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Traitor among us the Chiss


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Really the one time I opt for PVE solo content you you idiots make it impossible to solo! PLEASE DEV's play what you put out this is a God $%@ joke! See dev's if your gonna say it SOLO content it needs to be achievable WHILE SOLO!

But hey at least Mercs can solo it no problem!

Edited by Kazz_Devlin
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Deception with companion (only one you can use)

Healer can't live long enough to keep me up. If i focus adds the stupid droid kills her if i focus Droid stupid adds killer! Shes even worse as a Tank spec. Once healer is gone I have maybe 30 secs before I get wasted. It is not solo-able as Deception straight up DPS! One should not have to switch to Darkness or hatred in order to do PVE especially when it says SOLO mode! Dev's probably forgot they nerf'd us to hell and back!

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Same thing with the master mode story, its really dumb.

But making stuff hit impossibly hard is biowares way of creating difficulty there.


Rather than, you know.. strategy functions that actually require the player to react in some way.

Edited by Evolixe
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I'm guessing you're having trouble with the first boss.

FYI: It's entirely soloable


Many people have done so on Assassins and other classes. All Specs.

Why don't you break down exactly where you're having trouble instead of throwing a blanket "this is too hard" when many of us actually feel that "this is too easy"

Edited by Iymurra
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I've just done it again with a companion at influence 1 set to heal (C2-N2) on Infiltration spec (Deception parallel) and I don't think my or my companion's health fell below 95% throughout the fights. (I did have a shield in my offhand but was otherwise in pure dps gear.) If you're taking a lot of damage it's possible that you're standing in a lot of red/yellow. The fire in particular - a conal attack telegraphed in red - can do a lot of damage. Stay out of them. If you're concerned that your companion is taking a lot of damage or drawing aggro, put a guard on her, and use AOE taunt. Otherwise if you still have issues with health, you should have access to the kolto stations. Go for them at or below 50% health, 60 if you want to be safe.


If you don't know the fight.. ignore the tank droids. They respawn if you kill them, and anyway they do an insignificant amount of damage so don't waste your time on them. Kill the security droids the moment they show up however.


For Syndic, with Raina you can probably just ignore all the adds and focus on the boss. Hit the kolto stations ad libitum, proceed upstairs when the boss goes upstairs and vice versa - though you may have a problem getting healed if your companion decides to stay downstairs (or upstairs if you're downstairs) and get smothered by the adds. Just put them on passive, wait 2 seconds, turn off and they'll be next to you, healing you.


For Valss, stay out of ominous looking circles as well. On solo mode you could as well ignore mechanics including that silly Whirlwind things that show up, but if you do have a great deal of difficulty with the fight especially with regard to health levels, you can kite Valss from kolto to kolto (they're in the corners) like I do when pugging on vet mode without a healer.


N.B. If you do it properly, you won't even need to run for the kolto with a healing companion.

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