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Consequence of frustration


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If you think that, read them again. And again if you still think so.


Also, point out the place where it is written that AFKing is a right.

No need for it to be stated in the ROC. . I can simply log in and type a functuon that was added to the game since launch. /Afk


Try it sometime. Sounds like a right of the people to afk when needed or wanted.

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None of what I said would break the ROC. AFKing is a paying members right.


Actually Galactic Starfighter mini-game does kick you for AFKing, so it is definitely not a paying member's right. The fact it is not implemented into warzones (how do you tell the difference between guarding a turret or AFKing?) does not mean it is justified.


But quite frankly, the fact that you insist there is nothing wrong with AFKing - which definitely puts your team at a serious disadvantage - says it all, but it is off-topic and I definitely do not want to start a flame here.

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No need for it to be stated in the ROC. . I can simply log in and type a functuon that was added to the game since launch. /Afk


Try it sometime. Sounds like a right of the people to afk when needed or wanted.


The game also allows you to do other other things, such as harassing people in chat. I can log in and type a word that was added to the unabridged dictionary since it was published.


Try it sometime. Sounds like the right of the people to curse and insult other players.


Let me know how that goes.

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After playing since launch I just got tired of pvp, Eric Musco and his buddies, the self called "devs" gave us but crap all this years regarding pvp. Its a pain to do regs, no skilled players, a lot of premade teams, unballenced groups sometimes a group with 2-3 healers and the other one with none, theres no respect for the players that just wanna chill in pvp a little bit, and I guess pl just start insulting each other because of frustration, imagine queue once, twice, three, four and lose, lose, then rage quit, this happens all the time on TRE, and I can't blame players that do that, I just can't, because I know the feeling.

These days when I play (not that often now), I queue for regs (stopped ranked last season) and it makes me wanna cry with the amount of crap we endure while playing, ppl insulting each other, wouldn't be best if the self called "devs" and the "genious" Eric Musco cared a little bit more for the players that just want to play a bit of pvp and have fun? Just ballance the wz's, how hard can it be?? Well.. probably for Eric and his buddies must be a pain in the bottom, maybe is time for ea to get new devs if u want to save the game.

Just saying...

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Because it's a group game and it's disrespectful of everyone else there.


I get it, I guess. The game, "as it's advertised", is boring for you. And to make it interesting for you, you play your way. You pay your subscription, can't tell you how to play, etc. etc. But in theory, everyone else there signed up for a specific group activity with a stated-by-the-game goal. For someone to sign up for that same activity, with no intention of actually playing that way, in my opinion of course, is dis'ing everyone else.


Think of ranked. Players scream bloody murder that people throw matches, queue sync, queue dodge, whatever. But it's EXACTLY the same thing. You get no real-world tangible gain from ranked, it all just boils down to enjoyment of the game. So someone who's throwing a ranked match is just playing it in a way that is not intended, and ruining your enjoyment of the game. How is that any different than someone deathmatching in a huttball game, blatantly ignore the ball at all times, and ruining my enjoyment of the game?


I think the correct response, if you are bored with the game, is to not play the game. Not to sign up, and then play some other game.


But so many people believe in the "I can play whatever way I want" mentality that I realize it's not really worth it to fight it. My response to people who are ruining my enjoyment of the game is not to call them names or rant, it's to log out and quit playing for a while.


So at the end of the day, yeah, I'm not really going to argue this much. But you did ask, "why not", so that's my answer. :D


Its IMHO Bioware's the problem! They have no concept of class balance or trinity system which leads to I win classes. Which when coupled with a jacked up queue system that thinks it's perfectly fine to have 5 merc's on one team with a sniper and two healers thrown in with a bunch of sins, ops and various other class yet no heals that this will some how be an interesting fight not the exercise in futility it is! So if Bioware can't take the time to pull it's proverbial head outa its %&^% and address what's broke people are gonna get fed up tempers are gonna get heated and stuff will be said because the frustration level is being raise BY BIOWARE. Sense most people can't vent at them they take it out on the player base. Probably don't help that some of this might be alcohol induced either.

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Game fails to balance for skill. When it becomes abundantly clear that your team can't or won't hold objectives, the best way to play becomes one of three things:

Deathmatch somewhere.

Hide/cloak in a corner and go afk until the match ends because you have the 8 medals you wanted/needed.

