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I know I"m good gear wise, full set of T1 armor and relics now. Lv. 70. Valor is 23 or so, so it won't be long until I can jump into ranked pvp finally.


But to be honest, with how dang toxic ranked pvp seems to be, is it worth it? Does ranked really give out that much more cxp?

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I know I"m good gear wise, full set of T1 armor and relics now. Lv. 70. Valor is 23 or so, so it won't be long until I can jump into ranked pvp finally.


But to be honest, with how dang toxic ranked pvp seems to be, is it worth it? Does ranked really give out that much more cxp?


It's toxic as hell, but than so is regs heh, it's more a matter of degrees. Whether it's worth it or not is really a personal consideration. Clearly it is for some, and to be fair, there are many people who genuinely love playing ranked. For me, it isn't worth it but that's mostly because I don't enjoy arenas, but I'd venture to say to some others it is. A thick skin can do wonders and may be something of a prerequisite. You really can't separate the toxicity from the PVP experience, it's virtually a part of the PVP subculture. I think perhaps the reason it comes across a bit more pronounced than regs it because Ranked has an ongoing personal rating factor to it that doesn't get reset after each match which engenders a more competitive atmosphere to it.


Lastly, I agree with the previous posters caution, do not do ranked in non BIS gear. People will take exception to it because you will be at a disadvantage to most opponents you will face and your performance effects their rating too.

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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Even with perfect play and full BiS, you will forever be bad and it will always be your fault because you didn't kill 4 people while being the focus target all game. gitgud


With that said, Enjoy ranked.




I totally shall! I also solemnly swear to:


- trash talk my group because everyone is bad but me


- tunnel vision one player and ignore other wz objectives


- and when my team loses, I will BLAME EVERYONE ELSE :)



Yes, I think I'm ready for ranked pvp :D

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I mean.... how high am I supposed to go? I have slightly over 200 cxp tokens, I'm max lv. I dunno how else to get higher gear from. :rak_02:


There are many sources for higher gear. The main route is by increasing your GC rank. Gear drops as follows:


Tier 1: 230

Tier 2: 234/236

Tier 3: 240/242

Tier 4: 246/248


From Tier 2 on you can get the legendary gold gear that is the one you are aiming for. Another way of getting gear is buying with Unassembled Components, you get those from PVP and som PVE stuff through Activity Finder. So for those command tokens you buy 230 gear, but for UCs you buy 236 gear. Also you can upgrade a gear token (but only Legendary gold ones) so if you have a 236 Chest for example, you can upgrade it to a 242 Chest by using 563 UCs, then you can upgrade that 242 to 248 using another 675 UCs. Technically you can buy a 248 piece from 0 but it would cost you over 1600 UCs which is inefficient.


The last way is to do Operations. SM bosses drop 236 gear, Veteran bosses drop 242 gear and Master mode drop 240 and 248 (last boss only). Of course you have to roll for the pieces so you wont always get one, but its better than to spend so much UCs. Also, the new operation Gods of the Machine drops 242 on SM and 248 on Veteran.


So to do the math, if you get all the 242 pieces from Veteran mode operation (which is doable in 1 or 2 days) then you need around 9k UCs to be full 248, which is strongest gear in game. So at least gear wise you would be ready for ranked :) otherwise you can buy the gear from 0 buy spending over 19k UCs.

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I know I"m good gear wise, full set of T1 armor and relics now. Lv. 70. Valor is 23 or so, so it won't be long until I can jump into ranked pvp finally.


But to be honest, with how dang toxic ranked pvp seems to be, is it worth it? Does ranked really give out that much more cxp?


Don't do ranked. Your reason for doing it is the cxp grind? Ranked is for people to compete for a rating. Cxp grinders should go do something else

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Right now, you are better off sticking with regs. I don't mean about your gear (as long as you are augmented and have set bonus, bolster will bring you up high enough), but given you are just valor 25 (which only takes a couple days to get to); that tells me you are still very new to SWTOR and SWTOR PVP. Consider the fact that the people you will be going against (and who will be on your team, and those are the ones who will get frustrated) will have dozens if not hundred of days played on their characters, you simply lack the experience and skill with your toon to compete.


Keep playing regs, and pay particular attention to arena's in regs, as all ranked matches are arenas. If you see a group in fleet forming a group ranked for mats group, than feel free to join them (the group ranked for mats actually want to lose quickly, so no one will get upset), and try out ranked in that mode. Honestly, I would not do ranked until you have at least 1 character at level 50 or 60. My perspective on the level 25 requirement has mostly been for experienced players playing new toons, not so much a "recommend" level for someone new to the game.


Of course, if you want to play right now, there is no one who can prevent you, but be aware that you will probably get killed really fast, and get yelled at by the other players on your team.


P.S. at some point you will just have to jump into ranked and play to get better. Ranked and regs are completely different ballgames, so you could be a regs hero, and still get gloablled in ranked. But given it seems you are really really new, so you probably want to wait at least a little bit.)

