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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Trying, but unable to become addicted to SWTOR


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My life as a gamer may be coming to an end, which would be horrible, but I am not finding the satisfaction in it that I once had. I use to love being addicted to gaming, waking up after a 3 hour nap, eyes blood shot, and keep going for another 12-20 hours. Loved it! Miss it!

I was hope'n SO BAD that swtor would revive the hardcore gamer within me, but it hasn't, and it's too bad ;;

I was thinking maybe once I hit 50 the end game would do it, but from what I hear/read, leveling/the story is the best part... I'm sad...

guess I will try/wait for the next game for my seek for addiction, which thru my research best chances may be Blade and Soul...


anyone want my Darth Malgus statue? =(

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My life as a gamer may be coming to an end, which would be horrible, but I am not finding the satisfaction in it that I once had. I use to love being addicted to gaming, waking up after a 3 hour nap, eyes blood shot, and keep going for another 12-20 hours. Loved it! Miss it!

I was hope'n SO BAD that swtor would revive the hardcore gamer within me, but it hasn't, and it's too bad ;;

I was thinking maybe once I hit 50 the end game would do it, but from what I hear/read, leveling/the story is the best part... I'm sad...

guess I will try/wait for the next game for my seek for addiction, which thru my research best chances may be Blade and Soul...


anyone want my Darth Malgus statue? =(


For part 1 -- endgame is kinda slow now because there are not a lot of people there. Variety is limited until more of the player base gets to 50.


For part 2 -- Hell yes I do. I didn't get a CE and I want! :D

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My life as a gamer may be coming to an end, which would be horrible, but I am not finding the satisfaction in it that I once had. I use to love being addicted to gaming, waking up after a 3 hour nap, eyes blood shot, and keep going for another 12-20 hours. Loved it! Miss it!

I was hope'n SO BAD that swtor would revive the hardcore gamer within me, but it hasn't, and it's too bad ;;

I was thinking maybe once I hit 50 the end game would do it, but from what I hear/read, leveling/the story is the best part... I'm sad...

guess I will try/wait for the next game for my seek for addiction, which thru my research best chances may be Blade and Soul...


anyone want my Darth Malgus statue? =(


Life can be tricky sometimes. You lose interest in something for awhile and later in life comeback to it. Everyone goes through this.

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Diablo III is going to be OK. It's not your typical MMORPG so I don't see the hype in that game. I think World of Warcraft kinda phased everyone out from online gaming which is why so many people are doing FPS. SWTOR did not live up to the hype. It feels the same as other MMORPG's like Rift and nothing more expect SWTOR doesn't offer as much. I'm willing to give it another year. If not, I'll just stick to what I know best and that's WoW. Sadly, I love Star Wars but WoW is too much of a competition.
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My life as a gamer may be coming to an end, which would be horrible, but I am not finding the satisfaction in it that I once had. I use to love being addicted to gaming, waking up after a 3 hour nap, eyes blood shot, and keep going for another 12-20 hours. Loved it! Miss it!

I was hope'n SO BAD that swtor would revive the hardcore gamer within me, but it hasn't, and it's too bad ;;

I was thinking maybe once I hit 50 the end game would do it, but from what I hear/read, leveling/the story is the best part... I'm sad...

guess I will try/wait for the next game for my seek for addiction, which thru my research best chances may be Blade and Soul...


anyone want my Darth Malgus statue? =(


How is it that everyone that has been SOOOOOO hooked to this game and sooooo glued to their monitors that they will grind nonstop to get to level 50, can then turn around and state this game is boring?


Give us a break.


If we spent our entire gaming experience grinding non-stop, I imagine the other 95% of us would wholeheartedly agree with the whiners. The fact is, we're enjoying it and are not in a speed-fueled frenzy to burn ourselves out in a matter of 2 weeks.



I can honestly say to those who have reached level 50 and are burned out, "Well, duh, no wonder."

Edited by Krookid
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How is it that everyone that has been SOOOOOO hooked to this game and sooooo glued to their monitors that they will grind nonstop to get to level 50, can then turn around and state this game is boring?


Give us a break.


If we spent our entire gaming experience grinding non-stop, I imagine the other 95% of us would wholeheartedly agree with the whiners. The fact is, we're enjoying it and are not in a speed-fueled frenzy to burn ourselves out in a matter of 2 weeks.



I can honestly say to those who have reached level 50 and are burned out, "Well, duh, no wonder."


I just reached 25 yesterday, haven't reached 50 and doubt I ever will. i am not rushing through it at all. that's what I am saying, I wish it would have hooked me so I couldn't put down the controls, but it hasn't. re-read the op. you will see I wish it made me spend non-stop hours in it, but has not. let people speak there mind without assuming it has to do with whining about the game, I didn't take anything away for your precious.


you give me a break


and none the less if it's possible to get burned out just after a few weeks of playing non-stop then it wouldn't be big enough for me anyways. I need atleast a year of online living.


but thanks for not comprehending my op and responding with the typical non-helpful trash.

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My life as a gamer may be coming to an end, which would be horrible, but I am not finding the satisfaction in it that I once had. I use to love being addicted to gaming, waking up after a 3 hour nap, eyes blood shot, and keep going for another 12-20 hours. Loved it! Miss it!

I was hope'n SO BAD that swtor would revive the hardcore gamer within me, but it hasn't, and it's too bad ;;

I was thinking maybe once I hit 50 the end game would do it, but from what I hear/read, leveling/the story is the best part... I'm sad...

guess I will try/wait for the next game for my seek for addiction, which thru my research best chances may be Blade and Soul...


anyone want my Darth Malgus statue? =(


Ever consider that might not be such a bad thing?

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My life as a gamer may be coming to an end, which would be horrible, but I am not finding the satisfaction in it that I once had. I use to love being addicted to gaming, waking up after a 3 hour nap, eyes blood shot, and keep going for another 12-20 hours. Loved it! Miss it!

I was hope'n SO BAD that swtor would revive the hardcore gamer within me, but it hasn't, and it's too bad ;;

I was thinking maybe once I hit 50 the end game would do it, but from what I hear/read, leveling/the story is the best part... I'm sad...

guess I will try/wait for the next game for my seek for addiction, which thru my research best chances may be Blade and Soul...


anyone want my Darth Malgus statue? =(


I know how you feel. I used to be quite the addict myself. Found out I was jaded of and burned out by alot of them these days. Best advice: Do not seek for addiction anymore. Stick to the fun instead and don't play anymore the instant you are losing the most of it. My advice, worked for me so far. It's got nothing to do with a special game though, could be any game, this topic just adds to the heap of negativity though.

Edited by ArmchairMagpie
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I'ved noticed during long play sessions, it starts to drag along during the tail end before i take a break.


Like, Okay. Just start playing, cool, get things done, i can play for a few hours and it goes by like minutes..then it starts to sloooooooow down, and just walking from one mission to the next seems to take an hour in of itself.

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