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How often do you change the way your toon looks?


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You only see the times I change it in public...the amount of time I've spent at the GTN trying crap on probably accounts for half of my /played time >.<


ROFL Well the trying on doesn't really count. It's the outfits on hand that you swap too is what's bad!! :p

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The outfit of my Jedi counselor reflects her character development throughout her story.


On Tython she started as a modest Jedi Padawan in a brown hooded coat. Later, during her diplomatic missions on Balmorra and the following planets, she dared to add a bit more colour to her outfit, with a hooded coat in green and gloves with modest golden ornaments. During and after Rishi she tried some rebellious Veda pirate look, still coloured in hooded brown, but with golden ornaments on gloves and boots.


After release from the carbonite prison on Zakuul for the fierce battles against the Eternal Empire she combined her favourite short Veda skirt with a comfortable unhooded MK-5-longshirt in black and brown.


While becoming more and more self-reliant on her skills, her power and her mission, she added an exquisite headband to underline her zabrak nature.


After taking over the Ethernal Throne this Jedi counselor still sticks to her suitable Veda pirate skirt but now she combines it with a solid Iokath armor in brown and metal black - still a modest but now a powerful and self-confident Jedi.



Other toons have different characters and their outfit reflects this.


The smuggler is a charming rogue and a passionate cargo pilot - he will never wear anything else but his beloved Esseles pilot jacket which he gained during his first battle on the flight to Coruscant.


My bounty hunter found a practical armour during the great hunt. He will wear this armor for a long time because he is a stubborn character and once he found some good gear he keeps it as long as possible.


The sith marauder is very proud to wear a long black cloak and other typical sith style outfit, mostly in black and red. He is quite vain, loves being well-dressed and often changes his outfit, always in exquisite sith style.


The imperial agent just started his story - time will tell how his character develops and what outfit will suit him.



I create a toon when I have an idea about what his/her general character traits should be: shy and modest or proud and extraverted, honest or two-faced, brave fighter or smart trickster - and what race and what look will suit these character basics. Rest is done with ingame outfits.

Edited by Himmelnochmal
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I change how mine looks until it looks right, i can't stand characters that do not look like their role.


A Jedi shouldn't be wearing trooper armour and so on.


What Bioware needs to do is make all armour (unless it is armour based on a character from within the game) look like class armour depending on the class you are playing, if you are playing as a Trooper or Bounty Hunter, the armour looks like their armour and so on.


Personally I dress my characters primarily based on their personality with their class being secondary if I give it a nod at all. For example:


my 100% LS sith inquisitor wears this: https://imgur.com/jTO7eHY Spikey, black sith outfit wouldn't suit his personality at all


My smarta*s JK who saves innocents but kills sith wears mostly Canderous Ordo's outfit: https://imgur.com/1znoaGC Tranquil brown jedi robes wouldn't suit him at all


My snarky, disobedient Trooper wears a leather jacket and has dyed hair while my boyscout Twi'lek trooper wears white and yellow trooper armor always. Two of my smugglers wear casual clothes that you'd expect from a smuggler but the serious and ruthless one who married Akaavi wears Mandalorian armor and so on.


I would be beyond pissed if I could no longer customize my characters the way I liked and all my characters looked like generic ___ class. I use cartel pack armor so I don't have to look generic.

Edited by Nefla
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Personally I dress my characters primarily based on their personality with their class being secondary if I give it a nod at all. For example:


my 100% LS sith inquisitor wears this: https://imgur.com/jTO7eHY Spikey, black sith outfit wouldn't suit his personality at all


My smarta*s JK who saves innocents but kills sith wears mostly Canderous Ordo's outfit: https://imgur.com/1znoaGC Tranquil brown jedi robes wouldn't suit him at all


My snarky, disobedient Trooper wears a leather jacket and has dyed hair while my boyscout Twi'lek trooper wears white and yellow trooper armor always. Two of my smugglers wear casual clothes that you'd expect from a smuggler but the serious and ruthless one who married Akaavi wears Mandalorian armor and so on.


I would be beyond pissed if I could no longer customize my characters the way I liked and all my characters looked like generic ___ class. I use cartel pack armor so I don't have to look generic.


