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Arcann romance appreciation thread! Haters keep out please!❤


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Oh, conquests fans already want to roll back the patch 5.8. I do not know what is the tragedy they have, but they yell at the whole forum.

There are apparently a lot of bugs on this side. Not getting points where they should have, getting points they shouldn't have... Overall not working well at all.

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They did.. now some say we should be hating the romance, when it's obvious we don't .. lol

Oh I saw that. (]reason why I don't venture into most of other love threads. Even I like some of the characters) The knitting thing is funny though. If I'm competent I'd made a fan art with Arcann knitting and the outlander gazing lovingly at him.

Edited by LamiaKan
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I do not appreciate the romance part at all but I have to say - as long as you don't pick the Flirt option the conversation is suprisingly sensible and not really weird. Also 2x times shorter because apparently there is nothing else you can talk with Arcann about:D Edited by Gelious
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I got the conquest bug that finish up all the Ilum WBs when I was doing Korriban heroics... its so sweet. I just finished my personal conquest and loving it. I really don't care about conquest grinding though as they never benefit me as a mainly solo player in a casual guild.


Back to the main topic, I understand why people wouldn't like Arcann and they are entitled to that opinion, I'm not going to change that. I have a history of disliking fanfavourites either (..I despise Garrus and Liara..) and I have my own reason of disliking them (especially during actual gameplays) but I never bother actual people who love these characters. I don't harass people for liking the characters I dislike (because I get this a LOT simply for saying I like FemShep romancing Kaidan). But I never make a thread to rant daily about it, nor tweet abusive languages to the actors or creators. I don't have to be visible about disliking characters.. like why bother hating when all those energy is better reserved for loving...


Share the love, guys.

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Yeah I find that the saddest part, making fun of the writers and harassing them, it's funny to think adults are actually doing this.:rolleyes: No matter how much I may dislike a character, I would never go and make fun of their writing, their names or voice acting of a certain character. They are people, and they are not their work.

I just wonder how many people feel like they can do it better themselves. I certainly couldn't.

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Yeah I find that the saddest part, making fun of the writers and harassing them, it's funny to think adults are actually doing this.:rolleyes: No matter how much I may dislike a character, I would never go and make fun of their writing, their names or voice acting of a certain character. They are people, and they are not their work.

I just wonder how many people feel like they can do it better themselves. I certainly couldn't.

We could actually probably all produce something that fits to our wishes more than the general stuff because we all have different characters with different story and a different understanding of what the character of Arcann is. But this is where their work is hard, trying to find a cutscene that works with the majority, male and female characters, light and dark, any class, and any player behind.

It is sad some people harass other people for doing their work. That is one of the flaw of the internet. As it is not face to face, many people allow themselves to say whatever they want without any thoughtfulness.

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I do not appreciate the romance part at all but I have to say - as long as you don't pick the Flirt option the conversation is suprisingly sensible and not really weird. Also 2x times shorter because apparently there is nothing else you can talk with Arcann about:D

By the way, yes. If you do not select the option of romance, the dialogue ends quickly.

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We could actually probably all produce something that fits to our wishes more than the general stuff because we all have different characters with different story and a different understanding of what the character of Arcann is. But this is where their work is hard, trying to find a cutscene that works with the majority, male and female characters, light and dark, any class, and any player behind.

It is sad some people harass other people for doing their work. That is one of the flaw of the internet. As it is not face to face, many people allow themselves to say whatever they want without any thoughtfulness.


Maybe, I can be critical of fan art, writing, whatever. But I don't see myself attacking the artist personally. Artists are often critical enough of themselves already, I think any artist should know that. They don't need you(in general) to put the extra salt on top. That doesn't mean their work deserves praise and praise alone. But the attack on Charles posting on the forums was just ridiculous and the amount of harassment Sam has gotten is out of line. It's one of the times I feel embarrassed of humanity. I understand that this is the internet and I've had my fair share of things I did I am not proud of, but I don't know how people can stoop so low sometimes. And actually think it's Ok.


By the way, yes. If you do not select the option of romance, the dialogue ends quickly.


He's probably embarrassed. If I were to confess to someone, and get rejected, I wouldn't exactly like to stick around for a chat either. :p

Edited by Eshvara
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He's probably embarrassed. If I were to confess to someone, and get rejected, I wouldn't exactly like to stick around for a chat either. :p

So Arcann does not admit to love until the choice of flirting option. Simply vaguely hints, and my male Sith warrior is stupid enough not to understand the hints.:o

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Back to the main topic, I understand why people wouldn't like Arcann and they are entitled to that opinion, I'm not going to change that. I have a history of disliking fanfavourites either (..I despise Garrus and Liara..) and I have my own reason of disliking them (especially during actual gameplays) but I never bother actual people who love these characters. I don't harass people for liking the characters I dislike (because I get this a LOT simply for saying I like FemShep romancing Kaidan). But I never make a thread to rant daily about it, nor tweet abusive languages to the actors or creators. I don't have to be visible about disliking characters.. like why bother hating when all those energy is better reserved for loving...