Cloak in the middle of a fight and watch how the enemy team works without the pressure of having to actually fight them.

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After playing since launch I just got tired of pvp, Eric Musco and his buddies, the self called "devs" gave us but crap all this years regarding pvp. Its a pain to do regs, no skilled players, a lot of premade teams, unballenced groups sometimes a group with 2-3 healers and the other one with none, theres no respect for the players that just wanna chill in pvp a little bit, and I guess pl just start insulting each other because of frustration, imagine queue once, twice, three, four and lose, lose, then rage quit, this happens all the time on TRE, and I can't blame players that do that, I just can't, because I know the feeling.

These days when I play (not that often now), I queue for regs (stopped ranked last season) and it makes me wanna cry with the amount of crap we endure while playing, ppl insulting each other, wouldn't be best if the self called "devs" and the "genious" Eric Musco cared a little bit more for the players that just want to play a bit of pvp and have fun? Just ballance the wz's, how hard can it be?? Well.. probably for Eric and his buddies must be a pain in the bottom, maybe is time for ea to get new devs if u want to save the game.

Just saying...

I don't think they want to save the game or they would have done much more for fixing the game and add a bit of balance to the pvp.

I only have fun in low and midi lowbie because the TTK make the wz's good

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The game also allows you to do other other things, such as harassing people in chat. I can log in and type a word that was added to the unabridged dictionary since it was published.


Try it sometime. Sounds like the right of the people to curse and insult other players.


Let me know how that goes.

Which is why they have ROC that says you can be punished for such behavior, and there is a papertrail that can be reported of someone harassing others. Last I checked, the ROC doesnt mention afking, nor is there a way to differentiate between an afker and a bad player, unless the person is blatantly stating that he is afking to affect the outcome - and then its still questionable as to whether punishment will ensue.


Compare apples to apples next time.

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Actually Galactic Starfighter mini-game does kick you for AFKing, so it is definitely not a paying member's right. The fact it is not implemented into warzones (how do you tell the difference between guarding a turret or AFKing?) does not mean it is justified.


But quite frankly, the fact that you insist there is nothing wrong with AFKing - which definitely puts your team at a serious disadvantage - says it all, but it is off-topic and I definitely do not want to start a flame here.

Obviously BW are aware of people that may attempt to afk in apecific aspects of the game, so they built in rules that prevent it to a certain extent. However, if someone is actively trying to afk to not participate, that is their paying right, and the game wont kick them. Again, BW isnt going to get into an argument over afk vs intent vs skill level because there is too much grey area and it would be a public nightmare if BW bans a crippled player because he was "afking" according to his peers, when he just didnt possess the cognitive or physical skills to perform adequately in the eyes of his peers.

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Actually Galactic Starfighter mini-game does kick you for AFKing, so it is definitely not a paying member's right. The fact it is not implemented into warzones (how do you tell the difference between guarding a turret or AFKing?) does not mean it is justified.


But quite frankly, the fact that you insist there is nothing wrong with AFKing - which definitely puts your team at a serious disadvantage - says it all, but it is off-topic and I definitely do not want to start a flame here.


You'd tell the difference the same way GSF does: imperfectly, by the toon's presence near said objective (edit: and by the toon damaging or healing someone in combat). If the objective gets taken away, the toon stops getting defender points and would get kicked, assuming said defender wasn't killed during the capture.


Edit: And the obvious, if you have people AFKing in your matches, that's a strong hint that the game failed to provide an engaging gameplay experience to those people. The game, right now, seems accidentally or intentionally designed to feed scrubs to apex predators. Unfortunately for everyone here, there's a limited supply of scrubs to farm.

Edited by ALaggyGrunt
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The PvE story mode does nothing to prepare new players for PvP. You can research hutball, but it simply takes a lot of playtime to even get yourself oriented on the map. If there was a way to, out of contest, just explore and get familiar with the maps that would go a long way to helping the game. Imagine if every new player of hutball had to first practice with a bot on just even passing the ball toward the end zone! It would make the game so much interesting if everyone playing at least knew the objective. And I am guilty of screwing up a game or two. My key binding for throwing the hutball got wiped and I didn't see a temp quickbar option. I literally couldn't throw the ball. I'm sure there was a way, but in game is the wrong time to figure it out.
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