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GSF Crew Bugs?


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So I've been trying to do some GSF (so far haven't gotten one to pop, but that's another issue entirely). Anyhow, are the crew assignments bugged or something? I bought Vette with fleet req (along with a few others), put her as copilot, assigned the rest of the crew, looked at a different ship, went back to the first, and Vette had promptly disappeared as copilot. She's not on the list even. And now the copilot and offense are tied together and whichever I choose changes the other to the same crewmember. Vette is not available as copilot for any ship. She was--briefly--available as engineer, but promptly disappeared for that as well.


Logging out and back in over the course of the last day or so has had no impact on this issue btw, before someone suggests it. Am I just doing something wrong or is the thing just a mess?

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The way choosing your crew works is you choose one crew member for each section, Offense, Defense, Tactical and Engineering. Of those 4 you chose you many now choose a co-pilot.


So if you chose the Co-pilot first and then changed the crew you had in each section that co-pilot is no longer a valid option.


In order for you to have Vette as a co-pilot she must also be your Engineer.

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If you go to buy a crewmember, it will go through its normal fleet requisition drama, which by default asks you if you are sure you want to spend fleet req. If you clicked yes to this (or didn't get it), you should see Vette unlocked under engineering, the light blue crosshatch should disappear, and you can then set her for whichever ships you want as your engineering crewman, and then you can also separately set her as copilot (the copilot list just remembers whether you are flying with the engineering, offensive, defensive, or tactical crewman selected for that ship).


I *believe* if you ignore the "sure you want to buy" box (by clicking on the main GUI, I think this sends that box to the back), the GUI will show the character, but you won't be able to use them yet. So *maybe* something like this happened.


Basically, go buy Vette again (or really buy her this time). I have never seen nor heard of the bug you describe. Watch your fleet req and make sure it actually drops by 600, and then you can pick her normally.




As a vaguely on topic note, Vette is a pretty poor choice, sadly. She lacks the "engine efficiency" engineering crew skill that vastly increases your range by decreasing boost and engine maneuver costs, and is usually a poor choice for this reason, and also lacks the "extra engines" ability that would maybe make up for this. It's very bad to go flying without either of these engine boosting talents.

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If your base class is a Sith Warrior, and you had gotten past Korriban, you would have her (Vette) unlocked by default without needing to spend fleet requisition ... all your class companions are unlocked for free. However, once you start the Knights of the Fallen Empire (KOTFE) expansion, all those companions become locked again. You will have to buy them with fleet requisition if you wish to use them in your GSF ships. They stay assigned to your ships as long as you don't make any changes, but they will no longer be available for any new ships you unlock or if you change off that crew member and then later try to switch back. In fact, even if those companions return as part of the KOTFE or KOTET storyline, they still won't automatically unlock, you still have to pay fleet req to unlock them. That's because the companions that join you in the Knights expansions are functionally different in the computer code than their original versions (per Eric Musco during the first Bad Feeling podcast Buvette a few weeks ago.)


The only exceptions to this rule I am aware of are HK-51 and Treek. These companions are available as crew members if you unlock them as ground companions through the usual means (usually legacy perks.). When the Knights expansion first launched they vanished just like your other companions, but as I've done knights on subsequent characters I've noticed they stay now, as available for crew skills. I had to submit a ticket to customer service explaining that I had those two unlocked before KOTFE and when they were returned to me as summonable companions after chapter 9 of KOTFE, they didn't come back in the hangar automatically. CS did unlock them for me but only after I submitted several tickets. Since most of CS is not as familiar with GSF you might have to submit several tickets before you get a representative that can actually help you.

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The way choosing your crew works is you choose one crew member for each section, Offense, Defense, Tactical and Engineering. Of those 4 you chose you many now choose a co-pilot.


So if you chose the Co-pilot first and then changed the crew you had in each section that co-pilot is no longer a valid option.


In order for you to have Vette as a co-pilot she must also be your Engineer.


Ty, this helped me a lot. I didn't realize copilot was supposed to be tied to one of the others. I thought it was separate too.


