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KOTFE - how did my character recover her weapon?


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This has been bugging me for a while now... for some reason.


So my Jedi has been using this Lightsaber for a really, really long time. I'm quite fond of it. Then KOTFE arrived and we're frozen... and then we'ree rescued... but somehow we still have that very same lightsaber. I doubt Arcann would allow the Outlander to stick with it.


Can any of you find an explanation as to how the Outlander would manage to have its weapon back? Maybe Lana picked it up on the way? Got into some vault or something like that. I can understand Scourge giving the hilt back after the JK is saved from the Emperor's control... but this is a completely different scenario.

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Or it was frozen in carbonite along with the Outlander. It's not like your're going to be able to use it while you're in there, is it?


A more relevant version of the question would be two other scenarios:

* A Commando in KotFE Chapter I. Is there even *room* for his HBG in the slab with him?

* Any class in the Wolf Baron scenario in the Pub-side Alderaan planetary arc. If the player is a Force user, why isn't there a neat hole cut in the wall after you wake up? And if you're a Commando, surely the HBG will be good for reducing the side of the building to rubble.

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It's very likely that Arcann has you as a decoration, it stands to reason your weapon(s) would also also be put on display for his amusement, if Lana found out about you, she may have figured out where your weapons are as she needs you armed and ready to escape. With the help of Koth and T7 it should be a more simple matter knowing where to look.
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Since I rejected Valkorion's proposal to kneel Arcann gave me my lightsaber back so I could stab his father... I suppose he just let me stay with the lightsaber after I was found unconscious.


Arcann has no interest in helping you out, he gave you your weapon so you can kill his father for him because he knows what you want. After that whole setup when Arcann gets on his feet and rightly accuses you of killing the immortal emperor, there isn't much hope of putting that weapon away on your person after getting knocked out by the force energy explosion from the emperor after you kill his voice. it's very probable your unconcious body is dragged away to a carbonite sled and your weapon is picked up by Arcann in the throne room and put in his "display" a little later on.

Edited by Celise
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first I kneeled in front of the emperor willingly and secondly Arcann has absolutely no interest in helping your character, he just uses you to kill his father to take the throne one way or the other. To Arcann at that point in time you were nothing but a pawn to be used and thrown away.


For the weapon, its easy really


A.) you was frozen with your weapon

B.) Lana finds your weapon and gives it to you

C.) Lana with her contacts find an exact weapon that you used and gives it to you

D.) You weapon was hanging up above, below, beside your frozen body as art pieces

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