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When do I get my companions back?


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I thought we would see our companions come back, but I don't see people like Nadia, Ensign Temple,

Ashara, Jaesa Williams etc. Temple married my agent. He should be desperate to find her. I think some serious work needs to be done to get all companions into the alliance alerts.

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Technically you can get them all back early with the vending machine in the Outlander's quarters.


They've pushed a lot of the companions well beyond a reasonable return time frame, in my opinion. Especially the love interests. It's been pretty much seven years at this point, two since the Outlander was rescued. Unless they're dead, it's kinda ridiculous to consider that they haven't found each other. They can't hand wave prison for all of them (Quinn).

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I agree with the OP the rest of the vanilla companions should have already been back, for me it would have been Nadia Grell for my Consular since my Consular married his Padawan Nadia or My smuggler he won over Risha and got with her. Those 2 i would like to see back but seriously all of the companions should have been returned and not taken this long to even get some back, our characters would have gone out of their way to go and hunt the companions down and get them back
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They have taken way too long to get everyone back. It doesn't make much sense at this point - the Outlander/Commander's known across the galaxy and one would think that the companions would reach out to them.


exactly this right here, is what I think here. Everyone in the Galaxy should know that the Outlander be it a smuggler, trooper, bounty hunter, warrior etc is alive and well. Plus there is no way that it would have been kept a secret that our character the outlander is living on Odessan and using Odessan as base of operations, because I would think one of the people there would let slip to some random stranger or friend through holo-net that they are allied with the outlander. Or one of the many people on Odessan like in the cantina would be like "hey wait a minute, that's the bar'senthor" or that's one of the dark council member's who went missing and start telling everyone where they seen them

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  • 2 weeks later...
I think we should have gotten at least one companion each class or have the returning companions spreed a little more even between classes. But I guess as long as they do come back and don't all become retro kotor style which I still hate. Edited by eoral
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