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I'm looking for a particular SFC and can't find it


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Of course neither the forum search engine nor google found anything so here's:


it was about IIRC, Quinn thanking the SW for the gift of hundreds of camping tents but stressing how he had to ask for a loan to buy a warehouse to store them :D


And just so you know, right now some companion gifts are being sold for 1/10 of the price on imperial fleet (late November 2017)

Edited by BenduKundalini
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I have managed to skim and read my way from the Market Prompt, page 292 to page 563, sadly I have not found it yet and it is rather disappointing. I was wanting to read it again after you mentioned it. Since I am about 40 pages out to the end of the thread I might finish looking, but, I do not know if I am going to find it. I have had a ball rereading some of the stories posted on there though.

Sorry Bendu, I couldn't find it. :(

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I took the liberty to ask the wonderful brightephemera if she were able to help you out. She consulted her thread statistics. Here is her reply:


Hoo boy. So according to my records no story with the prompts Gift, To Market, or Canned Responses has involved Quinn and military supplies. That gets you up until: http://www.swtor.com/community/showpost.php?p=7944293&postcount=5359 , my last recorded story. That’s the best I can do.


Thank you, bright <3

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As keeper of the index and prompt archive, you'd think I'd have the answer to this......but alas, it seems that my memory isn't the greatest. I blame age and my children. The story sounds familiar, but I haven't been able to locate it yet during those moments were I have some time focus without interruption. I'm wondering if it's on the SFC Alternate Universe thread maybe. I'll keep checking when I get the time. For now, I desperately need to get this week's prompt out on time for once. :o
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As keeper of the index and prompt archive, you'd think I'd have the answer to this......but alas, it seems that my memory isn't the greatest. I blame age and my children. The story sounds familiar, but I haven't been able to locate it yet during those moments were I have some time focus without interruption. I'm wondering if it's on the SFC Alternate Universe thread maybe. I'll keep checking when I get the time. For now, I desperately need to get this week's prompt out on time for once. :o


Come on you can't remember a thousand pages' worth of stories ! Especially when long texts are wrapped in a single line of spoilers.


Apologies, haven't come to these parts in years, but props for the fantastic job you've been doing all this time Alaurin.


Concerning this you might remember the prompt though : it was about making fun of game mechanics. I think. I remember another one complaining about a live pet stuck in his holomail device :p

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