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"The game just came out, give it a few months"


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i check the server populations every night.


seems more and more are moving toward orange and red. there's about 1 less 'light' server every night and the servers are staying more populated later into the night.


game is growing.


the whiny doomsayers are losing their war, and they are scared.

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your just a silly little man op. come on man you can do better then that ? I mean you got 3 huge companies backing this thing you really thing they will shut down the servers and just call a do over on the millions upon millions they spent , come on dude i know you can troll better then this .




be more original.

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What about the bugs that were present in Alpha a year ago? Or Beta 6 months ago? Pretty sure I would expect them to nail that.


It is pretty obvious what level most of the defenders of this game are. The more you progress you see it is a completely different game. It is RIDDLED with bugs.


You've kind of pointed out two bugs.


Please be more specific before saying it's "riddled" with bugs.

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the game does have a lfg tool......


Setting the flag as LFG does not make it a LFG tool... the game does need a LFG "QUE" system....



To those not familiar with other games, you select what role you are, and then what flashpoint you want to do and the game finds other players who want to do the same thing, "cross other servers" and then assembles the team, transports you to that flashpoint and then you can run it...


WoW perfected this, and I personally love it.

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Seen this pathetic excuse used over and over by fan boi's to try and defend the game with some dignity. This may be partially true, however it will not save the game. If the game was release years ago when the genre was still fresh and new it might be able to survive, but it wasn't. It's in a genre with giants and polished games from every corner, that offer more game play for the same (or even less) of a price. You make an MMo these days, it has to make it from the start, or not make it at all. LOTS of recent games have made this mistake, with it's fans saying the EXACT same stuff, it's fix fast or fail. Cut throat business and all that.


The average complaint that I have read on the General Forums board is about vanity game mechanics. Almost exactly the same trash that you would see on the WoW General Forums. There are not a whole lot of actual complaints about game mechanics that put the game in a state of emergency that Warhammer, Aion and Age of Conan had to deal with. The fame is fine will be fine and will actually succeed more then every "hater" with some self loathing "fanboi" excuse. Most Gamers, and that is the real gamers not the trenders like you OP, will stick around long enough to see what the game has to offer.


And right now SWTOR has one thing that most MMO's don't have going for it that makes the inaugural grind rinse repeat almost non imaginable.

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Setting the flag as LFG does not make it a LFG tool... the game does need a LFG "QUE" system....



To those not familiar with other games, you select what role you are, and then what flashpoint you want to do and the game finds other players who want to do the same thing, "cross other servers" and then assembles the team, transports you to that flashpoint and then you can run it...


WoW perfected this, and I personally love it.



I have to agree , i hate sitting around for groups man , I am all for LFG tool , i don't get the problem with it? Rift did a good job on this to.

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I find it hysterical this community raged about WoW's community for years. But that community puts this one to shame. I think Diablo 2 bots have more common sense. Anyone with real MMORPG experience knows this game is an absolute joke. How do you even kid yourselves?
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Setting the flag as LFG does not make it a LFG tool... the game does need a LFG "QUE" system....



To those not familiar with other games, you select what role you are, and then what flashpoint you want to do and the game finds other players who want to do the same thing, "cross other servers" and then assembles the team, transports you to that flashpoint and then you can run it...


WoW perfected this, and I personally love it.


Then go use it on WoW. Not all players enjoy it as it completely ruins any sense of community when you make the whole process automated. Not to mention a whole lot of other problems.


The LFG system in-game is just fine. Or you can ask. This of course varies from server to server on the effectiveness - just like the good ol' days.

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You've kind of pointed out two bugs.


Please be more specific before saying it's "riddled" with bugs.


how about these bugs?


UI freezes up constantly

Background disappears when camera turns

unable to use abilities because it claims your character is moving when it isn't

skills not going off when used

getting stuck in a stun


that's only naming a few. those aren't small bugs, they are problematic and make it difficult to play the game at best.

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how about these bugs?


UI freezes up constantly

Background disappears when camera turns

unable to use abilities because it claims your character is moving when it isn't

skills not going off when used

getting stuck in a stun


that's only naming a few. those aren't small bugs, they are problematic and make it difficult to play the game at best.


#2 is a client thing that generally happens (for me) because the game has been running for entirely too long. A restart is all it takes to fix it.

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Honestly i am having a ton of fun in this game, however the fact that they thought they could release a mmo in 2011 with no lfg tool still confuses the hell out of me.


That and the fact that ability lag made it into launch.


bad devs from warhammer -> bad devs to swtor, they probably won't change it. bad is bad.

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Get to level 35+ and PM me how much you love this game. It is like playing two completely different games.


I'm over level 35 and I love the game. It's like I'm playing the same game I was at level 34 and below. It is a great game, why are people so unwilling to let others like this game?

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Well I've only had it happen twice, and both times a client restart fixed it.


i had it happen 3 times today alone and i restarted each time, the game has some serious issues that need to be resolved before they do patches to work on "companion affection gain".

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Yeah I *****andmoan sometimes but the game is awesome. I am sure the kinks will be worked out. No manner of Beta or Alpha testing can deal with a million people playing. Give the guys a break they made one of the most polished MMO's ever. I have to plug I hate the shards I want to see hundreds of people I must work with or cuss to get a objective done. My main complaint.
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Yes, a restart of the client does fix the issue. Its not an elegant work around given queues but it most certainly does fix the issue.


i'm so glad that you can point out how things worked out for me, obviously i must have mistaken the 3 separate restarts that didn't fix the issue, my bad -_-

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I am enjoying the game as well, the negative feedback is sad though. Because some of the points are valid, like endgame content. But like the title says the game just release, give it time.


So long as they can fix the minor bugs and add a few little tweaks I think it will be just fine.


People who are going to play are going to play.

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Then go use it on WoW. Not all players enjoy it as it completely ruins any sense of community when you make the whole process automated. Not to mention a whole lot of other problems.


The LFG system in-game is just fine. Or you can ask. This of course varies from server to server on the effectiveness - just like the good ol' days.



1) a LFG tool does not need to be automated or cross server to be effective, what it needs to be is a list of all the flashpoints and a list of all the groups LFM or people FLG for said flashpoints.


2) the "good ol' days" required spending 1-4 hr's looking for a group to do a 30 min instance only to have a tank/healer have to quit once you started. I would take a cross server LFG tool any day of the week before i put up with that BS again.

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i'm so glad that you can point out how things worked out for me, obviously i must have mistaken the 3 separate restarts that didn't fix the issue, my bad -_-



Sorry, I dont believe you.


No offense but, "one of these things is not like the other....one of these things is not the same"



Take it for what its worth.



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Sorry, I dont believe you.


No offense but, "one of these things is not like the other....one of these things is not the same"



Take it for what its worth.




believe what you like, doesn't really matter to me. i know what issues i have had with the game, i don't need to exaggerate anything to make my point.

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What i find laughable is that so many people complaing and making cry baby posts about them unsubbing or saying the game is bad are people who like only registered for the game this month or novembre.



That says enough. Not even interested in the first place. Bye no one will miss you

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