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Vet Player With Gear Question


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So I got back into the game with the launch of this update. Loving the exp boost :cool: But I'm curious about leveling using just adaptive/heroic gear.


See, when I usually start a new toon I slap a set of armor on them from my collections and plug thousands of credits trying to keep the mods up to date. With how we lv so fast I out level mods in minutes.



Can you gear all the way to 60-65 at least without wasting time on mods? On my new shadow, I'm using just the gear I find in FP's and heroic quests. Or am I setting myself up for a major handicap? My implants, chest piece are are 25-27, the pants are still like lv 7 nothing good has dropped and I'm about to hit 30

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Because we now level so fast, and level sync is going to cap our abilities anyhow, what I do is use a set of adaptive gear and when I go to a new planet, since I'm usually over level, I just buy a set of the highest level green mods available on that planet. For ear piece, implants, and relics I just use whatever I find or get from heroics. I do this until I finish chapter 3, then I run heroics to get to 70. Any gear upgrades will then come from the H2 crates. When I hit 70 I buy a set of gear from the galactic command vendor. During the story gear almost doesn't matter.
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What I usually do is to buy an upgraded set of mods (from the Fleet) every 8-10 levels while levelling. They are 'green' mods and relatively cheap. You can get away without even doing that, but it does seem to make things go easier.

Also, of course, it's helpful to use a healing companion at influence level 10 or higher. (I usually shoot for 20)


P.S. It's been a while ( a bit more than a year) since I've levelled a new character, so I'm not sure what I would do after the main 'story', but I currently have an entire spare set of armor with 240/244 mods to use. :)

Edited by JediQuaker
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You can either buy mods on the fleet, which has a full series for each level, or you can buy them on the planet you're on, but will be limited to the levels that planet covers. For example, Coruscant is max level 18 and there are mod vendors for levels 10, 14, and 18 on planet. On the fleet there are mod vendors starting at level 10 and progressing every 4 levels until 42, then it skips 6 to 48 before going back to the every 4 level progression until 60 when it skips 5 to level 65. Where they are on planet varies, obviously; on Pub fleet they're in the south east corner and Imp is north west, IIRC. By the time I get to Coruscant I'm about level 18, so I just buy those green mods and wear them until I go to Taris. Then I'll buy the next set. The vendors do carry a full set of armorings, enhancements, mods, hilts, and barrels for that level. What you use depends on your preference. Some like to front load crit, since it's not capped. I tend to look at the galactic command gear and model after that. That's not necessary the most effective way of doing things, but it makes for a steady progression on stats and the story game is so easy already I don't see a readon to make it any easier. But that's just me.


Level sync (or level shift) caps you to the level of the planet you're on. So my lvl 70 Sage in 246 gear has the mastery, endurance, and power of a level 18 character when on Coruscant. Crit, alacrity, and accuracy are not capped, but you will see a slight loss due to the cap on mastery. During the story gear doesn't make much of a difference, but it does make some since crit, alacrity, and accuracy aren't capped. So while my Sage is capped at 18 on Coruscant I crit like a 70, which makes doing H2's easier.


What you run your comp in depends on you and your class. I've found that when I'm on a heal capable class, such as Sage/Sorc, I usually put my comp in damage or tank mode, but when on my Shadow/Assassin I usually use them in heal or tank mode. It just depends on how much damage I'm taking. Comps don't benefit from gear anymore, what they wear is purely cosmetic, but they do more damage, healing, etc. depending on their influence. During the story it's really easy to gain influence now (my Mando's Jorgan is over rank 30 from just the story), but if you have an older character it only costs about 120k credits to go from 0 to 20 influence on a comp with green rank 1 gifts (the legacy perks make that cheaper and more bearable). Zero to 20 is a much bigger difference than 20 to 50. Not that there isn't a difference, but at 20 most comps will be able to handle anything but the harder content.

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Ahhh those vendors.


