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A few stupid questions.


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I have a few questions regarding the lore that TOR built and other general things.



1- What happens to the Sith Empire?

It's nothing new that the Sith will cease to exist at some point in time and eventually come back as a much smaller faction that ends up collapsing on itself, which leads to their presumed extinction and the Rule of Two. But how? What causes this? How did the Republic manage to surpass them? I mean, it's rather obvious that the Republic has more victories over the Empire, but how will this work out in the end? Any assumptions?



2- What happens to the Eternal Empire?

It's baffling to know that such highly-advanced culture that had connections to an ancient machine-world capable of creating sentient war-machines and fleets... to just vanish from History? Perhaps it was lost during the Holonet purged or was seen as myth as time went on?



3- Why does the galaxy forget about Yavin IV?

Yavin IV has had two major strikes: Revan's Return and the Rebel Alliance. It's stated that the planet was re-discovered, meaning that it was safe for the Rebels to take shelter, away from the prying eyes of Palpatine's Empire. What causes this? Is the planet just forgotten? How useless is it in terms of economy and re-population?



4- How does a Jedi leave the Order?

In SWTOR and other timelines, there are tales of Jedi who managed to leave the Order. But how? What if a certain Jedi is deemed too dangerous? I'm sure that simply exiling said person will do anyone any good since it can turn to the Dark Side and cause havoc. What are other excuses for someone to have no choice but to leave? Can someone leave willing? If yes, how does that work?



5- Why are humans held in such high regard?

This is mostly meant for the Empire. They're just as important as the Purebloods. Why's that?



6- What becomes of the Sith Pureblood?

The lack of any mention of these species the closer we get to the Clone Wars is concerning. Do they truly become extinct?



Thanks in advance.

Edited by TheRandomWolf
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1. There isn't a concrete answer I think, but I remember seeing in Wookieepedia that the Sith eventually lost the war. Some pockets of Sith still survived which Darth Ruin apparenty manages to recruit into his New Sith Empire but there isn't a lot of material about a "fall" of the Sith Empire. maybe SWTOR will get to it.


2. The Emperor only knows... there's seriously no answer and I hope SWTOR gets to that. Maybe a technological apocalypse happens on Zakuul and they're forced to either join the Empire or the Republic, problem with that is that their society doesn't work well with either so who knows what happens to Zakuul. As of now Zakuul seems to be part of The Eternal Alliance, which you can either choose to help their refugees at the start of Iokath or if you went DS you can choose ways to deal with rebel uprisings happening there.


3. The Jedi eventually erased information about the system so that nobody goes there.


4. Jedi can leave willingly yes, examples are Ahsoka Tanno, Count Dooku ETC. Dark Jedi are usually hunted down.


5. The original Sith species bred with The Jedi Exiles, who were mostly human or humanoids, through Sith Alchemy creating the current species known as Sith "Purebloods".


6. We don't know precisely what happens, I remember reading in the Book of the Sith that by the time of the movie era the Sith were all but extinct. And I think even by Bane's era there were already no Purebloods left in the galaxy, if I had to take a guess the Pureblood DNA just got too diluted thanks to the interbreeding between humans and Sith, I remember the quest in Korriban where a Sith Pureblood complains about the level of purity in the Academy. It's possible that his fear did became real and there were less and less people with Sith genetic material as time went on.

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It's been a while but I do believe there was a book in which it covers the major war in which the sith rule of two began, And I do believe the Sith were wiped out by a dark side ritual Darth Bane tricked a group of sith into using. But I'm not a hundred percent sure on that.
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It's been a while but I do believe there was a book in which it covers the major war in which the sith rule of two began, And I do believe the Sith were wiped out by a dark side ritual Darth Bane tricked a group of sith into using. But I'm not a hundred percent sure on that.


The Bane Trilogy. Path of Destruction, Rule of Two and Dynasty of Evil cover how the rule of 2 began, it's legends now so it's therefore non-canon but still a great read.

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