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Free Companion Gifts


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It is fixed. It does not SHOW a price on the vendor, but you are not getting those gifts for free. If you attempt to purchase those gifts with 0 credits on your character, it will tell you that you cannot afford it. The only continued issue is that the price does not display on the vendor unless you mouse over the item.


Hey folks,


One more addition to the list. Shortly after launching 5.6 an exploit was brought to our attention. It allowed players to buy companion gifts for free and then sell them back to the vendor for credits. Allowing them to gain a large quantity of credits very quickly. We are investigating this exploit and will be taking appropriate action against individuals who abused it.


We were able to make a quick-fix to the issue without taking the servers down, but it created a bug we will be addressing in the future. Here is the new known issue:

  • The vendor Tahoota on the Imperial Fleet is selling various companion gifts that do not list a purchase price (but they do have one). When purchased, they can be bought for cheaper than is intended and will be addressed in a future update.


Thanks everyone.



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Why is "researching" something on the forums so hard people just ignore the Dev Tracker??

Go check Dev Tracker & you will find the answer you need. Or maybe perhaps scroll on down or hit the neat little NEXT button beside Eric's post so you will see:


Oh! Yes, purchasing the cheap companion gifts is 100% fine. It was purchasing the free ones that was the problem.





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Why is "researching" something on the forums so hard people just ignore the Dev Tracker??

Go check Dev Tracker & you will find the answer you need. Or maybe perhaps scroll on down or hit the neat little NEXT button beside Eric's post so you will see:






Because there are plenty of people with no life that will do it for me?


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It was nice to get my companions to level 50 across my toons. This is ashame its going away. Yeah forget the fact most people spend their credits on CM related items or grinding endlessly to the vendor for the white stuff to craft for conquest weeks the guilds who participate. I just want to say THANK U BIOWARE for the bug! Please bring it back!!!
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