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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Gunnery or Assault Specialist for PVP?


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Debates are still hot and bloody about the theme. A lot of commandos are 50s already and can share their experience concerning their choice.


What spec for PVP did you choose and why?


I'll be the first to share, i guess.


I chose Gunnery because of its stable burst damage and capability of solo killing most of rangers. Melee problems exist but they are not unsolvable. Most of the time we fight in teams and don't deal with melee enemies too often. In general i'm quite satisfied with the spec but won't stop testing both when reskilling becomes not so expensive.

Edited by dejavy
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Gunnery is balls. Your damage is channeled and you get shut down by any melee. Also your mobility is crap. Enjoy being a living turret.


That's what you signed up for when you picked Commando. If you wanted to be mobile and do meaningful damage then you should've picked Vanguard or smuggler.

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Gunnery is balls. Your damage is channeled and you get shut down by any melee. Also your mobility is crap. Enjoy being a living turret.


Wrong. You use Demolition Round/Explosive Round/Hammer shot (lol) to kite melee around.


You only use Grav Round when you have them far away, stunned, snared, slowed and running to you, etc.


If you are seriously planning on spamming grav round and expect that to be your only source of damage, you're not doing it right.


If you are up against a melee, wait until you Cryo Grenade them to actually cast 1-2 Grav Rounds. Usually i do 2 then follow up with a Full Auto - which does 33% more damage (a lot) and slows them down by 50%, then of course follow up with a very high hitting High Impact Bolt.


The melee will then jump and chase after you.. simple. Don't just stand there like an imbecile spamming Grav round and then blame the class for it's lack of mobility when it's really your inability to play.


After using your High Impact Bolt, use Demolition round (heavy hitting instant cast). If the enemy is a warrior and you notice that he has just used his Charge ability on you.. then use your knockback as soon as his Charge lands, and proceed to use Grav round 1-2 times before he catches up to you again.


At this point if he is still alive, chasing you down. Your Cryo Grenade will be on Cooldown, your knocback will be on CD. What to do?


Kite. Kite around using a priority cycle of High impact bolt > Demolition Round > explosive round > hammer shot. By this point they should be dead. If not, wait for Cryo or knockback again so you can get some Grav Rounds in, or a Full Auto.


Don't forget all of the cooldowns we get.. Reactive Shield, Adrenaline Rush, Recharge cells (specced into the bonus healing effect).


Point is, if you know what you are doing, you create your own work-arounds for "lack of mobility".. with things like:


Knockback --> Full Auto


Cryo Grenade --> 1-2 Grav Rounds.


Learn how to play the class and get good at it - you will love it.

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