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Arcann romance appreciation thread! Haters keep out please!❤


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What always kind of bugged me about Zakuul was that there were no aliens? I get that it's a human civilization, but there weren't any to be found, except for your companions and you if you played an alien. Have they never seen any or heard of them? As far as I'm aware, Valkorion never really cared about Aliens in the sense that most of the empire seems to. Maybe because he originally "kinda" was one himself, but he was probably beyond all of that given the "person" he was.

The only time I remember an alien being shown was Vowrawn, and that still (imo) doesn't count!

I can't help but to wonder why. No slaves, or alien refugees, nothing at all!!:confused:


Or is it just me missing stuff?:rak_02:


Oh, I guess there was Darth Talon that they met, for Arcann and Thexan, but I do wonder about the rest of the people that live in Zakuul.


It is Darth Atroxa. :) Talon is not the same period.

They might as well have crossed the path of other aliens on the light side but I do not believe that we see any in the trailer.

On Zakuul, Scorpio has an alien with her. But it is all I can remember, yes. I think that Zakuul is quite far from any trade route, so they might not have had that many visitors in the past...

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It is Darth Atroxa. :) Talon is not the same period.

They might as well have crossed the path of other aliens on the light side but I do not believe that we see any in the trailer.

On Zakuul, Scorpio has an alien with her. But it is all I can remember, yes. I think that Zakuul is quite far from any trade route, so they might not have had that many visitors in the past...


Right, Atroxa!! :p Would the humans on Zakuul origin from wherever all the other humans are from? I got the impression that they were there for a very long time and we haven't heard from anything Zakuul?

I don't know if it's normal in the star wars universe to have multiple of the same species being from different planets yet share the same DNA. (Presumably)

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I think all the non-humans arrived on Zakuul after Arcann conquered the galaxy. there's a few among the rebels in KotET and at the party. and scattered around the place but all went there as far as I can tell after Arcann was Emperor.
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But the "killable" can not influence the storyline. In KOTET Arcann and Senya in the final chapter fought next to the PC, although they could be dead.

At the end of the story of the Eternal Throne they are obliged to be present. It is impossible to erase two main characters from the final of the story, just because they can be dead. This will cross out the entire story of KOTFE / KOTET.


I addressed this in my post. That I highly doubted they'd bother with it again, not only after backlash for the KotET stuff - that having Senya and Arcann made it so you cannot have Theron and Lana in some chapters, people wanted to choose and hated the forced on simply two being alive or dead aspect.

But also the fact this is a flashpoint. Not a chapter. It'll be exactly the same (other then a bit of dialogue variance, likely not much) for every single character because it's a flashpoint.


I wish they would do more stuff again, with other characters. I really do, but just looking at this as practically as possible. I'd be happy to choose to bring Arcann or Senya along instead of Lana, but we already know Lana is the one accompanying us through the flashpoint.

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What always kind of bugged me about Zakuul was that there were no aliens? I get that it's a human civilization, but there weren't any to be found, except for your companions and you if you played an alien. Have they never seen any or heard of them? As far as I'm aware, Valkorion never really cared about Aliens in the sense that most of the empire seems to. Maybe because he originally "kinda" was one himself, but he was probably beyond all of that given the "person" he was.

The only time I remember an alien being shown was Vowrawn, and that still (imo) doesn't count!

I can't help but to wonder why. No slaves, or alien refugees, nothing at all!!:confused:


Or is it just me missing stuff?:rak_02:


Oh, I guess there was Darth Talon that they met, for Arcann and Thexan, but I do wonder about the rest of the people that live in Zakuul.


The Twi that Arcann and Thexan dealt with on Korriban was Darth Atroxa. :) As for aliens, umm... the Nautolan, Thea, who was Scorpio's assistant in chapter 7 of KotFE. :)

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As much as I waited for this romance, I decided to pospone the Alert till after Nathema flashpoint. Having a random, out-of-place "Theron break-up scene at Alliance base" firing up while Theron's gone in the actual story would be way too irritating and immersion breaking... so I'll resolve the Theron stuff at Nethema (presumably), then do the Alert


Such a sloppy implementation on Bioware's part TBH...

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He's still a traitor :rak_01: No amount of head canon will ever change that.


We basically did what he did in the end or wanted to. He just wasn't there to say "I told you so"

Malgus knew the emperor was gone and the empire needed to be reformed. He was gone and it kinda did. Now Acina is trying to reform thr empire in a way, unless she's dead.:rak_03:

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Marr was loyal to the Empire until the end!


He went against the Emperor with us, which is what Malgus wanted to do too, we just stopped him and called him a traitor. Then after that we went and did the exact same thing. So while Malgus was a traitor at the time, so are we. But not according to the story because it's us/you.

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He went against the Emperor with us, which is what Malgus wanted to do too, we just stopped him and called him a traitor. Then after that we went and did the exact same thing. So while Malgus was a traitor at the time, so are we. But not according to the story because it's us/you.


The Emperor was also a traitor ... lalalala ... Malgus = Trailor = I win!


