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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Legacy Banks on Fleet


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I see this as an overall beneficial addition for one good reason:


1. People love to craft and alt hop while maybe looking for some groups in general chat, or just watch general/trade chat, and therefore use the legacy bank for storing mats for crafting. If we have an area in the fleet, logically put where the guild and personal banks are, for legacy banks, then we would have more people actively on fleet i would presume and possibly more activity in general.

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1. No one feature added to fleet would make me hang out on fleet. My /ignore list for spammers gets full already when I go to fleet, and I have recycle out the old spammer names to make room for the new ones. The only people hanging out on fleet hours on end are the ERP'rs. Briefly go to fleet 10pm-2pm on a Friday or Saturday night on Ebon Hawk and you'll see what I mean.


2. Because legacy banks already are available in people's ships, strongholds, guild strongholds, and guild flagships, putting a legacy bank on the fleet ship doesn't become a compelling alternative.


3. Just before I go into an instance to kill a mob, I can fast travel to my stronghold, take stuff out or dump stuff into my legacy bank, and then fast travel right back to where I was standing on the planet and then enter the instance. That wouldn't happen if I went to fleet to a legacy stronghold.


4. There is a legacy strong hold summon perk so that no matter where I am, I can have a legacy bank right there for a few minutes. With that perk, I've no reason to travel anywhere at all to reach my legacy bank. It's a useful thing to have when you've just queued into an op instance and then remember that you forgot to pull out gear or stims from your bank.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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  • 2 months later...

This is a no brainer, especially with the new Legacy Account.


Go to fleet because you want to buy something, realize you don't have enough cash... having legacy cargo holds (probably near the Guild Cargo holds and also the personal cargo holds) would save me phasing out to my stronghold, or to my guild stronghold or ship... and then, of course, back.


...and just because I (and most long term players) already HAVE strongholds with all the amenities, doesn't mean there are players who don't.

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There's already access to Legacy storage from anywhere.

Because legacy banks already are available in people's ships, strongholds, guild strongholds, and guild flagships.


4. There is a legacy strong hold summon perk so that no matter where I am, I can have a legacy bank right there for a few minutes.

The Character Perk: Portable Legacy Cargo Hold allows for access to Legacy storage anywhere.

...and just because I (and most long term players) already HAVE strongholds with all the amenities, doesn't mean there are players who don't.

Access to Legacy storage via a personal Stronghold is something that's easily and cheaply accessed by all, not just long time players. All it takes is a level 15 character, and 5000 credits (regular price; on sale during SWTOR's anniversary event for 6 credits) -- a doable amount to achieve in a short time. A Stronghold Legacy bank (and a mailbox, and other items) are given to players for free with the Stronghold mission on Fleet, DK, and Coruscant.


With so much access to Legacy storage all ready available, plus the portable Legacy storage access being a credit sink, I'd be surprised if more Legacy storage access is granted. Not shocked. Just surprised.

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