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Too laggy to move/fight


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does having other games installed on a computer sometimes affect frame rates and lag? :confused:


No but you do need to defrag the drive after installing the game. This will help some. Only time another game is an issue is if it is running.


Also McAfee is a FPS killer. However the OP did not state if running that. I have AVG 2012 and it does not affect games at all.

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In my experience that is a result of shadows. Outdoors there are relatively few shadows being rendered compared to in cities/buildings. Turn your shadows off (or down) and see if that doesn't speed you up. It did for me when I had that issue.


Spot on.


When my shadow setting was set to HIGH and i tried to enter the Jedi temple the first time..that game became un playable as movement was lagging major time.


Soon as i dropped the setting to LOW..problem solved

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ah forgot specs, my laptops on it's last legs but when I can have skyrim running with out too much messing around I shouldn't be having much a problem with this.


Intel duo 2.40ghz

3gb of ram

Geforce 8600m GT 256mb


I've have shaders and shadows at low, with textures and character details moving up and down as needed at 1400 x 900


And like I said out side of when I'm loading areas I have good FPS. Dropping settings does little to reduce the problem.

Edited by HotCod
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so heres whats happening with me, im able to run wow on ultra and have 0 lag, able to run rift on med - high and have minimal to no lag, yet on swtor it can jump or drop from literally 0.5 to 60's. i have EVERYTHING set off or on the lowest setting, im on windowed mode and my res is set to 800x600. ill be at 35+ fps in a fight and then drop down to 5 for what ever reason. ive updated my drivers and all and idk what the deal is.
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So it seems my problems are all with indoor areas including instances. This explains city slow downs. I've reduced my rez and settings and while this has improved performance in out door areas my game becomes pretty much unplayable if I go inside. Which is just strange... shaders and shadows are more prevalent inside but they are already set low for me.
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So it seems my problems are all with indoor areas including instances. This explains city slow downs. I've reduced my rez and settings and while this has improved performance in out door areas my game becomes pretty much unplayable if I go inside. Which is just strange... shaders and shadows are more prevalent inside but they are already set low for me.



I'm having the same issue. I can run smooth outdoors even in heavy populated areas. However, even when an area is nearly empty, going indoors drops my framerate so low I can barely move.

I dropped all my setting to low but I still have issues. I checked my specs and I'm above whats recommended... I've no cllue what I can do...

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just one solution...get a decent PC


That isn't a solution; since many people including myself are above the recommended specs and experecne lag so significant that moving is diffuclt and fighting is bosses is nire impossible. There are if you look also people who say they have fairly high-end pc's who are experienced pretty serious lag.


The lag that aggravates me the most is on my starship, the Fury. For some reason I can move smoothly in the cockpit, yet everywhere else it is laggy beyond all expectations, so much it takes several attempts to get through each doorway. The most annoying thing happened, where Khem Val said he wanted to speak to me in my starship, I got there and then he didn't.


I NEVER thought I said this, in all the years I've followed TOR - but if this doesn't improve then I'll finish the Sith Inquisitor, and perhaps Warrior, storylines and then i'll the quit the game. I just can't enjoy the game with so much lag, and i'm not paying £10 a month for that.



What's the point in having recomended specs when those above can't run the game smoothly?

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hmm im geting lag : take a look at my system and tell me if anything is wrong



Windows (Service Pack 2)


AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 5200


2.62 GHz


1.87 GB


NVIDIA GeForce 8500 GT


1.17 GB






149.05 GB


86.56 GB (58%)


844.53 kB/s (6.9 mbps)

Edited by lronmanthejedi
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Since a lot of you guys seem to know what your talking about and since I suck at computers maybe you guys can help with this. I downloaded the game and everything was fine until I got to the character creation screen and I noticed the ground was missing. I thought it was just the the character screen but when I got in game I couldn,t really see anything. I have my menu, map, chat, etc. but as far as the game goes, all I got was quick glemses of my player followed by a lot of popping and missing textures in the enviroment. Can someone please help because bioware is completely useless right now. Thanks Edited by MASTERTRUEBLOOD
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Lag to the point of utter discouragement. It might sound dramatic, but yeah... I may quit if I can't get this to run smoothly. :(


Let me know.




CPU: Intel i3 530 Dual Core 2.93

Ram: 6gb DDR3

Graphics Card: GeForce 9400 - 1gb video ram


My intel also has an internal GPU, which also puts another 2gb into my video ram...


I REALLY want you heal you guys, but I can't click on you since you flicker all over the damn place.



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Not sure where to post this, but here goes.


The game is too laggy to move/fight. Moving/turning to run in a straight line is impossible. Forget actually fighting... Getting the stories/quests work fine.


My graphics are as low as they will go. I played in one of the betas and after reducing my graphics I was able to move around fine. But now that's not even helping. I get 4 bars on the meter, which suggests I should be fine...but not so much.


Any suggestions? Thanks.


It could be because you're likely on a full server right now, or at least heavy. Beta there were way less people (and less servers). Just take Beta and multiply it by..a lot.


Thats probably why you cannot handle it anymore, the extra strain could be too much. Im guessing you have quite a low quality graphics card, processor or RAM?


Unfortunately this is only going to get worse for you come Dec. 20.

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I've been playing with all settings to the max and it's been running fine. We need Ultra graphics and AA.


1. Try updating your drivers.

2. Could be a compatibility issue with your graphics card. (Will end up getting fixed)

3. Clean up your computer.

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Changing the graphics preferences doesn't do anything.


Doing it in game does nothing.



Doing it on character select screen does nothing.


Allow me to clarify: When I select my settings and hit apply I get the loading screen and such, but my settings stay the same once it's all said and done.


the settings never change. Regardless of where they're set.

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To all those still having these issue (not gonna read all pages there...)


I was having same issue. Running a rather old pc (laptop even!) and beta was Ok. Still I logged yesterday and it was almost unplayable but... noticed something.


During beta I had all specs set to minimum as well as it showed now on EGA. Still, I noticed that some textures were too high to be low, so i tried the following:


1) Pick random graphics option and set it to "medium" or "high"

2) click apply. When I clicked, nothing changed. Strange ;o

3) Pick same option but now choose "low"

4) Click apply. Now loading screen showed and boom, lower graphics, better performance

5) repeat with all other graphic options.


Now I can play with my laptop fairly well, I leave you my specs ;)


Core 2 Duo 1.6Ghz


GeForce 105M 512Mb


THANK YOU! :D I had my doubts, but this worked. What's more the settings it's now on are better than my manual settings. If anyone else is having problems they should try 'fingolion's' suggested technique.

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If you are having unnatural game lag and know your specs are good enough try setting graphics to high and clicking apply...then switch to low and apply...this should fix your game lag problem


Your welcome!!!

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Some people really lack any common sense. This thread clearly indicates that the issue is not specs yet people still post things like "Get a better PC"!


As a developer I can tell you now that the fault is with the game, the customer is always right and if a game does not allow a PC bought in a retail store to run on it and that PC was purchased within the last year then that is a major fault of the game plus developers.


Credit however, they improved this problem and I can now play properly so thanks a lot there. Seems many still have the issue but they need to individually state their specs because obviously there are always going to be players who do have bad computers.


Not the case with most of the people I've spoken to though.

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