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Bring back planetary Gear vendors


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its been a while since the planetary vendors have been deleted, yeah you can still buy mods & hilts, but i would like that they would bring back those armor plates helmets etc, its just not the same game without them. But maby am just a bit nostalgic.


am i the only one who is missing them, or are there more people like me who feel the same way?

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I liked those vendors better.


Bring back the planetary commendations and let the lower level heroics also reward such tokens instead of this random boring gear.


Certainly don't want to bring in too many currencies but if BW can bring in superfluous currencies like command tokens and the ones from Umbara (I mean a currency for just one FP...really?), then why not a more useful one?

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Not just you. There's a couple armor sets, and a couple weapons, that I really love that essentially can't be completed or obtained at all anymore.

there is a really cool chestplate that is also a robe and has shoulder protection, its one of the coolest armor parts that you just could get from vendor on i think alderaan, but am not 100% sure.

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I think they removed the gear vendors because it was too much work to actually tweak the stats given by those pieces of equipment (they had to change every piece from the old 4 base stats to the actual one with Mastery as a main stat).

As I understand this is an issue and a lot of work, it's still a shame most of these gear pieces with unique skins cannot be obtained anymore. Even if the stats didn't add much, the appearance were definitely a nice feature. :rolleyes:

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I think they removed the gear vendors because it was too much work to actually tweak the stats given by those pieces of equipment (they had to change every piece from the old 4 base stats to the actual one with Mastery as a main stat).

As I understand this is an issue and a lot of work, it's still a shame most of these gear pieces with unique skins cannot be obtained anymore. Even if the stats didn't add much, the appearance were definitely a nice feature. :rolleyes:

Sounds more like an excuse than a reason really. They reworked all the rest of the gear that was out there.

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Sounds more like an excuse than a reason really. They reworked all the rest of the gear that was out there.


i agree, they just could give us the looks(adeptive gear) so we can where them as outfits, and then for every planet classe(that matches the planet/place) a outfit, something like they allready do with the rep vendors.

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There are several "Specialty Goods" vendors on a few planets who HAVE NOTHING.


...uhm... ok?


When will you get more stock, bro?


That's what happens when you remove gear pieces feom the game but forgot to remove the NPC selling those as well :rolleyes:


Quality content, as we're used too.

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If I recall correctly, Ben's excuse for having the vendors removed was that there were too many objects appearing on the map, which could have made it confusing for people who were looking for something specific. Stupid, I know.


There was one particular lightsaber I was sad to see go. Righteous Harbinger's Lightsaber. It was the only way to get it as a moddable version. I wanted to archive my character's adventures by recreating her, and recording gameplay via OBS, but re-obtaining her armor set was a pain in the rear, and I would have to use a weak, non-upgradeable lightsaber for the harder content too.


Which is why I vouched for all items being a part of collections or all missing items being put back into the game, with various other items lootable from planets within their level range, like how it used to be. Now if you over level a planet, you are locked out from obtaining gear unique to that level range. :(

Edited by ForfiniteStories
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If I recall correctly, Ben's excuse for having the vendors removed was that there were too many objects appearing on the map, which could have made it confusing for people who were looking for something specific. Stupid, I know.


There was one particular lightsaber I was sad to see go. Righteous Harbinger's Lightsaber. It was the only way to get it as a moddable version. I wanted to archive my character's adventures by recreating her, and recording gameplay via OBS, but re-obtaining her armor set was a pain in the rear, and I would have to use a weak, non-upgradeable lightsaber for the harder content too.


Which is why I vouched for all items being a part of collections or all missing items being put back into the game, with various other items lootable from planets within their level range, like how it used to be. Now if you over level a planet, you are locked out from obtaining gear unique to that level range. :(

to many objects on map...thats a poor excuse from ben, since you can toggle the stuff you want to see in at the map section.

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I wouldn't mind seeing missing items brought back from the Planetary Vendors. However, the one thing we absolutely do not need again is that many damn different tokens to deal with.


As another poster pointed out... we've got several vendors that never get any upgrading. They could just drop those missing items into one of them with a credit value instead of token value.

Edited by LunaticFringer
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I wouldn't mind seeing missing items brought back from the Planetary Vendors. However, the one thing we absolutely do not need again is that many damn different tokens to deal with.


As another poster pointed out... we've got several vendors that never get any upgrading. They could just drop those missing items into one of them with a credit value instead of token value.

Wow. If you've been playing long enough to remember Planetary Tokens....

Step One: Earn enough tokens to buy the Specialty Gear on a Planet.

Step Two: Rejoice; buy all the gearz!

Step Three: Outgrow the gear.

Step Four: Sell the gear.

Step Five: Tokens? But... These are useless. :mad:

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Wow. If you've been playing long enough to remember Planetary Tokens....

Step One: Earn enough tokens to buy the Specialty Gear on a Planet.

Step Two: Rejoice; buy all the gearz!

Step Three: Outgrow the gear.

Step Four: Sell the gear.

Step Five: Tokens? But... These are useless. :mad:


Exactly. Bring back missing gear/shells from the vendors? Sure. I'm of a mind once something is added to an mmorpg it should always be attainable by any new player be it a day, a week, a month, even years after it is first introduced to the game-- so long as they have to jump through the same kind of hoops we did to get it. I just think that makes for a more complete feeling in game environment myself and gives you something to do on alts as well.


Bring back those bloody tokens though? Hell to the No! lol


Funny part is, had they just done a generic token system like we had prior to the Command RNG grind for stuff from game launch... we very well could still have had all those vendors in place with no fuss, no muss.


But, yeah... I see no problem if we could add back the missing items via credit value to existing vendors. Never have liked that about vendors in any mmorpg for several years now. New vendor, never gets an update. Or, at most, an update with 2-3 items on it... and that's all it ever gets. Which... ug... see this is why I hate micro-transactions and money stores ever being introduced to mmorpgs. Where do you think all the stuff that probably would've went on those vendors is going now?


Sorry, I tend to gab even with Forum posting. :D

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Exactly. Bring back missing gear/shells from the vendors? Sure. I'm of a mind once something is added to an mmorpg it should always be attainable by any new player be it a day, a week, a month, even years after it is first introduced to the game-- so long as they have to jump through the same kind of hoops we did to get it. I just think that makes for a more complete feeling in game environment myself and gives you something to do on alts as well.


Bring back those bloody tokens though? Hell to the No! lol


Funny part is, had they just done a generic token system like we had prior to the Command RNG grind for stuff from game launch... we very well could still have had all those vendors in place with no fuss, no muss.


But, yeah... I see no problem if we could add back the missing items via credit value to existing vendors. Never have liked that about vendors in any mmorpg for several years now. New vendor, never gets an update. Or, at most, an update with 2-3 items on it... and that's all it ever gets. Which... ug... see this is why I hate micro-transactions and money stores ever being introduced to mmorpgs. Where do you think all the stuff that probably would've went on those vendors is going now?


Sorry, I tend to gab even with Forum posting. :D


I'd love for them to bring back some of the old pvp gear as well as some of the raiding gear. I never raided ever so I never got a chance to get some of that but would love to get it.

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