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Beta tested.. and pre-ordered this game back in 7/21/2011.... and I lost my name


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........... yes I was subscribed till............ till the point my prepaid ran out on the exact time before this merger "example of perfect timing"


did I know about this loose your name if you were not a sub... no


do camp out on this website;.... no


but I do read my e-mails.. yes

did i get any e-mails? no


thank you for your concerns.

Sounds like a you issue. If you choose to ignore all social media (which is fine), then stuff like this can happen. They set out the roadmap of this about 6 weeks in advance of the merges. As far as I know they only use mail for purchase confirmations, acccount status changes and special offers. Not for general game updates and patches.


Were you unsubbed at the time of the merges? Yes.

Did you check the normal channels for information? No.

Do I feel bad for you predicament? Yes, actually.

Do I feel you have a fair grounds for this complaint? Not really.


Take that for what it's worth, but that's where I stand on this. Maybe it is your expectation that everything is sent to you by email but I'd say that the email age is over with and we're in the social media and app age. Email is definitely still there but it's a secondary channel nowadays for a lot of things.

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oh and don't claim that you did create an unique name. If you had then NOBODY else would have it.


Creating a "unique" name is nothing you can absolutely ensure on your own. I'm also using names I created on my own (and also didn't lose any during all merges on servers I actively play on), but I definitely know that there were name collisions, even for names I invented myself (to the best of my knowledge at least), by checking the names on different servers before the merges. If the name is more than randomly smashing your head on the keyboard and one person in the world could think of it, it's not too far a stretch that there are other persons who also thought of the same "unique" name.

Happens for inventions too, there are parallel and completely independent developments of the same principle at the same time.


It doesn't happen often and the danger is by far lesser than with common names, but it happens. And since even as a subscriber I "lost" a name (on a placeholder character on a server I don't play on, so no proplem, especially since I now hold that name on all other servers), I'm not so sure the merges would have went so smoothly for me if I weren't subscribed.

Edited by Cruxa
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other than having to be subbed during merges, you also had to have actually played on that character regularly. The criteria they used to justify who got to keep what names were posted before the merge. if it was your main character that you played daily, then you might of just been the unlucky one to loose the dice roll since the final criteria was chance in the event two characters matched all other factors
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I kept most of my names, but I also prepared in advance years ago by placing same named characters on most of the same region servers.


I think I lost two names that had been RNG based anyways and one I liked, but was an ALT so no biggie.


Was shocked to see two names I thought I would lose got kept. Both them had level 70's on other servers that appeared to be active. So I expected to lose them to my semi-used ALT's. I guess the other person was not a SUB since one of my lowbies got the name.

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they didnt actually tell us what the criteria for the names were going to be outside of Subs>preferred>ftp. all of the talk about play time, etc was speculation and, whether accurate or not, was not stated by Bioware. They did this to ensure that some folks didnt game the system. now, that didnt stop some more popular thoughts to gain traction as fact, but it was not fact and speculation.


some folks were trying many different approaches up to and including using the tokens to better their odds. a couple even leveled up a toon to 70 just to try to overshoot someone on another server. I lost one, but i completely expected to lose that name because the name was and is a common name regardless of language. all my other toons use made up names from various sources.


if i am wrong and bioware stated that it was directly related to played time, please, post the link. Outside of being the more popular speculative theory...it was just that...

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they didnt actually tell us what the criteria for the names were going to be outside of Subs>preferred>ftp. all of the talk about play time, etc was speculation and, whether accurate or not, was not stated by Bioware. They did this to ensure that some folks didnt game the system. now, that didnt stop some more popular thoughts to gain traction as fact, but it was not fact and speculation.


some folks were trying many different approaches up to and including using the tokens to better their odds. a couple even leveled up a toon to 70 just to try to overshoot someone on another server. I lost one, but i completely expected to lose that name because the name was and is a common name regardless of language. all my other toons use made up names from various sources.


if i am wrong and bioware stated that it was directly related to played time, please, post the link. Outside of being the more popular speculative theory...it was just that...


It was here:


"Character Names

In most cases, nothing will happen to your character name. Names will only be impacted when there are two of the exact same name on the new United Forces server at which point a governing system determines which character has priority:


Premium players (Subscribers) will have priority over Free-to-Play and Preferred Status players.

Highly played characters will have priority over characters with less play time.

To proactively offset unnecessary challenges around character names, we are initiating a process of removing names from long inactive accounts. Any character that has not logged in for 90-days or more which has not progressed beyond level 10 will be flagged to rename their character."


Still, the details on how this was calculated weren't shared...

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I remembered reading that but apparently interpreted it differently. I was (i have to say was...im in a 12 character program now) altaholic and play a swath of toons both still in existence and deleted. so all of my played times are rather low for my current crop of toons.


however, i was still wrong in that im sure that they meant it as "\played" or is it "/played" I stand corrected.

Edited by Qouivandes
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I also had characters that I'd created in beta and the recreated in early access at game launch. I also had several of those that required renaming. nope adding or moving an accent mark or other special symbol did not work. In my case I intentionally added the now former names of the mandatory renamed characters to my friends list on both factions just to see. 100% of the time I got a " <character> name does not exist." Nice. Character names that did not violate the TOS, were not duplicates of NPC's, not religious, offensive etc and had been in the game since launch etc were suddenly disallowed. Not everything was a cut and dried time played tie breaker.
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I remembered reading that but apparently interpreted it differently. I was (i have to say was...im in a 12 character program now) altaholic and play a swath of toons both still in existence and deleted. so all of my played times are rather low for my current crop of toons.


however, i was still wrong in that im sure that they meant it as "\played" or is it "/played" I stand corrected.


LOL, I need a 12 Character Program, but Eric just knocked me off the wagon with the Master's Datacron!

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This is good tho, you would only lose your name if you had played less time than whoever you "collided" with, sure it might suck for you but in reality, this is a very fair system.


^^^Exactly. And it's laughable for anyone to think they're entitled to a refund for losing a name when they got to enjoy the service that they paid for.

Edited by RagnarAugustus
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