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New Races


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They already said they will never make wookies cause no one wants to hear "WAAAAAGAGHHRRAWGH" all day long.


Kel'dor was the most wanted after Togruta back then i guess.


'They' have gone back on their word many times since then.


See- faster speeders being impossible, server names being hard coded, exploits being features then exploits again, etc.

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I am just hoping they add some not re-coloured humans in. They have already said that the Togruta was introducing the hide helmet by default option so it could be used for other species. I would think Mon Cal, Nautolan, Kel'dor, Gran and Rodian could all take advantages of this.


I also saw a couple of month old post where on a live Stream more was being done on races however no one knows if this means more races or more work done on existing ones.


The 3 points as I see it

1) New species add choice so add them people who don't want to play them wont and they will make people happy who do want to play them

2) Most people who want to play alien species would be happy just to play them and wouldn't spend hours moaning on the forums that a Cathar was not recognised as one in a single line of dialog

3) Most of the models are already in game and as stated most people who want to play an alien would be happy with limited creation ability as has been mentioned a million times why not have an alien species let players use this to pick existing models but let them be Mon Cal, Rodian, Gran etx just like STO.

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3) Most of the models are already in game and as stated most people who want to play an alien would be happy with limited creation ability as has been mentioned a million times why not have an alien species let players use this to pick existing models but let them be Mon Cal, Rodian, Gran etx just like STO.

I'm going to pick on this one because it is blatantly untrue.


One species that gets requested is Nautolan. If we ignore skin colour differences, there are *two* Nautolan models in the game: Nik Deleru and Ria Deleru, that is, male and female. One of each.


Devaronian? There are two, best called Gault Rennow (one broken horn) and Tyresius Lokai (two intact horns). No females at all. (The lore says that even thought they don't look have the horns and do have some other differences from males, they do look distinctively Devaronian.)


Rodian? One male, one female.


Mon Cal? One, I think. They all look the same to me, anyway.


Gran? (If my lore-fu is strong today, that's the three-eyed thing that Minister Imogh is one of.) All the other ones look just like Minister Imogh, apart from their clothes.


Cathar? There were three or four. One kind of female, two males with or without the mane (the maneless one is found, for example, in the Inquisitor story on Belsavis), and Aric Jorgan. Now there are more, but only because they did the work to add them.


And therein lies the rub. We wouldn't be satisfied with just one look tempered by skin colour changes, so they would have to add more models, so the models *aren't* in the game.

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My point is simply that the models already exist its not like re-inventing the wheel. People who want to play these races would be happy they were in the game even if there were only 3 or 4 faces per species. If the species was called Alien rather than a specific species then a series of existing models could be used with tiny changes to have a few different faces.

The character creator on SWTOR is not exactly out standing even for humans but allowing people to create the characters they want my encourage them to stick around and invest in other cartel items and subscribe. I just can't see why something like this hasn't already been done over another 30 outfits that all look alike,

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Even with limited variety of models for some species, it would be an easy task, except for adding the voice. In some cases.


For example, there are already voice-overs for a Trandoshan voice, wherein they are supposed to be speaking unintelligibly in some other language. I can't tell if it's actually Dosh, or Huttese gibberish, or what have you, but the voice is there. It could be easily used in place of hiring an actor to record every line of dialogue again in a Trandoshan voice. Some people might not like that, but to each their own. I would not mind.


But, again, in general, it would not be so hard; the models exist. It is not rocket science to change colors on a model skin, nor is it brain surgery to scale up or down areas of the models for the different "body types." As was said, the character customization in this game is very weak to begin with, and it is in fact surprising that in six years many of these beloved alien species have not been added to the list of playables.


Yes, it is VERY surprising that it hasn't happened yet. For one, because it would be easy. For another, because it's clearly desired by the players. But the number one reason - the primary reason for which should have been enacted long ago - is because IT CAN MILK PLAYERS FOR MORE MONEY! Seriously, with all the random crap you can buy on the Cartel, in addition to becoming a subscriber, they could be preying on our desires to play as Rodians, Bothans, Weequay, Nikto, Trandoshan, Gand, Nautolan, Mon Calamari, Wookiees... Personally, I would pay for a bunch of Cartel coins to unlock the Trandoshan as playable, just like you can go and unlock any race across the board if you want. I cannot be the only one, (and I venture to say that there are probably thousands more - or how many people are playing this game now, anyway?) and it is surprising that such an apparent money-maker has not been implemented, when so many other asinine cosmetic things have made the cut.

Edited by Steyvonin
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It should a no brainer.


Rather than selling me a lightsaber, selling me a species has far more impact on my star wars experience. And that is what this game is 'selling' its the opportunity to be a sith or jedi or trooper in a galaxy far far away and part of that star wars experience is the multitude of alien races that aren't just humans with different colour skin.


More than this though, it brings the star wars universe to the game. If you have people playing Tradoshians, Rodians, Kel Dor etc etc then walking into a cantina you see all these Star Wars races standing around.


For people that didn't play SWG's that may never appreciate how amazing it could look. Talking about an older game with more customization, more aliens and getting to walk into an area and being in a scene form Star Wars.


Though as said above, if not for making the game diverse and star wars, then for the money. Here would be CM options that would be value for money. Hell BF2 was looking to do it by selling characters, they saw the option to milk players wanting to be Bossk or Plo Koon here you would be offering something people wanted just to be a trandoshian or Kel Dor.

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