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Arcann romance appreciation thread! Haters keep out please!❤


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Do you think this will be the end of Theron's story? Maybe Arcann will go with us to Nathema this time?

You know, if Arcann were to get more content, I think Nathema would be the more suitable time and place. He has connection to the place. And this order of Zildrog seems like Valky's back up plan so it makes sense for him to come with us. (I am also secretly hoping Thexan will be there too.) However Arcann can be dead, that's a major obstacle for him to come. And there's the fact Nathema is supposed to wrap up the Theron arc and Eternal Throne arc. I don't know if they can cram that much story in a single flashpoint in a satisfying way. I hope there'll be spoiler soon because my sub will end in about 20 days I still haven't decided if I should continue.


What's more, I have a hard time imagining Arcann will have anything to do with 6.0 besides a letter or two. Granted we don't know much about 6.0 but I have very low expectation atm.

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You know, if Arcann were to get more content, I think Nathema would be the more suitable time and place. He has connection to the place. And this order of Zildrog seems like Valky's back up plan so it makes sense for him to come with us. (I am also secretly hoping Thexan will be there too.) However Arcann can be dead, that's a major obstacle for him to come. And there's the fact Nathema is supposed to wrap up the Theron arc and Eternal Throne arc. I don't know if they can cram that much story in a single flashpoint in a satisfying way. I hope there'll be spoiler soon because my sub will end in about 20 days I still haven't decided if I should continue.


What's more, I have a hard time imagining Arcann will have anything to do with 6.0 besides a letter or two. Granted we don't know much about 6.0 but I have very low expectation atm.


I don't think Arcann will appear on Nathema, if anything it will be another Lana episode.

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I don't think Arcann will appear on Nathema, if anything it will be another Lana episode.

It's sad...

I really like Lana, she's one of my favorite female compagnions alongside Kira and Senya... but she's everywhere. I think during the KOTFE/ET chapters, she's with us like 80% of the time.


If only we could have Arcann when he's still alive and Lana if Arcann's dead, that'd be cool, a bit like in the last chapter of KOTET, where you can have Arcann and Senya when they're alive and you have Lana and Theron if you killed them.

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It's sad...

I really like Lana, she's one of my favorite female compagnions alongside Kira and Senya... but she's everywhere. I think during the KOTFE/ET chapters, she's with us like 80% of the time.


If only we could have Arcann when he's still alive and Lana if Arcann's dead, that'd be cool, a bit like in the last chapter of KOTET, where you can have Arcann and Senya when they're alive and you have Lana and Theron if you killed them.

Agreed, would like more variation with comps!

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It would be nice if we could take a companion of our choice with us.Lana, f she's needed for the mission could be the secondary companion.


Yeah, that would be really nice! I really miss having whatever companion we choose with us.:mad:

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You know, if Arcann were to get more content, I think Nathema would be the more suitable time and place.

It would be interesting if his character developed to the point where he felt himself able to return to Nathema by now (vs. KotET). But, on the whole, unfortunately I expect our companion to be someone not in a dead/alive Schrödinger state.

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What do I need him for? He's not even worthy of my sacrificial plans!!!! :mad:


Then you should've been far more specific with which kind of character/companion! too late now! enjoy gallivanting around the galaxy with the Corellian Run Scoundrels! I bet you'll have the best time. :p

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Then you should've been far more specific with which kind of character/companion! too late now! enjoy gallivanting around the galaxy with the Corellian Run Scoundrels! I bet you'll have the best time. :p


Corellian? Oww ... I hope he's ignorant of what I did to Corellia on my Inquisitor.

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It would be interesting if his character developed to the point where he felt himself able to return to Nathema by now (vs. KotET). But, on the whole, unfortunately I expect our companion to be someone not in a dead/alive Schrödinger state.

They did say Nathema has changed quite a bit since Valk's gone so more reason for him to go. But yeah, like I said before, Arcann being dead in some playthroughs is an obstacle. They could do it like in Kotet, but will they though?

It would be nice if they let us choose whoever and have Lana as a secondary companion. Though the companion of choice probably won't have any reaction to the story in this case. But it's better than just Lana. (Not hating on Lana, just want more variety)

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They did say Nathema has changed quite a bit since Valk's gone so more reason for him to go. But yeah, like I said before, Arcann being dead in some playthroughs is an obstacle. They could do it like in Kotet, but will they though?

It would be nice if they let us choose whoever and have Lana as a secondary companion. Though the companion of choice probably won't have any reaction to the story in this case. But it's better than just Lana. (Not hating on Lana, just want more variety)


My best guess is that It'll be Lana starting the intro cutscene again, as before, it's when we finally get to a planet and quest chain instead of flashpoints that we may get more people to interact with. Sounds like it starts somewhere else, not the Odessan base, which gives a bit more open stuff I guess.

Though I think lana will go through flashpoint with you, as she was there on Umbara. This is personal to her also, especially considering her last mail.

Edited by Asmodesu
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My best guess is that It'll be Lana starting the intro cutscene again, as before, it's when we finally get to a planet and quest chain instead of flashpoints that we may get more people to interact with. Sounds like it starts somewhere else, not the Odessan base, which gives a bit more open stuff I guess.

Though I think lana will go through flashpoint with you, as she was there on Umbara. This is personal to her also, especially considering her last mail.

Oh I have no doubt Lana will be there. Just hope there's room for others too. It wouldn't be the first time there are 2 companions with you. (I want Arcann, I'm biased)

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Arcann said that whatever challenge comes, they'd face it together. He has to be there! (Ok, for real, I don't have any illusion on this subject...)

But I know that with the heavy blow she took when Theron betrayed, my SI would want Arcann to be with her. As well as Lana, in fact, as it has hit her personally as well.

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I will say sometimes these LI's know just what to say. Theron says he'd do anything to protect his girl, Arcann says they'll face any challenge together, Andronikos says they're in each other's orbits til the stars go dark or something.

Only one of them has messed up royally.


I'd also like a second companion following me through the next bit of story, alongside Lana.

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Yeah, I wouldn't mind if they feature sometimes, just not ALL the time!



This I can agree with, I've always agreed that we needed more then two main characters guiding us through the story plots. Don't want them gone forever though , just share the spotlight!

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