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So about gearing, was there any explanation from the devs that I missed?


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PvP BiS which the new vendors are mostly based on was much simpler. Personally I find raiding very boring and my guild only did it when they were drunk.


PvP specific gear (and the expertise stat) was removed. The tier of gear that was PvP based was also lower than that of "raiding" or PvE gear - so whether you found it boring or not, PvP gear was not BiS, even if it was BiS for PvP.


That gear is meant to be one and the same now, so no... it does not work the same way any longer.

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PvP specific gear (and the expertise stat) was removed. The tier of gear that was PvP based was also lower than that of "raiding" or PvE gear - so whether you found it boring or not, PvP gear was not BiS, even if it was BiS for PvP.


That gear is meant to be one and the same now, so no... it does not work the same way any longer.


You're contradicting yourself. Lol, it was PvP BiS gear. Any PvE player who wandered in with PvE BiS gear would get wrecked, I saw it quite often.


Anyway, PvP is what I usually I play unless I'm asked by my guild to tank or dps during one of their drunk raids (on the very rare friday/weekend). I find PvE really boring tbh, it's just too predictable whenever I tank and really quite easy to parse (dps) on a target that always acts a certain way like a boss. And there's no need for me to learn how to heal when we have very good healers , maybe that'd be interesting? Probably not though.

Edited by RACATW
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If you hate the gearing system now - don't play it. It's really pretty simple. Many here have explained to you why/how it works differently and the reasons behind it being more of a cluster of confusion than it was intended to be.


At this point, you can either accept that this is how it is and deal with it, or continue posting about how things used to work but do not work any longer and ignore the fact that there are a multitude of ways to get the gear you never had access to before, and to upgrade/personalize that gear more readily (even if not putting it all on a vendor - you get it in the CXP system crates, which is FREE but depends a little more on RNG). It might require a little more walking around on the fleet, but every single game play mode but RP in a cantina will grant you a chance at any/all of it.


Bottom line: Gear vendors went away in 5.0. It works differently now. In many ways it is access to gear you never had before, but it might take a little longer to access than just walking up to a vendor and spending credits. Gear for PvP specifically is gone. (edited to add: with the exception of gearing differences to account for tank stats still being completely useless in PvP, less requirements on Accuracy, etc.)

Edited by PennyAnn
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Abusing the system? No thanks... I find queueing ranked just to lose really distasteful, for those who it actually means something to still.

That's your choice and I get it but it's not abusing the system. It's what BW designed. They can change that if they want to but they wanted noobs in pvp to fill the queues I guess.


Whether or not you like it this way is however not the point. It is easy, but I agree it sucks as a system.

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You're contradicting yourself. Lol, it was PvP BiS gear. Any PvE player who wandered in with PvE BiS gear would get wrecked, I saw it quite often.


Anyway, PvP is what I usually I play unless I'm asked by my guild to tank or dps during one of their drunk raids (on the very rare friday/weekend). I find PvE really boring tbh, it's just too predictable whenever I tank and really quite easy to parse (dps) on a target that always acts a certain way like a boss. And there's no need for me to learn how to heal when we have very good healers , maybe that'd be interesting? Probably not though.


I'm not contradicting myself - the tier of gear for PvP was lower than the tier of gear for PvE in numerical value. If you had a complete BiS set of PvP gear before 5.0, it became the bottom rank of hold-over gear when 5.0 came around and they "merged" the gear for both types of play and got rid of expertise.

Edited by PennyAnn
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If you hate the gearing system now - don't play it. It's really pretty simple. Many here have explained to you why/how it works differently and the reasons behind it being more of a cluster of confusion than it was intended to be.


At this point, you can either accept that this is how it is and deal with it, or continue posting about how things used to work but do not work any longer and ignore the fact that there are a multitude of ways to get the gear you never had access to before, and to upgrade/personalize that gear more readily (even if not putting it all on a vendor - you get it in the CXP system crates, which is FREE but depends a little more on RNG). It might require a little more walking around on the fleet, but every single game play mode but RP in a cantina will grant you a chance at any/all of it.


Bottom line: Gear vendors went away in 5.0. It works differently now. In many ways it is access to gear you never had before, but it might take a little longer to access than just walking up to a vendor and spending credits. Gear for PvP specifically is gone. (edited to add: with the exception of gearing differences to account for tank stats still being completely useless in PvP, less requirements on Accuracy, etc.)


Yes I hate it, but to play the game, you need the gear during endgame.

All 3 of my 100 valor/300 command rank toons need their gear, and I'm asking 'why did they make it so complicated' many players have sarcastically said 'it was meant to be less complex', I found that funny.


And kind of sad. :(

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I'm not contradicting myself - the tier of gear for PvP was lower than the tier of gear for PvE in numerical value. If you had a complete BiS set of PvP gear before 5.0, it became the bottom rank of hold-over gear when 5.0 came around and they "merged" the gear for both types of play and got rid of expertise.


When 5.0 came out PvP bolster put everyone to around a 254 gear rating. (much higher than BiS now)

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When 5.0 came out PvP bolster put everyone to around a 254 gear rating. (much higher than BiS now)


Unfortunately babe, you are 10 months too late for this conversation. We’d been arguing all of your points since March when they changed Bolster. Right up until October. There was even a thread started by Musco asking what they should put Bolster back up to, which they completely ignored and did what they wanted.

Most pvpers were in support of Bolster being set at 246 - 248.

It’s not that people don’t agree with you, it’s that you’re 11 months too late and since then we’ve all moved on and got used to the nonsense gearing system. Then with the lastest changes to gearing and currencies, it is now easier to gear up your main and your Alts.

Personally I’m with you, I much preferred the old system for pvp gearing. But Bioware will not budge on this system, all they will do is make tiny changes to make it slightly less tedious.

It’s better now than it was 4 months ago, I actually unsubbed because the whole gear divide in pvp was terrible. And gearing Alts was a joke. I came back mainly because of the mergers and then nearly left again because they moved the servers (APAC player). But I’ve since been able to find a work around with the lag from the move (WTFast) and the system for gearing isn’t as tedious as it was.

Also, the 242 Bolster is still a bit buggy, if you have your old 208 pvp gear, it Bolsters better than any other gear below 242, much better than 230, 234, 236. Personally I wear it until I have a full set of 242 gear to equip (mixing 208 and 242 slots ruins the 208 Bolster)

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