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Constructive Thread On How to Improve Future Huttball


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First of all, what would help in Huttball for me is making it possible to zoom out the camera more from my char. It will make it easier to look around for players for ball passing (for me).


I can't think of many things to improve tbh as in the end and atm it usually comes down to the people you play with.


If people knows what to do, the Huttball is really nice and interesting. Teamwork comes in play in such case and it is really fun. If people have no clue, that's when it becomes not so nice and that is the case atm.


I think the most important thing that will fix Huttball is simply time. We have to give it time for people to get used to passing the ball etc.

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Most are complaining about it because they get the same map over and over. So they QQ without thinking about WHY theyre getting it over and over again. Mainly, because its the only map that allows for cross faction teams-- and with huge faction imbalances, youre more likely to get stuck playing it over and over again if youre on the larger faction.


What I would like to see in the future: More cross faction maps. The ability to que for specific maps (Ill admit that the reason I want this is so people will see how long the que time is for the other maps and realize how sweet huttball was for getting into PVP quickly as opposed to hour long ques).


In huttball itself-- I would like a more intelligent ball passing mechanic. It would be nice if when you hit it--- it would auto throw to the furthest team mate in the forward direction with the highest health, or something like that, within X yards-- or the currently selected team mate if one is selected.


I also think it would be cool if there was a way to sometimes throw players off the upper walkway if theyve been up there for so long. It gives range a huge benefit on that map and I find the most useful thing I can do as an assassin sometimes is just not the sorc. and bounty hunters off the top so my team can kill them. Only problem is there is no reward for doing so outside of a possible win-- which is nice-- but Id like to get some credit for it too.

Edited by imnotme
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1. Reduce the fire pit times to prevent such bottlenecking.


2. Improve the ball pass mechanism to promote it (perhaps allowable while under some CCs).


3. Reduce the frequency of announcer chatter.


4. Increase run speed with the ball by 10-25%


I think those things will make a big difference between a tactical team game and the current cluster mess where everyone piles up on each other and the game doesn't seem to make any progress. Doing something to prevent outright steamrolling would be nice too.

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Ok for Hutt Ball:


They are aesthetic:

Ad Signs and Sports Distractions

Announcer saying more that deals with the situations like "I hope they pass the ball soon"

HuttBall Themed players outfit, currently my bounty hunter looks like a football player but that's just the gear design.



but for the stage.


Moving platforms :D

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1) Moving platforms would rock!!!


2) Multiple endzones with narrow pathways to them


3) Moving flames on the board to keep everyone moving


4) Switches to turn flames/move platforms on and off from different strategic points may be fun.


5) conveyor belts that move players along them with switches that control direction.

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I love Huttball. Passing mechanic is perfect IMO, just suffers from ability lag. Nothing as satisfying as leading a receiver.


What to fix:

1. Ranged Advantage

2. Knockback Advantage

3. Zerg Advantage

4. Jumppads



0. Most important, add many objective based medals: catch a pass, complete a pass, killing blow on a carrier (fumble recovery), get an interception, score a TD. Give a medal for every single TD scored or assisted (so a medal to the scorer and the one who passed to scorer, if any).

1. Fix Jumppads, period. Melee is already at a huge disadvantage on this map due to all the height differences, having a major path to get up to your assailant be random is terrible. Especially bad for those without leaps, such as scoundrel. They need to just be fixed paths to the side, little hops up, for example.

2. Knockback is king, and it works everywhere on the catwalks. Unfortunately there are no "safe zones". I'd like guard railing on 30% of the catwalk that a player will not go over from knockbacks. So you have safe zones from knockback, maybe these could also offer natural cover. These can just be more sandbags.

3. Add triggerable, some repeatable, hazards in. Maybe explosive barrels, maybe a trigger for a crusher or something. This will help a little with the zerg problem.

4. Increase resolve generation in huttball for non-ball carriers. The carrier could be susceptible to chain stuns.. maybe remove resolve for the carrier completely, forcing early passing, trinks, and teamwork.

5. New maps. Still huttball, but let there be 3 maps to play on, chosen at random. Perhaps desgin one that is flatter, maybe some stationary gun hazards that must be CCd.

6. Smaller endzones. They are simply too wide.

7 Attack Defense style huttball. AKA plant the bomb. Offense starts at bottom of tower and has to carry to top, for example, or reversed.

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