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Too laggy to move/fight


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1. Open Cataclyst/Ati Control Center or Nvidia control panel

2. Set Anisotropic Filtering to 16

3. Optionally, force AA to x2,x4 or x8

4. Set In-Game Anisotropic Filtering to "low".


If the issue persists, we ask that you please try the following:


1 – Go to game Preferences / Graphics. Turn off the 'bloom' option from the 'Advanced' section. This should give you about 10-20 fps increase.


2- This one is for high end PCs. If your game has high fps but is still stuttering, please go to game Preferences / Graphics and turn on the 'vertical sync' option in 'General' section. This should improve your framerate issue (however, this may decrease fps in low end machines though).


Don't know if any of this is relevent any more, but it was a fix for some of the same issues in the beta. This was from a thread lol I copied it too note pad along with alot of other crap lol


I actualy tried all of that and can not get past 5 fps on my machine on any settings, in beta i was getting 30 nfps with all the settings maxed out, very frustrating. all drivers are up to date to so i dont know whats going on here, something changed somewhere and its not anything on my machine.

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"May I say, the 'shadows trick', as it were (that is, turning them off), is making a huge difference even on Character Select. So, it functions as a temp fix."




"Yeah, I'm ATI Radeon as I said. I think your message comes a bit unclear, you seem to mean, it may be a while before we get a full response from Bioware. Anyway, the shadow fix seems to work."


shadow trick did nothing for me. AMD Athlon dual core processor and Nvidia 210 ( 30 fps in beta on max settings by the way) with 8 gigs of ram.

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Also, I've checked other games on my computer (LIKE WOW) and none of them have this problem. Even Mass Effect is running fine on high 1366x768.


wow on ultra and COH COV on ultra, aion on max, I get an average of 30 to 40 fps, beta for tor, same thing, all of a sudden today i only get 5 fps, Something is definetly going on and its most likely biowares side, so much for a smooth launch.

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I turned off shadows this morning and it made the difference. (I had to ask how to do that, I was looking right over it!)


So... Things I did to make it better were (for anyone else still struggling).


1. Upgraded my video drivers.

2. Followed the advice (settings in game and in the CCC) in this thread, to include and especially turned OFF shadows (was overlooking because it said "low," not on or off).


Thanks again, and good luck to the rest.


I do plan to upgrade my video card after Christmas. I also have a newer laptop with a better graphics card I am going to try out to see if it runs better. (I don't like to play on a laptop.)

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1. Open Cataclyst/Ati Control Center or Nvidia control panel

2. Set Anisotropic Filtering to 16

3. Optionally, force AA to x2,x4 or x8

4. Set In-Game Anisotropic Filtering to "low".


If the issue persists, we ask that you please try the following:


1 – Go to game Preferences / Graphics. Turn off the 'bloom' option from the 'Advanced' section. This should give you about 10-20 fps increase.


2- This one is for high end PCs. If your game has high fps but is still stuttering, please go to game Preferences / Graphics and turn on the 'vertical sync' option in 'General' section. This should improve your framerate issue (however, this may decrease fps in low end machines though).


Don't know if any of this is relevent any more, but it was a fix for some of the same issues in the beta. This was from a thread lol I copied it too note pad along with alot of other crap lol


This helped me during the last weekend of beta when they released this build and I had the same issue. Didnt help a lot but at least I could move after that.

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full important specs are


SLi GTX 580's

Core i7 920 @ 3.2ghz

12GB ddr3 tripple chan @ 1600Mhz


Sound Blaster X-treme


was wondering if i can run it at max. I haven't had a chance to play at all but i can run Skyrim at full settings just fine.


Reatrded question to ask. Even with 4x MSAA+ SSAA you'll get 60+ FPS.

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So, I'm jumping into this thread hoping for some help. Please do me a favor and read the entire post before making a suggestion, as it's a bit complicated and I have lots of details.


Ok, here we go:


My husband bought a PC this year in anticipation of SWTOR. Basic specs:


Intel Core i7 3ghz



64-bit Windows 7


I, on the other hand, have been running on a 4-year-old rig that I'm lazy about upgrading:


Core Duo 2.66ghz



64-bit Windows 7


We both played in the beta, and his rig was able to run flawlessly at medium settings. He was able to run some settings at high, but chose to run them at medium in order to get better FPS. I had some lag issues early on, but the last couple of beta builds really optimized for me and smoothed out a lot of my issues.


