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Server Merge Fail. No more West Coast Server


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Thanks BioWare for eliminating the West Coast Servers. Our entire guild is now in disarray and we already have 6 members quiting because there ping was already barely enough to play. You killed all the Aussies, and Asia players and forced the rest of us to a ***** ping.


I was so happy for the merge only to now be so mad that I am most likely going to unsubscribe. Losing guildies for what? Is this some retaliation because of the lash back from “The Hot Prospect” server name. I really feels like it. So disappointed. Whoever did this “evaluation “ should be fired. If this does not get reversed, then it’s time to move on

Edited by Lorsic
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It upsets me also. First they try try to give us the *******st possible server name just because one certain individual found it oh so hilarious. They clearly think everyone on the west coast is a joke. Now there won't even be a west coast server at all. And to make it worse they lie to us and spring this little surprise after they've already pushed it through, and then lie some more about how having a higher ping rates is not going to impact your performance, because they claim to have some magical way of making thousands of miles of space not matter. Who do they think they are kidding?
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They haven't merged servers yet. But hey, I'm central time and I never have had my very own time server...:) Give them a break..they aren't done and anyone who quits over this was going to quit anyway over something. They are upgrading so there is bound to be some hiccups. Take a breathe and give them until after the official merge on the 8th before becoming hysterical.
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I have said this before in a thread but I will here because Im wondering why my server is down.


I have been away for 3 years (because I moved and had no internet) and when I finally got internet, I was happy to be back. ive been back for less than a week and I have already noticed many things wrong. not different or changes, that's normal, but inconsistencies. This coming from a pretty easy going player who doesnt gripe most of the time. Bugs, glitches and failures and my conclusion is that somebody has stopped caring. Maybe they have become complacent, maybe they have had cutbacks. Whatever the case may be, it seems like someone involved up top has stopped caring or never had a passion for their position in the first place.


Just my two cents

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I used to be on an Oceanic Server as I am NZ-based, but that was migrated to the West Coast a couple years back. It seems to be over-looked that the NA servers support more than just the Western US, it also looked after the Pacific Rim. I was excited about the merger, but I am deeply disappointed that BW closed down the entire West Coast without consulting its client base as there will be a lot of ANZACs that won't stick around and won't return if BW deem the blow back is sufficient enough to address. I have spent too much time and money to just walk and I really enjoy the game so I will wait and see, but all of my friends that played won't touch it.
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