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So now that we have transparency and a roadmap...


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I guess we can stop with all the criticism. A full operation in the course of 1 year, a few flashpoints, class balance, lots of positive changes. If people are leaving, its because they have a different view or need from their MMO, and that is fine. Thats why there are other games that can be played, hopefully to meet their needs and wants.
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I guess we can stop with all the criticism. SNIP....


Not a chance. If this is the best bioware can do I fully expect criticism of bioware and the game to only get worse. Not just here either. I'm already tracking it on other forums as well. (The ones that even care at this point anyway)


(Oh and that ops. It's not a year. It's more like 16 months since it wont come till April). You can bet criticism on that isn't dying any time soon.)

Edited by Quraswren
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If people are mad SWTOR isn't WoW, perhaps they should stop bothering us and go play WoW. SWTOR was never about hardcore raiding and endless streams of useless, grindy content. Heck, even back in the day before Burning Crusade, Blizzard was able to keep a healthy player base with the game built on community alone; after all, Vanilla didn't have new content other than its own and what the players made for themselves. There is also another Star Wars game called Jedi Knight Jedi Academy whose community is still going on for fifteen years now, and all they have is player-generated content such as character models and maps.


Some people play to devour content ASAP, which is funny, because SWTOR has plenty of it. Even with the content currently in the game, I can go on for another five years. The problem is, is that people deem content to be what they want it to be. A raider or a PvPer will whine about a lack of content because there are no new Operations or PvP mumbo jumbo coming out, regardless of whether or not other types of content are being developed and released.


For people whining about a lack of content, there is a soother called actually playing the game for other reasons. Do they really expect the development team to cater just to them? Everybody needs to be pleased, and that's already quite the undertaking for a title as expensive as SWTOR.


But I digress; it's their money. If they do not feel that they are getting their money's worth, then that is their right to unsubscribe. I suppose EA needs to realize how expensive SWTOR was going to be in order to maintain, and maybe the CEO can sell his experimental private jet to help fund the game for a change.


I for one, am satisfied. As I said, I will never run out of things to do in this game; I love this game so much, I am interested in all its aspects. It pleases me that I am not getting so much "content" shoved down my throat - if I wanted that, then I would play WOW. Let SWTOR be SWTOR, I say, and not WoW 2.0.


How much do you want to bet that these people crying for a lack of content haven't actually completed all achievements yet? Or have anyone in the game to hang out with, like a guild or something?


And even if they did complete everything this game has to offer, why would they work so hard just give up simply because Bioware isn't feeding them content as often as the mailman shows up at their door?

Edited by ForfiniteStories
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Not a chance. If this is the best bioware can do I fully expect criticism of bioware and the game to only get worse. Not just here either. I'm already tracking it on other forums as well. (The ones that even care at this point anyway)


(Oh and that ops. It's not a year. It's more like 16 months since it wont come till April). You can bet criticism on that isn't dying any time soon.)

April 2017 is when Tyth was released. Check your math. That reaffirms just how much people find a way to concoct their negative feelings out of thin air.

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April 2017 is when Tyth was released. Check your math. That reaffirms just how much people find a way to concoct their negative feelings out of thin air.


Not a way to concoct anything. It's still 4 months late given bioware said it would be finish by December 2017.


My addition is off but there are negative feelings because bioware is 4 months late.

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I guess we can stop with all the criticism. A full operation in the course of 1 year, a few flashpoints, class balance, lots of positive changes. If people are leaving, its because they have a different view or need from their MMO, and that is fine. Thats why there are other games that can be played, hopefully to meet their needs and wants.


A lot of the forum "vocal disaffected" have been protesting 2017.. so the fact that Keith said 2018 will essentially be more of the same..... means no.. the criticisms will not stop.


That said.. I do agree... if a player is not having fun and does not like the direction of the game... it is in their best interests to play something different.. at least for a while in order to take a break rather then doubling down on all the negative rhetoric.

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It made enough of an impact on you that you are voluntarily "tracking" other forums for feedback. That seems pretty significant.


And yet, still not life or death. Amazing how that worked out isn't it. Might even be just other forums I visit (or even moderate) and can just easily see the churn of replies.

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Why do you have to be so hostile?


Why can't you just enjoy the game for what it is?


Wow I actually find myself agreeing with you for the first time. lol


It's simple, Quras & Saereth, you don't like what they're doing, UNSUB. Quit coming complaining over no news, no content, then when we get it, you come complain that it's not what you wanted...makes you sound like a selfish child.

Edited by CaptRogue
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A lot of the forum "vocal disaffected" have been protesting 2017.. so the fact that Keith said 2018 will essentially be more of the same..... means no.. the criticisms will not stop.


That said.. I do agree... if a player is not having fun and does not like the direction of the game... it is in their best interests to play something different.. at least for a while in order to take a break rather then doubling down on all the negative rhetoric.

Oddly enough, the biggwst complaints about 2017 have been addressed by Keith, so I dont fully understand how 2018 would be as "bad" as 2017.

