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Best way to LvL up


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So from what I've seen, PvP earns you minimum 10kxp even if you lose in huttball (10 minute match) which is like 90% of matches. Running around a half hour for a quest gets you slightly less. Space dailies give you about 10k as well for a slightly shorter time than a pvp match.


So, correct me if I'm wrong. But I'm assuming that warzones and space is the most efficient way of getting to lvl 50 since you get 6x the amount of xp you would earn for your standard quests in an hour. At least from what I've seen at lvl 32 so far.

Edited by Horridthehunter
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Standard hutball match: 10 minutes/10000-15000 xp

Standard Quest: 20-30 minutes 6000-10000 xp

Heroic Quest: 30+min 10000-20000 xp

Space Dailies: 5-7 minutes 8-10k xp


Why do questing at all when you can sit in your ship and just pvp until 50?

Those number aren't quite right, actually. All Warzones are about ~15 minutes, and the exp they give is varied based off level, length of the game, how well you did, etc. A 'standard' quest really only takes 10 minutes, but varies as well. You can also pick up multiple quests which have objectives close to another, and that'll give you some quick exp. Space and PvP dailies give a lot more than 8-10k exp because when you finish one, you're actually finishing two quests (but again, the exp varies).


I skip heroics. Or skipped, rather. I just hit 50.

Edited by Herculieas
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The numbers don't make sense because you don't do just one quest at a time. Instead you go to a hub and grab 4-5 quests that are all in the same area. You do them all together in about 30 minutes then go back and turn in each one for 10-15k each.
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Probably because your numbers are complete nonsense. It does not take anywhere near 30 minutes to do a quest. Most heroics don't even take 30 minutes and they usually come with a very nice item too.


Take into consideriation the time to run around to the quest giver and turn in or walk to your quest point. trust me it adds up. Time it yourself

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The numbers don't make sense because you don't do just one quest at a time. Instead you go to a hub and grab 4-5 quests that are all in the same area. You do them all together in about 30 minutes then go back and turn in each one for 10-15k each.


Some hubs yes you may get lucky but other have you running around all over the place doing the bonus and turning it in at another zone.


Factor in the time to run around to all these places, the cost of transport and repairs assuming you occasionally wipe and sitting through the story cutscenes. They nerfed the xp in warzones for a reason and this is it. I still think it's more worth it to PvP to 50 if sheer xp is all you want. Obviously this won't gear you the same but you could always worry about that at lvl 50.


The way I do it right now is stay Queud and do quests at the same time. It takes a good hour to do a quest since the queu pops up all the time but from my own personal testing the leveling is a lot faster.


2 lvl 30's currently.

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From what I saw, pvp was a good way to lvl up in my 20-30ish levels, but questiing became really faster around lvl 35-40.

As an example : lvl 49->50 is 450k xp. Assuming 20k xp per 15 mn bg, it would take 5h30 to hit lvl 50. It took me 5h while questing, and I really took my time.

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Standard hutball match: 10 minutes/10000-15000 xp

Standard Quest: 20-30 minutes 6000-10000 xp

Heroic Quest: 30+min 10000-20000 xp

Space Dailies: 5-7 minutes 8-10k xp


Why do questing at all when you can sit in your ship and just pvp until 50?


This is such a load of ********.


If I go questing for 20-30 minutes, unless I've completed most the quests in an area already I will chain probably 3-4 quests that are extremely close to each other then get back and hand them all in for 10k xp each... And I'm taking my time if that takes me 30 minutes, at the same time I'm gaining xp off of every creature I kill whilst on that quest, which probably adds up to an extra 10k. So in 30 minutes of me taking my time I'm earning 30-50k XP


Huttball gives me a little over 14k IF I WIN, since the nerft it gives me something like 7k if I lose. it takes 15 minutes for a game unless you steam roll the other team to a 6 - whatever victory. So with that in mind AT BEST pvping I will gain just under 30k in 30 mins (If I queue and get an instant pop)




You are an idiot if you think leveling through pvping only is the best way to get to 50. For me it's the most enjoyable way, hardly the best.

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From what I saw, pvp was a good way to lvl up in my 20-30ish levels, but questiing became really faster around lvl 35-40.

As an example : lvl 49->50 is 450k xp. Assuming 20k xp per 15 mn bg, it would take 5h30 to hit lvl 50. It took me 5h while questing, and I really took my time.


I was hoping for high level input. What are your gains for a warzone at lvl 49?


At lvl 32 I'm still netting more per minute from PvP. But as you say it may change later on.

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This is such a load of ********.


If I go questing for 20-30 minutes, unless I've completed most the quests in an area already I will chain probably 3-4 quests that are extremely close to each other then get back and hand them all in for 10k xp each... And I'm taking my time if that takes me 30 minutes, at the same time I'm gaining xp off of every creature I kill whilst on that quest, which probably adds up to an extra 10k. So in 30 minutes of me taking my time I'm earning 30-50k XP


Huttball gives me a little over 14k IF I WIN, since the nerft it gives me something like 7k if I lose. it takes 15 minutes for a game unless you steam roll the other team to a 6 - whatever victory. So with that in mind AT BEST pvping I will gain just under 30k in 30 mins (If I queue and get an instant pop)




You are an idiot if you think leveling through pvping only is the best way to get to 50. For me it's the most enjoyable way, hardly the best.



Let's do some math based on your logic.


10 hubs (being generous here) per planet

30 minutes to do each hub


=5 hours per planet assuming doing every quest will get you a sufficient level to leave the planet


I haven't counted but I'd say there are about 12 planets to visit?


12 planets x 5 hours per planet at your godly pace = 70 hours to get to lvl 50 on nothing but quests


So a no lifer could reach level 50 in 2-3 days straight according to your estimates.


Note I was more than generous in the estimations assuming every planet has 10 hubs. Even at that your logic fails miserably. Keep trying though.


Oh and please L2P, even when I lose in hutball i get 10-15k. You're obviously not doing much in your team.

Edited by Horridthehunter
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  • 4 weeks later...
Those number aren't quite right, actually. All Warzones are about ~15 minutes, and the exp they give is varied based off level, length of the game, how well you did, etc. A 'standard' quest really only takes 10 minutes, but varies as well. You can also pick up multiple quests which have objectives close to another, and that'll give you some quick exp. Space and PvP dailies give a lot more than 8-10k exp because when you finish one, you're actually finishing two quests (but again, the exp varies).


I skip heroics. Or skipped, rather. I just hit 50.


I skip heroics too. I wanna do flashpoints but no one on my server does them, and my guild won't help. I'm soloing at level 30. What would you suggest to do to lvl up fast?

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The one thing you're missing the point of though, is that the XP grows in PVP the higher you get. Why? Because it takes more XP to level, so you're leveling at the same rate you would be at lower levels for PVP. Granted it is fast, but what you need to do to level, is do your daily space missions, do your daily PVP missions, do a daily flashpoint, then quest WHILE your PVPing. Ultimately fastest way to level because your getting all tht xp from the dailies, and then your not only getting XP from PVPing but you're also getting the XP from questing as well. That's what I'm doing and from one level to the next I'm just like "wth how did I get there already?" lol. Yes questing will take longer than normal but like i said, it's about the XP not the time you do it in.
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  • 2 months later...

I know getting to 50 is the objective to start raiding or PVPing...but I would rush my self skipping the fun in leveling and enjoying the story..


but if the case is to lvl up for certain task for the guild thats a different story...

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