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Thoughts on Planet instances


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While I'm having a significant amount of fun with the game, by level 29 I haven't been able to shake this feeling of being...alone. There just isn't very many people around. Once you're past the starting planet, it's very rare to ever find someone with the same quest as you to party with (completely forget about finding a member of the opposing faction to open PvP). I found this odd for a game with so many subscribers and on the Anchorhead server which has one of the longer queue times consistently.


I think it's a combination of huge maps (a good thing) and planet instances (a bad thing). Now if this game or specific areas in the game were oozing players to where it was causing extreme lag, then planet instances would be a great idea, and I think they were a reasonable precaution. However, the higher level planets really really don't need them, they're actually a detriment to the fun of the planets. On Aldaaran right now, there are over 30 people, but because of instance division I only see 11...on the whole planet. This is giving the feeling of a single player/coop game on an MMO that has great MMO foundations. I think removing planet instances or somehow managing them will greatly improve upon the experience.

Edited by Whatthefunk
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I'm the opposite. I don't like when an NPC tells me I'm the only one who can help them do a task, except for the other 250 people he just gave the quest to I can see milling around the area.


SWTOR's planet instancing suits me fine.

Edited by Caelrie
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But as it is, it honestly should have been a single player/coop game. At least then more time could have been devoted to a more compelling storyline. I feel like we're getting the worst of both worlds where they made a TON of content that's ultimately less interesting (inevitable with an MMO, this is not a criticism), and there's nobody around to play with.
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GOOD that i can get a quest done without competition from hundreds of other people trying to do the same exact thing..

BAD that i feel like im alone on a server with full pop.

If i could choose, i would take the overcrowded feeling any day. Thats why i'm playing an "MMO"


Also i feel like this could hurt some pvp elements of the game as well.

Edited by TheShoob
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