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Oddly enough, the biggwst complaints about 2017 have been addressed by Keith, so I dont fully understand how 2018 would be as "bad" as 2017.


While I do not agree with much of the rhetoric and negative feelings the vocal disaffected have been plying in the forums... I DO read them and consider them... because they ARE opinions. In that context.. the running opinion for at least the second half of 2017 was that Austin has lost their way and is drowning the game through negligence (a paraphrase on my part, but I do believe it captures the essence of the rage).


So no.. I have to disagree with you on this... as Keith did NOT address what these players are so angry about.


That said... I learned years ago to take an MMO as it is presented... and if it is fun for me I play on.. if not.. I go play something else. I'm not upset about the 2018 plan as presented... but I do understand some players are.... and I just wish they would take care of their best interests and go play something that does not make them angry. The anger directed at the studio and the game does nobody any good... and is actually not healthy for those that are angry. I think a lot of people are completely oblivious as to the damage anger does to a human being physically and emotionally.

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Wow I actually find myself agreeing with you for the first time. lol


It's simple, Quras & Saereth, you don't like what they're doing, UNSUB. Quit coming complaining over no news, no content, then when we get it, you come complain that it's not what you wanted...makes you sound like a selfish child.


IT's not that simple because I enjoy the guild Im in. I also enjoy the free coins I get for working so hard on the referral codes when it came out.


I enjoy parts of the game but not the whole. I can see where many can't grasp that idea but there is it anyway.

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While I do not agree with much of the rhetoric and negative feelings the vocal disaffected have been plying in the forums... I DO read them and consider them... because they ARE opinions. In that context.. the running opinion for at least the second half of 2017 was that Austin has lost their way and is drowning the game through negligence (a paraphrase on my part, but I do believe it captures the essence of the rage).


So no.. I have to disagree with you on this... as Keith did NOT address what these players are so angry about. .

I guess i question the claim of negligence, because everything that was promised at one point will be in game within a 12 month period, so while the time of each release may not have been exactly as planned, the goal was met by the ultimate end date. So again, i question the idea of negligence vs expectations of more than was promised.

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I guess i question the claim of negligence, because everything that was promised at one point will be in game within a 12 month period, so while the time of each release may not have been exactly as planned, the goal was met by the ultimate end date. So again, i question the idea of negligence vs expectations of more than was promised.


Respectfully... you are not listening... you are rationalizing, but I acknowledge some players do feel this way. You are doing exactly the same thing those you are critical of are doing.... just in a different direction. .


I personally do not agree that they have been negligent.... but for you to claim the more negative segments of the player base are not essentially saying this is a big mistake on your part.


There is no harm in recognizing an opinion, even if you disagree with it. In fact.. it very often helps set context for making counter-opinions in ongoing discussion. If you want to be heard.. you also have to listen and acknowledge opinions that disagree with your personal view. Nothing says you have to agree, but to be so dismissive is exactly what causes many of the food fights that take place in the forum.


TL;DR: 2018 being a repeat of 2017 (Keiths words essentially) means there can and will be angry players who feel the direction the studio took with 5.0 and 2017 in general represents the studio losing it's way and/or being negligent (or as some have claimed... incompetent). You can disagree of course... but to be dismissive is a mistake unless you just want to inflame already inflamed players.

Edited by Andryah
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I think it is less anger and more the frustration of watching a game they care about barely limping along after shooting itself in both legs. They alienated the hardcore group players with the focus entirely (well mostly anyway) on RPG elements. Then turned around in 2017 and alienated what had been their most loyal subscriber base, RPG players, by focusing entirely on group play aspects of the game. The roadmap did nothing to calm people's fear that the game is spinning its wheels and has lost its direction, in a lot of ways it reinforced those concerns. Particularly concerning was the comment that 6.0 would not be a proper expansion more like a 5.95 update. I'll stay subscribed on one account but will be dropping two others (for family members who only play the RPG portions of the game) as a result of the roadmap which has left me feeling that what there is in the game now is all there is going to be for an RPG player.
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What do you think the morale is like at Bioware with the slavemaster EA tieing their hands and threatening their jobs if they cant make a game that simultaneously will satisfy the gamerbase AND fulfill EA's obsession with microtransactions?


They're in an impossible situation right now, and I'm sure they'd appreciate it if the forums didn't jump down their throats whenever they say ANYTHING AT ALL.

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Everyone on this forum knows how strung up Bioware is developing this game. Instead of trashing them, get on twitter and start a #BoycottEA movement or something.


I suggested something similar to this, but to post #SaveSWTOR, and tweet to the BW, EA, official SWTOR account about giving the game the resources it deserves. Boycotting EA would likely end up hurting SWTOR more, rallying behind the idea of directing resources and time into SWTOR is a more focused and concise message.

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The game has PLENTY stuff to do, people are just idiotic and lazy to actually play the game.

I play since beta and I've seen everything this game has, it's a lot of content. A LOT.


If people leave because there's "nothing to do", they won't find what they're looking for in other games.

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