Share the love, guys.

That's my philosophy as well!


Maybe, I can be critical of fan art, writing, whatever. But I don't see myself attacking the artist personally. Artists are often critical enough of themselves already, I think any artist should know that. They don't need you(in general) to put the extra salt on top. That doesn't mean their work deserves praise and praise alone. But the attack on Charles posting on the forums was just ridiculous and the amount of harassment Sam has gotten is out of line. It's one of the times I feel embarrassed of humanity. I understand that this is the internet and I've had my fair share of things I did I am not proud of, but I don't know how people can stoop so low sometimes. And actually think it's Ok.




He's probably embarrassed. If I were to confess to someone, and get rejected, I wouldn't exactly like to stick around for a chat either. :p

I don't think it's embarrassment though since there's nothing to reject if you don't choose any flirt line at all. Yes it is very short. But it also went quite well in a friendly way.


Had Sam gotten more harassment since the last one?

Edited by LamiaKan
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I didn't know Sam had been harassed. That's terrible! :(

Look at these evil, spitting bile players on the forum. Do you think there are no such individuals on Twitter? I feel sorry for devs, but to communicate with haters, they need to have strong armor.

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I understand being outraged by people saying cruel things. I feel that way myself! I think it's good to post support for anyone being harassed. It's just the idea of quoting it or otherwise repeating it that isn't the way go (in my opinion). It just spreads the dirt around and makes more things dirty. I was trying to suggest that Iheaca's request is understandable but perhaps shouldn't be answered. Edited by Estelindis
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Thank you for sharing the videos and gifs! I watched the romance videos as I don't have a character ready for him. It just takes so much time to get through all the chapters.. but I am working on it. The romance is really a good motivation to go through it all again and again (I do have too much characters I think, but I love them all).


I must say I really liked what I saw. I didn't expect to get more than this except of additionally a letter from Arcann and Senya at least - this should not have been much of an effort to include.


Yes!! and i think Fenris also said it as well in DA2 it was soo sweet.

Fellow Dragon Age player here was well :)

I love that you have with Dragon Age the repeated kiss animations and that the LIs respond to your romance if you try to speak with them or click on them. Would love to have it here as well but it is clear that they can't or don't want to put any more ressources into this.


My fellow Arcanites, I come bearing a gift! Because we deserve love letters too. :p

I hope you will like it: https://archiveofourown.org/works/14036277/chapters/32328981

Thank you! Loved it :)


Looks like dialog is more suited for LS Outlander.

I seen confident adults suddenly becoming shy and nervous then they have been talking to someone they really-really like. Especially if they have been talking about how much they like that special someone :).

Add to it the all that happened in KotFE and yeh...

And I am not so sure about having no fire left ;).

Yeah him being shy in this situation does not mean he has no "fire" left. The kiss was quite passionate and I think this was meant to show that he still has this "fire".


And concerning DS - I think it depends how you play your character. The character can be very ruthless in general but could still be different regarding someone or something he/she cares about. Like Lana or Darth Marr and some other Sith we encounter - they have their sense of honor, they care about certain things (like empire) and/or certain people, have their principles/morals but can be quite ruthless if needed. I really like those Sith compared to psychopathic lets kill everyone and everything and do not care about anything type.


So I still think Arcann works for DS and LS. Although all my characters for him (up to now) are more LS/neutral.


....ok... one rant to vent.... got irritated by someone.



What is it with, some 'people', thinking that Arcann was scarred up and think that was enough to turn off. Oh.. "love is blind."... uh.. do you think I am that shallow that its an immediate major turn off simply because he's someone scarred and who had lost an arm from a war?


Arcann didn't purposely start a gang war and get a missile to his face and brag about how some women find scars attractive. Arcann fought the Sith Lords and Dark Lords on Korriban and won. And the fact that, he CAN still fall in love with one, despite what her own people had done to him, made him even more lovable. The man obviously need more love in his life and I'm ready to give him all that! That's what I do with my Alliance, I give people second chances!




Also why people are so judgy with fictional romance choice? Jeez.




I don't mind the scars and his cybernetic arm one bit. I mean - just have a look at Garrus from Mass Effect - back then when the first game came out Bioware was really surprised that people were interested in him. He is a good example that the looks aren't that important. And attraction in general isn't just about how a person looks (and even that again lies in the eye of the beholder).


And regarding of people raging about fictional characters: you have it in every RPG (and maybe other genres but mostly in RPG). And I think it is great that characters can lead to so much different emotions and to read about why people like/hate them is interesting too. But quite often it becomes less a normal discussion and insults start and this is where it becomes ugly. And attacking the artists is a no go.


In Dragon Age Inquisiton for example I like characters like Solas and Blackwall a lot and those get/got much hate too.

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