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Arcann romance appreciation thread! Haters keep out please!❤


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Unstoppable army yes, but he had to command it correctly to keep control for 5 years, to the point where the Republic and Empire, both galactic superpowers that are technically larger than Zakuul, both couldn't make a dent in his forces. Impressive, in a dark way.

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I'd say it's more so his own anger that does him in, impairs his military decision-making, and it actually kills him if he doesn't see the error of his ways on Voss. Also him wanting to kill Valkorion at any cost and even ignoring the throne to do so. But if we and Valkorion didn't get unfrozen, then there wasn't anything that could threaten his rule. He would've stayed emperor.

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On 10/14/2023 at 3:59 AM, cosmicchar said:

7.4 livestream soon! Arcann isn't due for another appearance, but hey, I'm always hoping.

I'm super excited for the livestream! And I'm hopeful we might see Arcann, too 🙂 While he isn't due for another appearance so soon after Old Wounds, I actually think it would make sense for the devs to give him a little more content while his recent role in the story is fresh in everyone's minds.

I almost feel like there's a better chance of getting more story content with him in 7.4 than ever getting our hands on those Dark/Light customisations again 😂 I am hoping they'll at least comment on it in the Livestream though. It seems ridiculous to have content locked behind obsolete tokens.

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17 hours ago, JakRoanin said:

Hi Mara! I hope the Podcast comes back. I really love Arcann but to be totally honest I kinda want Aric Jorgun or Vector back as well. I miss them soooo much. I also miss Vette. But I'm hoping for some Senya and Arcann in the background.

Hi! ☺️ The podcast will definitely be back! We still have so many topics we want to discuss. We're just on a short hiatus right now because of RL stuff.

I would like to see our old class companions again, too (especially Aric and Vector - they are both old favourites of mine), but I won't pretend I wouldn't much rather have more Arcann - just being honest! 😄

Torian has had some appearances recently - I think it's very reasonable to hope that people who saved Vette will hear from her soon, too 🙂The devs seem to be commtted to letting companions appear in the story when it's relevant to their arcs and the overall plot. I think that's the right strategy, rather than shoe-horning them in there just because it's someone's "turn" to make an appearance.

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I know but I hope it's soon. She's so cute and since she has the option to tell a SW dark or light, "you don't get to get my body until you marry me" makes her the gutsiest girl in SWTOR.  As for Arcann I admit it, it's past time we got past just hugs and kisses. We need a proposal and a fade out. All our other PC's are possibly married. Time for Arcann to VOICE the L word and put a ring on it.

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19 hours ago, JakRoanin said:

I know but I hope it's soon. She's so cute and since she has the option to tell a SW dark or light, "you don't get to get my body until you marry me" makes her the gutsiest girl in SWTOR.  As for Arcann I admit it, it's past time we got past just hugs and kisses. We need a proposal and a fade out. All our other PC's are possibly married. Time for Arcann to VOICE the L word and put a ring on it.

In some of the relationships I think it's fine to have a fade-to-black scene earlier, but I agree that in Vette's case it's definitely much better that she stands her ground and insists on marriage first. Since that particular relationship starts out with a totally insane power dynamic, it feels right that Vette insists on being respected and treated as an equal. Even more so because Twi'leks (and aliens in general) are treated as inferiors in the Sith Empire, and the SW is canonically from a prestigious Sith bloodline, so I like the idea that he agrees to legitimise the relationship through marriage.

It would be cool to actually have these weddings take place in the game, though (and I'm not talking about the kind of "ceremony" that the JK can have with Doc - let's not even talk about that cringefest 😬). Don't Twi'leks have pretty elaborate marriage ceremonies? Vette seems to care about her culture, so I could imagine her wanting to honour those traditions. I realise that could never happen in the game because of the resources required, but I would like it even if it happened "behind the scenes" and we heard about it through mails or something,

With Arcann, I can see him wanting to wait for marriage - but there's also such a thing as having waited long enough, already 😄 I'm firmly on the team that believes that Arcann has never had a romantic or physical relationship before, and while that's something I really like about him and his romance (I'm all about the old-fashioned slowburn romance and courtliness, as you know from the podcast), I am starting to think that I would like both him and my JK to live a little and have that fade-to-black moment before they're ready to retire, I guess 😄

Having said that, I like that it's left very much up to player interpretation where exactly Arcann and our PC are right now in terms of intimacy. I think it's equally valid to assume that they've been lovers for a long time (behind the scenes) or that they haven't progressed beyond hugs and kisses yet.

As for the L-word - Yes, he definitely needs to voice it! If not yet, then at least at some point. I'm dying to hear them say it to each other ❤️

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Oh I believe that Arcann and my JC are ENTIRELY "untouched"! My issue isn't that they're waiting. Not only am I a slow burn advocate as well, (we're totally the same there) but on a personal level, I don't believe in sex before marriage. I just want them married now! LOL. 

As regards the Male PC character SW and Vette is my favorite. A LSM SW might have the shackles of the Empire's laws on him. But you can still choose to empower her and make her feel safe enough to stand her ground.

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I have the same headcanon for him and my JK 🙂 She's a good Jedi and has definitely never been touched 😄

As I think we've discussed before, I think Arcann may have grown up with some pretty strict protocols around touching, too. Historically, many emperors in the real world lived pretty secluded lives and touching the emperor is still somewhat taboo in Japan today (even extending to handing him things). Although Zakuul generally seems to have more in common with the ancient Roman empire, I'm guessing they were probably more like the Chinese and Japanese empires (or even Ancient Egypt) with regard to the emperor's personal life. I read somewhere that Chinese emperors in the 15th and 16th century were virtually imprisoned in their palaces (it seems like Arcann only left Zakuul to go chasing after us while he was emperor). They even ate alone (I bet Arcann did too; that would have meant he wouldn't have to take off the mask in front of anyone, as well).

