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Rattataki question


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I just looked Ratts up on Wookiee and I found out a rather interesting thing. THIS is a Rattataki:




BUT! If you come to this page when you pick "Rattataki" option in the browser, you get this:




Further, doesn't this remind you of something? Something like THIS perhaps:




But, but! If MAUL is a Dathomiri...http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Darth_Maul ...what are the RED ZABRAKS then? Iridonians? But...




Oh, **** everything, I'm done! This is so messed up!

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I just looked Ratts up on Wookiee and I found out a rather interesting thing. THIS is a Rattataki:




BUT! If you come to this page when you pick "Rattataki" option in the browser, you get this:




Further, doesn't this remind you of something? Something like THIS perhaps:




But, but! If MAUL is a Dathomiri...http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Darth_Maul ...what are the RED ZABRAKS then? Iridonians? But...




Oh, **** everything, I'm done! This is so messed up!


well Dathomirian is a sub species of Zabraks, which Maul is. so he is a Dathomirian Zabrak. Iridonian Zabraks again is just a sub species from Iridonian.


And the difference between the Rattataki and Siniteen is Siniteen is technically Canon, while Rattataki is legends. So Disney designed the Rattataki the way they wanted to. that's all it is.

Edited by CrazyScruffy
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well Dathomirian is a sub species of Zabraks, which Maul is. so he is a Dathomirian Zabrak. Iridonian Zabraks again is just a sub species from Iridonian.


And the difference between the Rattataki and Siniteen is Siniteen is technically Canon, while Rattataki is legends. So Disney designed the Rattataki the way they wanted to. that's all it is.


Which existed first? Rats or Einsteins? Are Einsteins some kind of modern creation? Never heard of them before tbh.


I think I could safely create a Rattatak and use Nightbrother / Nightsister naming conventions. I think they fit better with Inq anyhow. And look almost the same lol.


edit: Unless there's some kind of naming guide for Rats I'm unaware of. Kinda like there is for Zabrak, Twi'lek etc names.

Edited by Cuiwe
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Which existed first? Rats or Einsteins? Are Einsteins some kind of modern creation? Never heard of them before tbh.


There was one in the infamous cantina scene of A New Hope, AKA where a perfectly ridiculous number of species got their start. So...technically, yeah, the giant-brain creatures existed first. (There was another in an episode of The Clone Wars, acting as a drill sergeant for the clones. ...he was a jerk.)


I don't know where rattataki first originated from. It could have been from Ventress, before she got retconned into "haha nope she's Darth Maul's species" - that still doesn't make sense - or it could have been earlier than that. I'm not sure...


But as of right now, "rattataki" as they are in-game...do not exist in canon. (As far as I'm aware. :/)


As for naming conventions...not sure?? The only sort of guide I've ever seen to any naming convention among the rattataki is that "Rattataki names are quite short, usually two syllables. They tend to sound harsh and could be a bit hard to pronounce." That's coming from someone's best guess as to the naming conventions, however, so it's in no way official. Oh well.

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As for naming conventions...not sure?? The only sort of guide I've ever seen to any naming convention among the rattataki is that "Rattataki names are quite short, usually two syllables. They tend to sound harsh and could be a bit hard to pronounce." That's coming from someone's best guess as to the naming conventions, however, so it's in no way official. Oh well.

And it doesn't exactly fit well with "Kaliyo Djannis", either...


Granted, when I named my first Rattataki (Agent), I called him Krallak, which sounds harsh to my ear, but that was because it seemed to fit what I had seen in-game about the Rattataki. And my second is "Yerka Kolar". Read into that what you will.

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And it doesn't exactly fit well with "Kaliyo Djannis", either...


Granted, when I named my first Rattataki (Agent), I called him Krallak, which sounds harsh to my ear, but that was because it seemed to fit what I had seen in-game about the Rattataki. And my second is "Yerka Kolar". Read into that what you will.


In Sci Fi it is common to have all members of an alien species speak the same language and use the same naming conventions, but in some ways it is sort of an offshoot of the Planet of Hats trope. Aliens are nearly always portrayed as belonging to a single culture.


But how realistic would that be? Consider how many different cultures and languages there are on Earth. Names in India would be very different from those in Cambodia which in turn would be very different from those in Poland. Ect, ect. If we ever enounter space-faring alien life it would be surprising if they were not as culturally diverse as humans.


On that note fans probably shouldn't get too hung up on naming their characters unless the species has extensive lore on naming conventions, like the Chiss.

Edited by Aeneas_Falco
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Ok, so this is just my opinion, so take it or leave it. As far as what's been done to the EU and relegating it to the "legends" category. The (dare I say) Disney (I'm in it for the credits) version of canon is persona non grata to me. So for me, Asajj Ventriss will always be of the Ratttaki species. She may have grown up on Dathomir and is considered a Dathomirian and she may have been a Nightsister, but her species is Rattataki. As for Zabraks, the species appears to have originated on the planet Iridonia and they may be referred to as Iridonians, but the species themselves are Zabraks. If I remember correctly, Bao Dur the Zabrak companion in KotOR 2 was from the planet Iridonia and at one point talks of the history of his people as war-like and violent. The red-skinned Zabraks are human-Zabrak hybrids and they are specifically referred to as being from the planet Dathomir.


I have a Rattataki Imp Operative. Her name is Saga Niqu (pronounced Saa-gaa Nee-coo) She is my second Imp agent and I specifically chose her as Rattataki to be a counterbalance to Kaliyo. I'm currently writing her backstory up to the time she becomes an Imp Agent.


I also have a red-skinned Zabrak Sith Assasin that I've named Feral Kai. In her back story, she is a Nightsister from Dathomir. According to EU/Legend, Dathomir has been a prison planet for thousands of years. So to have my Sith Inquisitor start as a slave fits quite nicely with her history. I've even named her so that she is the ancestor of another Nightsister who becomes prominent far in the future during the EU stories of the Second Imperium.

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