Well I'll start with my new scorc. I'm about to leave Korr and due to the hyper lvling I'm really lv. 19 or something, but I'll be in my early to mid 20's once I get done with the wz intro and FP stuff.


But regardless of how high your lv is, I know once you start DK or Corsec, you're knocked down to lv. 18 or so.


With that said, just buy the lv. 18 mods regardless?

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But regardless of how high your lv is, I know once you start DK or Corsec, you're knocked down to lv. 18 or so.


With that said, just buy the lv. 18 mods regardless?

You're only sort of downed to 18 (and no, not on Corsec: that's the Corellia Security forces - you mean Coru for Coruscant) - Endurance, Power, Mastery, and Health are clipped, while your other stats aren't touched. You have all your abilities, although their output will be reduced. They still proc normally, though.


So if you buy the ones that correspond to your level on the Fleet, you can save money because you don't need to replace them as soon.

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Having done all sorts of leveling in the game throughout the years I can tell you one thing:




Just use what you get from mission rewards. The leveling is soo fast and the game is soo easy now due to level sync that you can really do it all naked! Please dont bother with gearing at all, its a waste of time and credits.

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It's not empty. It is fixed-stats gear, and doesn't even have slots for mods.


We're obviously not talking about the same gear. I'm talking about the Victorious Pioneer gear.


Victorious Pioneer’s Armor Set

As mentioned before, this armor set is an entirely new type of armor set. If you manage to complete the entire set, you will earn 50% bonus experience boost while wearing it. Unlocking the entire set will require you to complete up to Champion Level. You earn the following pieces at the following Levels:


Legacy Level: Helm, Chest, Legs (25% bonus experience)

Valiant Level: Belt, Bracer (+15% bonus experience / 40% total)

Champion Level: Gloves, Boots (+10% bonus experience / 50% total)

The armor set is a moddable set which can be worn at level 1 and is bound to legacy! That means once you have unlocked the set you can freely move it to other characters in your legacy to help them level faster than ever, allowing you to move even faster through the event.

* Boldface added by me. Quote taken from http://www.swtor.com/info/news/news-article/20160623-0.

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We're obviously not talking about the same gear. I'm talking about the Victorious Pioneer gear.



* Boldface added by me. Quote taken from http://www.swtor.com/info/news/news-article/20160623-0.


Yes you are yet I think the gear was changed since it messed up bolster in PVP. You already had an armoring in that gear so you could only insert a mod and an enhancement. Thats what Steve meant. Its not like that anymore due to the fix of the bolster in PVP.

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use outfit designer tabs for the look you want.

Then wear any gear you loot from mobs that's an upgrade. - Apart from obvious tanking gear - unless you're a tank of course.


Occasionally upgrade any shells with armourings, mods, enhancements ( hilts or barrels). Leveling has never been easier. A couple of armour pieces and an up-to date hilt or Barrel is probably all you'll need before level 70. If you spend some credits on raising your companion affection to over 10 - they'll do most of the grunt-work for you.


You can usually chew through planetary mobs with your companion on DPS mode.

Set them to tank or DPS if you're a healing class.

Set them to heals if you're struggling- which is unlikely if you know how some of the mechanics work, use your interrupts, DCDs and the basics of your class.


GL and welcome back.

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Yes you are yet I think the gear was changed since it messed up bolster in PVP. You already had an armoring in that gear so you could only insert a mod and an enhancement. Thats what Steve meant. Its not like that anymore due to the fix of the bolster in PVP.


That's not what I meant, actually. I thought he was talking about mission-reward armour.


But the Vic Pioneer (+XP) set *isn't* a +XP set. It's an ordinary (hideously ugly) set of fully moddable armour (it's *also* adaptive(1)) that comes with a set of 160-rated +XP yellow armorings(2). If you remove those armorings, to make it truly empty, the +XP effect goes with them.