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There are many sources for higher gear. The main route is by increasing your GC rank. Gear drops as follows:


Tier 1: 230

Tier 2: 234/236

Tier 3: 240/242

Tier 4: 246/248


From Tier 2 on you can get the legendary gold gear that is the one you are aiming for. Another way of getting gear is buying with Unassembled Components, you get those from PVP and som PVE stuff through Activity Finder. So for those command tokens you buy 230 gear, but for UCs you buy 236 gear. Also you can upgrade a gear token (but only Legendary gold ones) so if you have a 236 Chest for example, you can upgrade it to a 242 Chest by using 563 UCs, then you can upgrade that 242 to 248 using another 675 UCs. Technically you can buy a 248 piece from 0 but it would cost you over 1600 UCs which is inefficient.


The last way is to do Operations. SM bosses drop 236 gear, Veteran bosses drop 242 gear and Master mode drop 240 and 248 (last boss only). Of course you have to roll for the pieces so you wont always get one, but its better than to spend so much UCs. Also, the new operation Gods of the Machine drops 242 on SM and 248 on Veteran.


So to do the math, if you get all the 242 pieces from Veteran mode operation (which is doable in 1 or 2 days) then you need around 9k UCs to be full 248, which is strongest gear in game. So at least gear wise you would be ready for ranked :) otherwise you can buy the gear from 0 buy spending over 19k UCs.




Thanks for the help. The game vendors and such don't really explain all of that. I have about 100 or so UC parts and about 200 tokens. My CXP rank is around the high 70's.


Once my CXP rank goes over 100, that's when T2 stuff could start coming out of crates? I'm trying to save as many parts/tokens as I can

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So here i am in my 236 doing granked on my oper. My teammates in 242+. They say hey your gear is too low for granked.


We doing around 8 -10 games where i come up in second place dps at least 6 times, and my sniper dies doing like 10 % of my damage in half of the matches and dies like a noob few times in openers.


Just lol, yes 230 prob a bit too low for ranked but still. Its funny how geared players asking for gear but have no skill to utilize gear to their advantage.

Edited by Cherepk
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Thanks for the help. The game vendors and such don't really explain all of that. I have about 100 or so UC parts and about 200 tokens. My CXP rank is around the high 70's.


Once my CXP rank goes over 100, that's when T2 stuff could start coming out of crates? I'm trying to save as many parts/tokens as I can

Tier 2 starts coming from rank 90-180

Tier 3 starts coming from rank 180-299

You keep getting CXP after you hit 300 and each time the bar gets full you get a tier 4 crate.


Always pick any pink 230 gear, or legendary 236 and 242 gear that you encounter in your crates, whenever you need them or not. They can be used with UC to be converted to items that you do need. For example, if you have 246 gloves and you get 242 gloves from a crate, you can use the 242 glove and UC to buy 248 gloves, so pick them instead of disintegrating. Same if you get a 242 relic that you don't need because it is a useless relic, pick it anyway because combined with UC you can convert it to any 248 relic of your choice, including the one you really need.


But as many have said before, ranked is not the answer for those who want CXP. It is a totally different game style, and those good in regs aren't necessarily good in ranked, nor is it otherwise (I solo capped an objective from world bests a few times because they wasted their stun breakers in dueling :D). If you aren't the deathmatch style, you will find regs far more fun than ranked (and people hack there less, and being a FOTM class matters there less)

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I totally shall! I also solemnly swear to:


- trash talk my group because everyone is bad but me


- tunnel vision one player and ignore other wz objectives


- and when my team loses, I will BLAME EVERYONE ELSE :)



Yes, I think I'm ready for ranked pvp :D


You are not ready. You forgot:


- If the team loses the first round drop a chat bomb and leave.

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You are not ready. You forgot:


- If the team loses the first round drop a chat bomb and leave.



I totally forgot that one! Thanks! :D



Yeah I'll stick to my regs for a bit LOL. But the gear tips are helpful if I ever wanna venture into ranked, which tbh now doesn't even sound so good.

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So here i am in my 236 doing granked on my oper. My teammates in 242+. They say hey your gear is too low for granked.


We doing around 8 -10 games where i come up in second place dps at least 6 times, and my sniper dies doing like 10 % of my damage in half of the matches and dies like a noob few times in openers.


Just lol, yes 230 prob a bit too low for ranked but still. Its funny how geared players asking for gear but have no skill to utilize gear to their advantage.


236 tier gear vs 242 is almost the closest in stat outcome there is in bolster. It's almost the same gear.


I actually did the test: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rpCTtEAWYs731zN36riNyPhrUH61IXUNhnH5-GVqENQ/edit?usp=sharing


The only huge gear between 242 to full 248 (which makes sense, 1 tier above). Everything 242 or lower looks pretty close with bolster.

Edited by kissingaiur
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Don't do ranked. Your reason for doing it is the cxp grind? Ranked is for people to compete for a rating. Cxp grinders should go do something else


Not entirely true, if someone wants to try rank let them. We're a especial breed and the only way to find out is by trying it a few times. Be prepare to like foul language, trolling, personal matches, premades, throwers, and a queue system that is completely bug according to customer service. Do not try rank for the sole purpose to see your name on a leaderboard, since time after time it has been prove that is not a legitimate way to measure a player skills. I most point out some players had made it to the top the way it was intended too.


Be also prepare to deal with a Elo system design by someone who never learn math in school. If you can absorb all that without taking it personal and be proud of your toon/class accomplishments then you belong to us..

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