Now ... let us talk about what body lotion is ideal while visiting Manaan.

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The Emperor was also a traitor ... lalalala ... Malgus = Trailor = I win!


Now ... let us talk about what body lotion is ideal while visiting Manaan.


Something made from the substance that comes from the skin of the Selkath.

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For those of you who might have time to spare...


I was trying to find a way to understand each character better for my writing and just got an email from this website (which is really good and accurate by the way, I had taken the test a while ago).


There are 16 personalities. It could be fun trying to define which personality suits what character...

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For those of you who might have time to spare...


I was trying to find a way to understand each character better for my writing and just got an email from this website (which is really good and accurate by the way, I had taken the test a while ago).


There are 16 personalities. It could be fun trying to define which personality suits what character...

This is interesting.


I took the test and got the Mediator Personality, some of these traits could really well apply to my JK like this part : "Mediator personalities are true idealists, always looking for the hint of good in even the worst of people and events, searching for ways to make things better. While they may be perceived as calm, reserved, or even shy, Mediators have an inner flame and passion that can truly shine."


I'll have to read to see if some of them could apply to other characters ^^

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But also the fact this is a flashpoint. Not a chapter. It'll be exactly the same (other then a bit of dialogue variance, likely not much) for every single character because it's a flashpoint.


I wish they would do more stuff again, with other characters. I really do, but just looking at this as practically as possible. I'd be happy to choose to bring Arcann or Senya along instead of Lana, but we already know Lana is the one accompanying us through the flashpoint.

FP, as the end of story, is a big problem. We have already seen the form in which the story is submitted in FP. Copero I liked as FP, but the story in it is impossible neither to replay, nor to remember.

If 5.9 is similar to Copero, then we will have 2-3 minutes of story from Lana and Theron.

But I hope that somewhere in the background Arсann and Senya will appear for a moment.

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FP, as the end of story, is a big problem. We have already seen the form in which the story is submitted in FP. Copero I liked as FP, but the story in it is impossible neither to replay, nor to remember.

If 5.9 is similar to Copero, then we will have 2-3 minutes of story from Lana and Theron.

But I hope that somewhere in the background Arсann and Senya will appear for a moment.


Would be awesome! :)

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This is interesting.


I took the test and got the Mediator Personality, some of these traits could really well apply to my JK like this part : "Mediator personalities are true idealists, always looking for the hint of good in even the worst of people and events, searching for ways to make things better. While they may be perceived as calm, reserved, or even shy, Mediators have an inner flame and passion that can truly shine."


I'll have to read to see if some of them could apply to other characters ^^

I'm a turbulent Architect with a tendency to slide on the Advocate side (T and F quite even).


I gave it a quick thought for a few characters and I'd say:




Assertive Logistician (ISTJ-A), which could become an Assertive Architect (INTJ-A)

- Honest and direct

- Strong-willed and Dutiful

- Very Responsible

- Calm and Practical

- Create and Enforce Order

- Stubborn

- Insensitive

- Always by the book

- Judgmental

- Often Unreasonably Blame Themselves



Assertive Logistician (ISTJ-A), so same characteristics as Arcann basically.



Turbulent Virtuoso (ISTP-T), but I'm not convinced yet... Some aspects don't match

- Optimistic and Energetic

- Creative and Practical

- Spontaneous and Rational

- Know How to Prioritize

- Great in a Crisis

- Relaxed

- Stubborn

- Insensitive

- Private and Reserved

- Easily Bored

- Dislike Commitment

- Risky Behavior



Assertive Defender (ISFJ-A)

- Supportive

- Reliable and Patient

- Imaginative and Observant

- Enthusiastic

- Loyal and Hard-Working

- Good Practical Skills

- Humble and Shy

- Take Things Too Personally

- Repress Their Feelings

- Overload Themselves

- Reluctant to Change

- Too Altruistic



Turbulent Campaigner (ENFP-T), but not sure yet...

- Curious

- Observant

- Energetic and Enthusiastic

- Excellent Communicators

- Know How to Relax

- Very Popular and Friendly

- Poor Practical Skills

- Find it Difficult to Focus

- Overthink Things

- Get Stressed Easily

- Highly Emotional

- Independent to a Fault


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FP, as the end of story, is a big problem. We have already seen the form in which the story is submitted in FP. Copero I liked as FP, but the story in it is impossible neither to replay, nor to remember.

If 5.9 is similar to Copero, then we will have 2-3 minutes of story from Lana and Theron.

But I hope that somewhere in the background Arсann and Senya will appear for a moment.


I agree fully, I despise that it's confirmed that the KotFE+ ars and traitor arc ends in a flashpoint that cannot have enough story to address even the most popular wants to be addressed (story + companion wise). So stupid.

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I got mediator. odd.


Also I'd put Theron as more Logician type then anything else. So much of it fits, with just a couple of "eh maybe" and quite assertive. he's not good at rules and speaks his mind often when it gets him in trouble, he gives the Director of the SiS a headache all the time xD . Just my opinion :p


My own Sith Warrior, Saf, is a Commander type more then anything else.

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