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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Wipe all servers, launch on dec 15h as planned open to ALL players


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I'm guessing you didn't get an invite today did you? Here, let me help you out - the game will release on the 20th and there will be plenty of time to play after that. Did that help?


if anyone wastes there time starting on the 20th. the game should be filled with level 50's by the 20th.

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Your online experience will not be appreciably lessened just because you might level up and get to a new planet/zone and discover that there is already someone there ahead of you with a slightly higher number next to their name.


Except that it probably will, because these people are pathetic like that.

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To be fair to everyone, wipe the servers clean, fresh start for all, and begin on the 15th as originally planned.


Dec 15th servers open as planned, except all preorders are given access. This is the best way to solve this trainwreck of an early access.


What a fantastic idea. Let us all in together so in every area 200 people can fight over the 30 or so mobs that spawn there and spend 6 hours trying to do the same quest before getting bored and turning it off. That's if the server doesn't crash first.

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You all understand that SWTOR is going down in the history books of how not to launch an MMO. The best thing Bioware can do now is admit that they underestimated how important it was for people to be able to play from day 1 of the game servers going up, wipe the game, and launch officially on the 15th as planned.


They're lucky they launched 2 day early, this gives them the possibility of actually doing this. Let's make it happen people, make more threads requesting a wipe and relaunch on dec 15th.


that day is DEC 20 get over it

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Actually he's right. Just because you got early launch doesn't mean everyone who didn't is wrong. You're in the minority, the only reason you don't see it is that BW is deleting all the threads of everyone who's ********.


How about that for truth.


I didn't get in. I'm still waiting. However, I'm not a whiny, self-entitled brat either.

Edited by Fardreamer
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I literally don't understand this post. Do you really expect EA to make folks who were the most rabid about this game (i.e. got their pre-orders in ASAP) reroll their characters? I know you wish they would, but there is no realistic chance of that happening, so why even bother to say something so outlandish.


EA/Bioware made a decision that means some people won't get to start as early as others. In a years time, everyone will be at level cap anyway.

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Greetings, everyone. We already have a discussion thread dedicated to talking about invite waves. If you'd like to share your thoughts, you'll find the discussion thread here:




We're going to close this thread and ask that this discussion continue in the existing thread, so we can keep the conversation a little better consolidated. Thank you!

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