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No heals debuff!!


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All the tank specs have something to inflict trauma.


Snipers have shattershot, sents have leg slash. The debuff is only -20% healing, though.


with the amount of healer/tank bs in pvp debuff should be on all dps classes and like i said in original post should double or triple when target falls below a certain health.

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But surely mmos are about team work. It's up to the healer to heal, the tank to tank, the dps to dps, and those with the debuff to use it. Hit a player with sunder and shattershot and a merc/operative (only 2 without) will help take them down. Those classes are stealth/antistealth and have self heals.


Classes are about give and take, that's why you need friends.

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6yrs old game there is still no healing debuff for most classes, just why


tank and heals are super annoying to deal with, why not give healing debuff that doubles/triples when target is below 50-40% health


Careful what you wish for, if they added healing debufs they'd also have to add much more healing burst, your life would be worse. L2P

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