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Please put Theron's hair back the way it was...WHY WHY WHY Would you do such a thing?


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People can retweet multiple times, while you can only like it once. So no, the poll will never be accurate.

I would doubly stick with the comments then. In any case as much as I hate the hair, I'm kind of starting to think it wont matter soon...

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I would doubly stick with the comments then. In any case as much as I hate the hair, I'm kind of starting to think it wont matter soon...


No, not really. I'm sure they'll give us customizations and we'll all get what we want. I like both, so I'll use both depending on my mood :D

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No, not really. I'm sure they'll give us customizations and we'll all get what we want. I like both, so I'll use both depending on my mood :D


I think they're going to kill him for all of us and I think it's going to be soon. I started a thread about it :(

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Whatever they do about Theron's look, I just hope that BW doesn't put his customization(s) behind a CC paywall, which may be what that Twitter poll is all about. Anyway...


Theron's or any companions look is purely subjective. Pierce head Theron is not MY Theron, and for those who like it, then the new do can be THEIR Theron. I just want MY Theron back.


That being said, I can deal with the new hair throughout this disastrous storyline, speaking strictly of cutscenes since he's no longer a companion I can summon. I don't use the retrieval terminal though I'm damned tempted for Vector---moving on.


But, when or if he comes back, I'd like to see MY Theron in subsequent cutscenes, if there are subsequent cutscenes. I honestly don't know what BW is going to do about returned or returning LI companions and how they fit into the story ongoing. I didn't kill Quinn, but will he have a part? I didn't kill Torian on my BH, or Jorgan, but will they have a part? And what about Vette and Kaliyo? Who knows at this point.


BW giveth and they taketh away and sometimes it's just exhausting.


As for Lana, I don't dislike her, I just don't find her that interesting. A sense of humor goes a long way and she, frankly, has none. And I can partially understand the dislike, because for 8 chapters of KOTFE, it was nothing but her, or Koth or Senya, mostly her. I would have preferred Theron, but it is what it is and they sort of made up for it in KOTET and Iokath, and there's always the space bar.


As for the new facial crappola, they took Senya from being a fairly attractive middle age woman to the hag from hell. Quinn's face in the reunion cutscene made him look like a constipated pug, and even Theron screws up his face sometimes to resemble a bulldog looking for a place to pee. To me, anyway, it was not an improvement. They should have left it at a few brow wrinkles and called it a day.


I don't post much on the forums anymore, so this is just my 2 cents, for what its worth.

Edited by MishaCantu
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Therons looks have nothing to do with the writer though, they are different people.

The then and new Theron is 161 Vs 257. I guess a lot of people like "ugly" for that sample size!


Yah, in a stacked poll that's totally inaccurate, because people are more likely to 'Like' than retweet. They're just trying to justify the ugly model they made. If you read through all the comments, most HATE it and want the original hair back again.





If they remove/change everything I enjoy about the game, there's no point me playing it anymore.


Let's be honest here.


-The story hasn't exactly been stellar lately, no matter who they drag in for live chats. They think it's adequate to combine story with flashpoint to save money, guess what, it's not.


-The latest storylines lack replayability. They're a dull slog 3rd and 4th times around.


-Destroying the integrity (either personality, appearance or both) of beloved characters, making them unappealing.


I play for the story...or at least that's what I tell myself. It's a harder sell when I'm upset and I'm upset over this change to Theron's appearance.


When I think about it, the only reason I remain is out of hope for the better and because I like posting my own fiction and speaking to some people here...but there are other sites I can do that on.


If they ruin Theron's appearance, I will unsub and it will be for good. :(

Edited by Lunafox
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LMAO that is so great but so sad at the same time! Did my comment inspire this look or do great minds think alike? :eek:


If they did that makeover to say...Jaesa or Kira...imagine the whinging then. :eek:

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I don't use Twitter that much, so I can't say what people are more likely to do. For the small amount of comments that are there, the majority does say then. But people post multiple times and it's cluttered with chat, so nothing is accurate at all in any way.



As for Jaesa and Kira change, She already has customisation options, so it won't exactly matter. Theron doesn't have any that we're aware of, but I don't think his looks are permanent.

The only one they did that to was Lana. I guess it would make Lana and Theron fans equal on the permanent change, if it were to happen, which it wont.


I think he's more likely to die than them making his hair permanent.

Edited by Eshvara
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LMAO that is so great but so sad at the same time! Did my comment inspire this look or do great minds think alike? :eek:


I was trying to illustrate your comment (and the one before about Twinkies). :>

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If they did that makeover to say...Jaesa or Kira...imagine the whinging then. :eek:


I used a customisation on Kira. I posted screenies on my twitter. One follower went ballistic how I dared to change her look in my own game, and told me to change it back.


So yeah. They wouldn't hear the end of it.


I don't use Twitter that much, so I can't say what people are more likely to do. For the small amount of comments that are there, the majority does say then. But people post multiple times and it's cluttered with chat, so nothing is accurate at all in any way.



As for Jaesa and Kira change, She already has customisation options, so it won't exactly matter. Theron doesn't have any that we're aware of, but I don't think his looks are permanent.

The only one they did that to was Lana. I guess it would make Lana and Theron fans equal on the permanent change, if it were to happen, which it wont.


I think he's more likely to die than them making his hair permanent.


See my comment above LOL

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I used a customisation on Kira. I posted screenies on my twitter. One follower went ballistic how I dared to change her look in my own game, and told me to change it back.


Weird people.:rak_02: Don't see why anyone would care. They are there to be used.:confused: I always changed my Kira!

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Somewhat off topic, https://www.artstation.com/artwork/vOvXA

Therons sculpture! She didn't make the concept, she just did the 3d modelling it seems.

So the writer of the companions did not design him, it was done by Sperasoft. They do a lot of concept art for games by looking at their website.


Someone posted it on Reddit a while ago. But I guess Bioware thought it was suitable.:rak_03:

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I used a customisation on Kira. I posted screenies on my twitter. One follower went ballistic how I dared to change her look in my own game, and told me to change it back.


So yeah. They wouldn't hear the end of it.


LOL, the nerve of people thinking they can tell you what you should do in your own game. I change my Kiras out quite often as well. I think I only have the default on my main JK.


I just hope Bioware doesn't act like that idiot follower and force us to take the ugly new hair version.

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Theron is working. He's undercover.

If in the next expansion he infiltrates the Empire and starts talking with british accent --like he did in Annihilation-- I mean, yeah, his voice won't be the same, but it's his job. He's a spy, and the best spy the Republic had.

Also, we shouldn't know about the hair. I don't think he was expecting us on Copero, but we get to see him in action. I'm really enjoying it because of that. We never get to see Theron working on his own.


Then after we shout "this is the end, Theron" or whatever that line was - we should of burst out laughing at him.

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Then after we shout "this is the end, Theron" or whatever that line was - we should of burst out laughing at him.


Awesome Alliance Commander: *looks up at the shuttle with a heroic stance* "End of the line Theron!" *snirk*

Temple: *pew pew giggle snort*

Awesome Alliance Commander: Maker...did you get a load of that hair. *snort...rolls around on the ground laughing*


Theron in the shuttle as he's getting away: Hey, I heard that! :mad:

Vlad the Chiss or whatever his name is: I told you that haircut would facilitate your escape. It worked. :cool: But seeing as I'm dumb, I'm going to jump out of a perfectly good get away shuttle...

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He dies anyway so who cares.... :rolleyes:


But yes i agree it is way more important than serious and gamebreaking Bugs! :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:


Damn right it is. The bugs have waited six years, what's one more. *deadpan*

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