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The curious case of the crazy - Unsub thread? or is it?


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*OP died 1/3/2018 waiting on NEW content that can't be completed in less than an hour.

*SWTOR had the high ground and OP went for it.

*OP - I HATE YOU!!!!!!!!!!

*OP BLUFFS, says he will find a new game and never return! We all know he will be back, OP knows too.

*OP wonders if he can get a disability check for the new Gaming Disorder illness. Will give him time to play more games.

*lonely OP needs waifu..or waffles whichever comes first.

*OP misses Star Wars Galaxies, but don't you dare mention EMU to him! He doesn't want it that way!

*OP wonders why the cartel market is updated on time every week but all other content suffers, damn OP complains a lot. Even if OP was given free CC he'd still complain why he had to pay for CC to begin with.

*OP knows it isn't really gambling if you get something in return.. *gives a peanut* after each losing bet.

*OP misses A/S/L questions on ICQ.

*OP starting to think maybe he has just outlived swtor and played for way too long.. order 66 time to go into hiding for a while maybe drink some green milk. Thinks padawans will have a good time with the game but not grumpy old jedi masters.

*OP will honestly miss SWTOR one day just like he misses Star Wars Galaxies.


*OP BLUFFS, says he will find a new game and never return! We all know he will be back, OP knows too.

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