Of course, those historical emperors tended to have a bunch of wives and concubines to keep them company. I definitely don't think Arcann would have had any interest in that (not necessarily because he was morally above it during his Dark Times, but I think he would have been too paranoid, too angry, and possibly too emotionally wounded for that).

I'm really interested in thinking about how it must have felt for him to transition from that kind of existence to being part of the Alliance and having a more ordinary life, including being close to other people and being in a romantic relationship. I love it when he talks about it being "unfamiliar territory" 😉 I wish more people would write fanfic about that (since it isn't really something that can be explored in-depth in the game) - and about Zakuulan customs and culture in general, and how they might have influenced his experiences and outlook (I'm trying to do it myself, but I'm so slow) 😄

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Even though he hasn't vocally said "I love you" yet, what he says instead feels just as impactful to me. Maybe even more so. It's more specific or something.

Arcann definitely has NOT had romantic relationships before. Any relationship with emotional connection with someone that isn't family is completely unfamiliar to him. Even friendships, which the last update so wonderfully gave him some development on. When he says "this is unfamiliar territory", but then says kissing is something he can do, I interpret that as he's had physical relationships before. But I strongly believe it would have to be before Korriban, because there's no way he's taking off his mask, or revealing his shoulder especially, to a stranger. Even though the Acina codex entry suggests otherwise.

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And I don't think the romance is lessened if he's not "untouched." This is an emotional first for Arcann, and I think it definitely is a first for my JC as well: feeling immense mutual trust and admiration, despite a shared history that should suggest otherwise, and I believe that as a former Jedi she's immensely inspired by his redemption, as much as he's inspired by her.

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Okay, excellent points. That said, the idea that Acina would have Arcann as a one-night-stand is utterly ridiculous. Not on Arcann's side, but Acina is not the type to be attracted to Arcann. I think she'd see him as a boy. Notice she didn't try to help the Alliance fight Arcann she helped with Vaylin. Acina is a dominating woman, and Arcann would not be dominated even sexually.

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I mean, it's implied pretty heavily in that codex entry that it's just a rumour. Here's the text (my highlights):

"Whispered gossip suggested their relationship went much deeper than mere political alliance, though little exists to substantiate those rumours."

It's pretty obvious to me that it's intended to show that people in this galaxy gossip about their rulers/heads of state the same way people in the real world gossip about celebrities.

I agree with @JakRoanin that Arcann would not allow himself to be dominated, but even more than that, I don't think he would allow himself to be used physically or manipulated emotionally (those are major triggers for him), which would be the most likely motivation for Acina (since she shows no signs of actually caring about him).

I can see him potentially having some physical intimacy (kissing etc.) with others as a young man before Korriban, but I doubt it went beyond that. Mostly because I just really don't see him as someone interested in meaningless/emotionless sex, not even during his Dark Times, and since we agree that he has never been in love before that is what it would have been.

How did you both feel about tonight's livestream? I must admit I'm pretty annoyed and disappointed that there's still no mention of the DvL tokens and customisations.

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And there's the fact that if Acina can burn the Commander for flirting with her, Arcann really doesn't stand a chance. Not that I think he'd be attracted anyway. Acina is fascinating and I hated the way she goes out if you play Pub side. But her and Arcann would have to be so high and so drunk for that to happen and neither are hedonist.

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6 minutes ago, JakRoanin said:

And there's the fact that if Acina can burn the Commander for flirting with her, Arcann really doesn't stand a chance. Not that I think he'd be attracted anyway. Acina is fascinating and I hated the way she goes out if you play Pub side. But her and Arcann would have to be so high and so drunk for that to happen and neither are hedonist.

Exactly - neither of them are hedonists.

I can't agree with you on the first part though - Arcann is a way better catch for a Sith Empress than the Commander (even if the Commander is a Sith), imo! 😄 But yeah, I don't think he would be interested in her either. If he had wanted a purely physical relationship, surely there would be better and safer options for him on Zakuul.

On the topic of livestreams, I was just listening to some old streams from 7 and 8 years ago. There is some really cool dev commenary on Arcann, Valkorion and Vaylin in some of them. Definitely worth a watch, if you haven't seen them/don't remember them. I was just listening to Boyd describing Arcann as "stoic" and "single-minded" in one of them 🙂

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Okay you know I adore Arcann, but my JK and SW are pretty badass sexy men in their own right. But Acina is a lady of a certain age at that point and I think she'd more likely perfer a young brainless virile buck from Korriban. Because honestly I think she finds 99.9 percent of the people around her boring; and doesn't want anyone perminent.  She is the smartest one in the room with Marr gone. One thing Arcann isn't (at this point) is interested in intellectual or scientific theory. Practical, usable stuff? YES! But theory and metaphyical arguement, and art? No. This does not mean he isn't capable of understanding them, but that he isn't interested.

Personal example: My father is in commercial and residential construction. I was raised in it, and I have a working understanding on all sorts of building things. IT BORES ME TO TEARS.

Can I see Arcann sitting around listening to his scientist discuss theory? Nope. He'd say, "OK show me it works!" Acina's whole job before Empress was theory and science. Not Arcann's jam at all.

As for livestreams I watch them posted on YouTube. But I'd argue that part of the reason PC can defeat Arcann is his singlemindedness, Tunnel vision will rarely lead to victory.

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