliance command center, it was great because it was free living and I didn't have to go to a specific planet to it just go to any spaceport and launch. I did however have a small house on Naboo, but it was a tauntaun lair completely devoted to tauntauns since I was the tauntaun king.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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SWG was an awesome mmorpg and I was sad to see it shut down last December... Though I had stopped playing it a couple years prior. When SWTOR was first released and I read it was not an open world game, that EA was involved, and that they wanted $59.99 (in addition to the obvious monthly subscription), I decided to hold off. Once the price came down to $39.99 (much more reasonable for a game that is going to incur a monthly subscription) I decided to try it for myself. At first I was really skeptical. I was reading so many bad reviews on the game. However, after playing the game for several days and adjusting to a more "story driven" genera, I was pleasantly surprised.


I do enjoy open world games like SWG, Skyrim, Fallout, ect, but I can also appreciate Bioware's story driven version of Star Wars. Bioware is a top notch game studio and I've been enjoying their RPGs since Baulder's Gate. It's actually quite remarkable how there are 6 or so main story lines to play. I think SWTOR has a lot of potential. We are just going to have to wait and see what direction Bioware goes in with the coming updates. Ultimately, in my personal opinion, long-term success of a mmorpg depends on having a strong core fan base. If the updates are geared to increase the quality and immersion of the game I think it's future would be good. If they go down the typical EA path of trying to focus on 11 - 18 yrs gamers with attention spans of gerbils just to increase short-term subscription levels they will alienate their base (just like Sony did in SWG) and the game will slowly go down hill. More and more developers will be pull of the game and less updates and bug fixes will get pushed through.


I hope that doesn't happen. But, to the original question: I like both SWG and SWTOR. They are different games as many others have said in this thread, and it isn't fair to compare them.

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SWG was the first MMO I played after years in EQ1. Not having done much PvP in EQ, I was blown away by the world PvP of SWG pre-EC. I had such a great time participating in the, seemingly, never-ending battles between Anchorhead and Mos Isles (?).


SWG had, hands down, the best crafting system and player driven economy I ever played. Crafted gear was best in slot, each piece was unique, and the decay system drove the economy.


Overall I think SWTOR is more polished. However, SWG was a good game in its day.

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The answer to your question is, "Yes, there are some people who think this." The longer version of this answer explains that these people are not the audience SWTOR was made for and their nostalgia for a terrible game with a great community clouds their judgment.
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SWG had, hands down, the best crafting system and player driven economy I ever played. Crafted gear was best in slot, each piece was unique, and the decay system drove the economy..


Absoluetly, the crafting system in SWG really was awesome.

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