This +10000. None of my jedi characters wear what most think are jedi outfits. I have always thought their robes looked like pajamas p.


I have always had one comment to those that think my characters aren't dressed properly. "tough cookies, they are my characters and I don't need your d...n approval, so move along and go talk to someone who cares about your opinion." (My boyfriend laughs when I say that lol)

Edited by casirabit
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I can safely say that i spend at least a third of my playtime dressing up my characters like they were Barbie dolls. It is also where i spend the most money (creds and real money).


Though in the end i tend to go for a basic-ish look that has at least a hint of realism to it.


I like plain and non-flashy looks, no matter the class.


Actually, now that i write this i realise i spend most of my time by far creating new characters, take for ever to come up with a good name, tweaking the new character settings into the wee hours, dress em till we drop, leveling it off the starter planet, deleting them and start from scratch again.


Omg... what happened to my life :eek:

Edited by Baldrix
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Once I find a look I love, I tend to marry it...meaning I don't change it. As for the clothing, that changes more often, when I find an outfit that I like, so glad to have clothing slots so I can swap things around at will, but hair and makeup usually stay the same on my mains. I'm more experimental with alts. :)
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I try not to change any of my characters appearance, by doing so loses some of the uniqueness they has become apart of them.


Think about this though, constantly changing one's appearance can be part of the character's "uniqueness". :D


Most of my characters stay the same, but I have one character that I CONSTANTLY change her appearance:


hair color and style


eye color


And she has 12 outfit slots.

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I don't change a characters actual appearance, ever. Or... haven't yet, anyways. I would love it if my Bounty Hunter's signature makeup became available with the Lekku pattern I like... but it isn't. If It ever became available, I'd do that instantly.

... I tend to feel that my characters are a specific person, and changing their appearance wouldn't make sense. Outfits, absolutely. Just not their looks. My outfits also tend to change based on where they are. If something is "a sewer crawl" and my character has a "getting dirty" outfit, that gets swapped in.


When I first made my Imperial Agent... I think I remade her about 4 times. Never leveled her past Hutta before I decided something didn't look quite right. I think, also, I once decided that I wanted to go Sniper instead of Operative... so I got to level 12 or so and then remade. I remember, this being before I joined my current guild, that a group was trying to recruit me. I remember some RP discussion about some "dark conspiracy" that I could only dimly be aware of. I'm like "you're only dimly aware that you've now approached three different people with the same identity. You dabble in dark conspiracies, but I am a dark conspiracy."


The most recent outfit change I've made was last night. My Trooper finished KOTET and claimed the Throne. I had a "desert trooper" outfit (outlander guerilla, dyed white and light orange) but I swapped that out for Formal Militant's Armour dyed black and light yellow; has a real El Presidente feel to it, suitable for an Empress with a military background.

Edited by LordFell
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Out of my 5 toons --- I've only changed with upgrades to equipment ...

and hair, I've changed on 2 toons, and they have stayed that way -- I like the way my girls look :) ( gave it a lot of painstaking thought and anguish when I created them, so that was probably a factor)

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This +10000. None of my jedi characters wear what most think are jedi outfits. I have always thought their robes looked like pajamas p.


I have always had one comment to those that think my characters aren't dressed properly. "tough cookies, they are my characters and I don't need your d...n approval, so move along and go talk to someone who cares about your opinion." (My boyfriend laughs when I say that lol)



I would be very unhappy if I was forced into someone else's vision of how things should be.

I do personally tend to be somewhat compliant regarding class, but that is secondary.

I have a friend who dresses every class in dresses. That makes her happy.. Nobody else's business at all!!


I do change outfits.. usually have 3 at all times and change between them from time to time. Also change them up now and then. Agents do get more frequent changes.

Regarding the actual looks of characters though, I really dislike paying CC for said changes so it is very very rare for me to change anything there. I probably would more often if if it was for in game money.

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This +10000. None of my jedi characters wear what most think are jedi outfits. I have always thought their robes looked like pajamas p.