(The original version was 128-blue with only mod and enhancement slots. Using that "empty" meant you still had the effect of a 128-rated armoring with +XP. Somewhere along the way, they raised the rating and converted it to fully moddable.)


(1) Adaptive and moddable are different things. Adaptive armour adapts its weight to the heaviest you can wear, and that's all it does.


(2) The stat mix is weird, and you can expect that by the time you are being level-synced to 52 (Corellia, Ilum) or above, your Mastery is NOT being clipped.

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That's not what I meant, actually. I thought he was talking about mission-reward armour.


But the Vic Pioneer (+XP) set *isn't* a +XP set. It's an ordinary (hideously ugly) set of fully moddable armour (it's *also* adaptive(1)) that comes with a set of 160-rated +XP yellow armorings(2). If you remove those armorings, to make it truly empty, the +XP effect goes with them.


(The original version was 128-blue with only mod and enhancement slots. Using that "empty" meant you still had the effect of a 128-rated armoring with +XP. Somewhere along the way, they raised the rating and converted it to fully moddable.)


(1) Adaptive and moddable are different things. Adaptive armour adapts its weight to the heaviest you can wear, and that's all it does.


(2) The stat mix is weird, and you can expect that by the time you are being level-synced to 52 (Corellia, Ilum) or above, your Mastery is NOT being clipped.


Ah ok, now I get it, yeah i got confused with the names.

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That's not what I meant, actually. I thought he was talking about mission-reward armour.


But the Vic Pioneer (+XP) set *isn't* a +XP set. It's an ordinary (hideously ugly) set of fully moddable armour (it's *also* adaptive(1)) that comes with a set of 160-rated +XP yellow armorings(2). If you remove those armorings, to make it truly empty, the +XP effect goes with them.


(The original version was 128-blue with only mod and enhancement slots. Using that "empty" meant you still had the effect of a 128-rated armoring with +XP. Somewhere along the way, they raised the rating and converted it to fully moddable.)


(1) Adaptive and moddable are different things. Adaptive armour adapts its weight to the heaviest you can wear, and that's all it does.


(2) The stat mix is weird, and you can expect that by the time you are being level-synced to 52 (Corellia, Ilum) or above, your Mastery is NOT being clipped.


You can't remove the armorings from that armor set, so empty is having the mods and enhancements empty, as that's the only thing that can be empty. I haven't seen them anywhere fully modable.

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You can't remove the armorings from that armor set, so empty is having the mods and enhancements empty, as that's the only thing that can be empty. I haven't seen them anywhere fully modable.

I just checked:

Yes, the set does have 160 rating armorings that come with it.

Yes, the armorings are removable. (Oddly, there isn't any fee to remove them.)


I had to check because, since the set got moved in my Legacy Storage after the last update, I had to see if it had changed**.

I used that set on the last couple of characters I levelled (in order to get Legendary status). I only upgraded the mods and enhancements, even after getting past 160 rating (to keep the bonus), but eventually switched out the set around level 65 or so.


** pre-update I had 210 rating (green) mods and enhancements placed in the set. After the update the 210 rating mods & enhancements were removed and placed in my Legacy storage as separate items. I simply re-installed them.

Edited by JediQuaker
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I just checked:

Yes, the set does have 160 rating armorings that come with it.

Yes, the armorings are removable. (Oddly, there isn't any fee to remove them.)


I had to check because, since the set got moved in my Legacy Storage after the last update, I had to see if it had changed**.

I used that set on the last couple of characters I levelled (in order to get Legendary status). I only upgraded the mods and enhancements, even after getting past 160 rating (to keep the bonus), but eventually switched out the set around level 65 or so.


** pre-update I had 210 rating (green) mods and enhancements placed in the set. After the update the 210 rating mods & enhancements were removed and placed in my Legacy storage as separate items. I simply re-installed them.


Interesting. That hasn't happened to my gear.


EDIT: Actually it has happened to me. I guess it's been a long time since I've tried to mod it.

Edited by Dragondog
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