As a vaguely on topic note, Vette is a pretty poor choice, sadly. She lacks the "engine efficiency" engineering crew skill that vastly increases your range by decreasing boost and engine maneuver costs, and is usually a poor choice for this reason, and also lacks the "extra engines" ability that would maybe make up for this. It's very bad to go flying without either of these engine boosting talents.


I know her "buffs" or whatever seem weaker, I'm just used to her being my copilot like in space missions (I seem to hear her a lot).


If your base class is a Sith Warrior, and you had gotten past Korriban, you would have her (Vette) unlocked by default without needing to spend fleet requisition ... all your class companions are unlocked for free. However, once you start the Knights of the Fallen Empire (KOTFE) expansion, all those companions become locked again. You will have to buy them with fleet requisition if you wish to use them in your GSF ships.


This was my issue. What's completely stupid is I've completed KotET and so am

way past the point where I reacquired Vette. She should have been back on my list. And while I'm on that subject, she should be back on my personal starship as well.


Edited by Sinhammer
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I know her "buffs" or whatever seem weaker


They are much weaker. It's not "seems", it's not up for debate. While it's definitely debatable as to whether you want blaster efficiency or extra engines (especially for scouts, but also possibly for quad laser strikes), engine efficiency is vastly too important. Likewise, extra blaster power has some gunship adherents, but it is not suitable outside of that edge case (again, an edge case that has engine efficiency). You could make a case for "extra engines" over "engine efficiency" if it gets you a crew active you want, but that's still a visceral debuff on movement.


Vette is like opting into a snare in pvp.


This was my issue. What's completely stupid is I've completed KotET and so am

way past the point where I reacquired Vette. She should have been back on my list. And while I'm on that subject, she should be back on my personal starship as well.


Odd and that's a shame. I'm glad Pryo had the answer: I haven't done the

"delete my peeps yo"

button on any character, so this didn't occur to me.

Edited by Verain
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They are much weaker. It's not "seems", it's not up for debate. While it's definitely debatable as to whether you want blaster efficiency or extra engines (especially for scouts, but also possibly for quad laser strikes), engine efficiency is vastly too important. Likewise, extra blaster power has some gunship adherents, but it is not suitable outside of that edge case (again, an edge case that has engine efficiency). You could make a case for "extra engines" over "engine efficiency" if it gets you a crew active you want, but that's still a visceral debuff on movement.


Vette is like opting into a snare in pvp.




Odd and that's a shame. I'm glad Pryo had the answer: I haven't done the

"delete my peeps yo"

button on any character, so this didn't occur to me.


As much as I like her, I'll prob change her out then. Thanks for the tip. And yeah, I can't see myself repeating the pain of KotFE/KotET ever again. I have three boosted toons, so I'll eventually do something with those I suppose (I got the boosts free, so, eh). But DELIBERATELY choosing to repeat the process on toons you worked for I just don't understand. There's no replay value at all there as far as I'm concerned. Maybe it's just me, but it's how I personally feel about it.

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It is unfortunate, but as I mentioned Eric Musco addressed it when he spoke to the BadFeeling podcast guys a couple weeks ago, apparently the companions you acquire in KOTFE/KOTET are completely different coding-wise than the original classic companions. I am reasonably confident that with a politely worded CS ticket and direct/clear explanation of the idiosyncrasies of GSF companions you could probably convince them to unlock returning comps for you like they did HK-51 and Treek for me. Often times, the motivation for development to fix an issue like this is when CS gets tons of tickets on the issue. With enough politely worded tickets, which honestly will probably have to be re-submitted multiple times depending on the agent who reads your ticket, maybe they will change something. That said, I'm not holding my breath. There's probably only a few companions on either side who come back in the KOTFE/KOTET story who might have been your class companions that would be worth submitting tickets for this save the fleet req... Qyzen Fess, Gault, Blizz, the ship droids, Malavai Quinn, Talos Drellik OR Treek (since they are basically identical), Xalek, M1-4X. Most of the others are GSF-exclusive peeps or haven't returned in the story yet so you would need to buy them anyway. On a side note, making that list has confirmed that the devs love Imps more than Pubs 😝 Edited by phalczen
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