I have always had one comment to those that think my characters aren't dressed properly. "tough cookies, they are my characters and I don't need your d...n approval, so move along and go talk to someone who cares about your opinion." (My boyfriend laughs when I say that lol)


Yeah, I dunno when the "slightly different copy of Obi-Wan's outfit" became the official uniform of the Jedi order. Someone needs to inform canon characters like Satele Shan, Kanan Jarus, Quinlan Vos, Aayla Secura, Ahsoka Tano, etc...that they aren't dressing like proper jedi and need to generic themselves up. Wouldn't the game and movie world be so much better and more interesting if everyone of a certain type looked exactly the same but with maybe some slight color variation? :p

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So do you ever start at type 2 and after not playing them for months change them to type 4 to reflect their inactivity?


Hmmmm, not intentionally, but it is how it happened. I'm kinda liking the plus size FemB4 now though.:rak_03: Before my last return, I only ever considered FemB2. The rest was out of the question!

Edited by Eshvara
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I only ever changed my main's hair style once, and that was because of how effected she was by the events that took place during Chapter 12 of KotFE. She had her hair tied neatly above her ears. Now it's loose, a little wild, and a little shorter, kinda like a little touch-up after a shower before heading out the door.
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Two of my toons regularly get new outfits. My scoundrel, in particular, being my main, has several:

  • Daily wear for hot planets (Casual Connoisseur over Concealed Bodysuit pants)
  • Daily wear for temperate planets (Unfettered Trenchcoat over CB pants)
  • Daily wear for cold planets (fur-lined 'pimp' coat I forget the name of, was a trash drop from Snowblind)
  • Huttball uniform (Republic Home)
  • Formal wear that she hates but the leader of the Celestial Argonauts (me lol) makes her wear to special occasions (Nightlife Socialite with I believe Sensuous Dress skirt)


My sage, a Dark V PBS with designs on being a Dread Master (spoiler: she won't succeed) has a few as well:

  • Sensuous Dress set (looks very good in red on a red DS PBS)
  • Dread Aspirations (Gothic Vestments with a Dreadtooth mask)
  • Revan Reborn set (and soon gonna add a fourth for the Revan set just went up for sale)


Most of my other toons just have one set that sticks with them:

  • Rivyr Tam, Leader of the Celestial Argonauts sports a Magnificent Dancer top over an Elegant skirt (White/Pink)
  • Caeligh, Rivyr's second, usually dons the Last Handmaiden set (in White, with a Secondary White module applied to fix the light grey belt)
  • Hakosa Otan used to sport a Euphoric tunic over an Elegant skirt, but I've just dressed her more modestly in the Humble Hero set
  • Grey Tangent, a cyborg raised by Gree, dresses in White Scalene


Scoundrel I mentioned at the top of this post, Zoe, is one of only two characters whose physical appearance I've changed - she went with long, thick hair to a pixie 'do because the former style kept clipping with her outfits :rolleyes: I've also recently been expanding on the character herself - rolling new characters with the name and exploring her history. My main is a body type 4 (because t h i c c), but I have a couple of younger versions of the character in BT1.


The only other character whose physical appearance I've changed after creation is Caeligh, who went from a bold pink Twi'lek to a light cyan hue to look better in her Last Handmaiden set :p

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The only other character whose physical appearance I've changed after creation is Caeligh, who went from a bold pink Twi'lek to a light cyan hue to look better in her Last Handmaiden set :p


That set looks really nice on twi'keks for some reason. Maybe because it has a sort of "submissive" vibe with the fastener on the collar. Or maybe it's just because it makes my characters with hair look bald >.>

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I change the clothing fairly often (thanks, outfit designer!). I used to change hair on occasion, but it's been a long time now. It would be nice if that was part of the designer, too.


I think I may have added a scar to one character after the class story. Outside of that one instance, I don't change the facial features, skin, or body type. Though, now that I think about it, some characters are getting pretty old and maybe should gain some weight... body type 4, here we come! :t_tongue:


Like some others have said... if I want a totally different look, I can always just create another character.

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Regarding the actual looks of characters though, I really dislike paying CC for said changes so it is very very rare for me to change anything there. I probably would more often if if it was for in game money.


I agree! I would probably make little changes like hair style or color constantly if it were for credits and not CC.

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