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Character Select Screen Update


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Unless I misunderstood something regarding the number of characters on the merged servers, it could be possible for a subscriber to have at maximum 156 characters on the Hot Prospect server, and 260 characters on the Star Forge server.


Even as it stands right now, searching through a max of 52 characters can be quite daunting.


Right now you can see 6 characters to pick per page, with the 7th slot open for the Create a Character.


I would like to see this number increased to 10 characters per page, especially if we will be going over the current maximum slots.


In addition, it would be cool to see the crafting and gathering skills the character has. This could just be little icons for each skill, located next to the level and class details. Again, as more characters are added, it becomes harder to remember who has what skills.


I would like to see a favorite option, or a way to filter characters. For example, a way to filter to show me all characters who are cybertechs, or have Archaeology or Bioanalysis as their skill.

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Possible to have that many, yes, but no more can be created until you get down to the cap - 1.

I would also like to see a sort function, and I'd like to see more per page.


correct, you can't create any more, but Keith provided a clarification in the Roadmap thread, and we WILL be able to still play all of our characters, even if they go over the maximum. So right now, on Star Forge, I will have 64 characters that I will be able to play, despite my max slots being 52.

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  • 3 weeks later...




I would like to see a favorite option, or a way to filter characters. For example, a way to filter to show me all characters who are cybertechs, or have Archaeology or Bioanalysis as their skill.


Filter is a good idea. Add a faction filter as well please. I hate that i can't click a tab on the character select screen to toggle between factional character lists.

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  • 1 year later...

Yeah still hasn't happend, but it really does need and update.

I have 46 characters now and if I'm looking for one, especially one I haven't played in a while it takes forever to find it.


It would be great if we could sort our characters by class, name, species or level as well.

Instead of just having the ones we played most recently at the top.


Maybe some more info like crew skill, command level, gear level, or story progression could also be included.

It's really a pain trying to log into 30 characters to find the one that finished Knights of the Eternal Throne or the one with the lowest command level.


Really would appreciate an update to the character selection sceen.


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In addition to filters I'd like to see more info per toon, even if means making the boxes wider, including guild and crafter type. Yes, I have a spreadsheet (124 toons across 4 accounts, gotta track em somehow) but it'd be nice while staring at char select to see some of that info.
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