Yesterday, we were both accepted into Early Access. Yay!




My computer is running easily at 50fps. His is completely, unbearably choppy. It's unplayable.



So what's a girl to do? Well, I got to work on troubleshooting. Here's what I've done so far:


  • Ran msconfig to shut down anything stupid running at startup (i.e., iTunes and MS Office, etc)
  • Updated all drivers (or checked at least. Everything was up to date)
  • Set all settings to "Low"
  • Shut off shadows
  • Took the steps listed earlier in this thread (disabling AA, antisotropic filters, etc)
  • Ran a clean install of the game as of late last night


I'm not exactly computer illiterate, I know my way around, and I'll tell you what, this left me scratching my head. What the heck else is there to do? Today I'm trying a rollback of his driver (though I'm playing on the SAME driver on my older PC without an issue), and attempting to seek help from other brains who might have other ideas... namely, you guys.


Any ideas on this? I'm stumped. Especially considering my game runs smooth like butter, and is about half the machine his is. And it ran the game perfectly fine not a WEEK ago in beta!


Thanks for the help and time!

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"I'm having the same issue with a 2.27 GHz Intel i5 and a ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4330. This 'upgrade or go home talk' is unacceptable (not that I'm talking bout BW here at all, I'd use a better word than unacceptable, but I'm being nice). Don't want to actually help, get out of the thread. The people here were able to play during beta, there were no problems then, so there should be no problems now."


"I'm okay with getting a temporary fix, while Bioware works on a permanent one, that's completely reasonable. I'll play with lag if I have to, or I won't play until its fixed, all I want to hear is 'we're looking into it, we'll take care of it'. I trust them."


Same gfx chip here slightly worse CPU same issues, trying all sorts of fixes, but I shouldn't have to beta was fine, should be fine to now.

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I followed these directions, and I turned shadows OFF (there is a difference), and I can move now!





1. Open Cataclyst/Ati Control Center or Nvidia control panel

2. Set Anisotropic Filtering to 16

3. Optionally, force AA to x2,x4 or x8

4. Set In-Game Anisotropic Filtering to "low".


If the issue persists, we ask that you please try the following:


1 – Go to game Preferences / Graphics. Turn off the 'bloom' option from the 'Advanced' section. This should give you about 10-20 fps increase.


2- This one is for high end PCs. If your game has high fps but is still stuttering, please go to game Preferences / Graphics and turn on the 'vertical sync' option in 'General' section. This should improve your framerate issue (however, this may decrease fps in low end machines though).


Don't know if any of this is relevent any more, but it was a fix for some of the same issues in the beta. This was from a thread lol I copied it too note pad along with alot of other crap lol

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"I'm not sure the issue with the NVidia card is the same as the one most of the people in this thread are having. Obviously, the shadows things isn't quite a catch-all temp fix for everyone. People who need help here might do well to keep talking about it here so we don't get lost in all the forum whining."
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My FPS is so inconsistent. Some areas I get 40+fps, and others I get less than 10fps. It's ridiculous. Shadows are all off and everything.


Have bioware made any kind of statement about this? It seems to be a pretty widespread issue.

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I got the same problem with the lags. Not FPS (brand new computer), but heavy lagging. I was playing just fine yesterday and today until 19:00 GMT. Then BOOM, the response goes from 47 ms to whopping 12000 ms. And back again. I tried to relog, restart, even create a new character, but the problem is still there. Other people on my server do not seem to have the problem.
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get a better PC that is all!


Sure mate just hand over the cash and we will do just that.


Anyhow currently working to get the CCC working (nearly smashing this laptop to pieces!)


hope once that is running I can get some settings fixed and see if that helps, also made sure the drivers are fully up to date and they are now, not that it made any difference.


seriously why the **** does the game have to run so differently from the beta, no fun!

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You guys should be posting this thread in the customer service forums I believe. Don't quote me on that it just seems like that's the place where you should be looking for help. Although some of the posts here did look quite helpful.


I hope you guys get it straightened out. Good luck.

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I was able to test one issue in beta with severe lag I encountered several times that was purely locational by character and had nothing to do with video settings, number of players in the area, graphics, inside/outside areas, etc.


I was in one area where it was so bad that I couldn't get out. Logging in and out had no effect, nor did rebooting my machine. A timely server reboot completely eliminated the issue. I would say the issue was a server under an extreme load.

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