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Was the SW final victory that impresive in the end?


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Darth Baras was considered by Vowrawn indestructable. He was capable of ragdoling Satelle Shan's master and keeping Shan herself in check as he trashtalking them. Sel-Makor considered him a greater sith than Fulminus, the sith who destroyed entire cities with force storms.


But despite those accomplishments there were people who could challenge him on even terms. Nomen Karr was able to stand toe to toe with him and Darth Ekkage, though I do not thinl it was at the same time. The jedi knight Xerender fought him until Baras collapsed from exhaustion and took his lightsaber from him.


So all in all their were people who could beat Baras no arguements there. But all those people feel before the mighty Wrath long before Baras made the mistake of turning on his apprentice.


Here is the real point of it all. The Wath had clearly proven to be more powerfull than any of Baras's superior enemies so why was Baras treated as the final boss of the story. If you follow the rule of two where the apprentice has to kill the master to prove superior there would be no argument but that dogma did not show up until millenia later so again why?


PS. Another thing that I am wondering about is how the galactic war would have gone if Baras had keept a leash on his powerhunger. He was clearly a great sith lord and his spy network rivaled that of Jadus. With that kind of intel and both the SW and Draagh to lead the sphere of military offence on campaign would the empire really had been in so much trouble at the start of Rise of the Hutt Cartell?

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Baras clearly knew that the SW was more powerful than he was, and he knew that from a very early point - Act I the Wrath is warned that Baras is already plotting against them. He uses the SW as long as he deems it useful, and then tries to kill them. Standard stuff, so far.


But the SW is chosen as the Empire's Wrath at the same time Baras is claiming to be the Emperor's Voice, and since the Emperor himself isn't talking, nobody's challenging this except for Darth Vowrawn - who is apparently not strong enough to go against Baras head to head.


When the SW takes down Baras, it's a personal victory, yes, but they're also acting on behalf of the Emperor to take out Baras as the false Voice. It's the Emperor's agents who guide them through the last Act, and it's with that higher goal in mind. That's what makes it so important, not the SW's personal struggle to best their former master.


Also, even though the Emperor's agents are working with the SW, they aren't officially recognized as the Wrath until they appear before the Dark Council and take out the other person claiming to be the "representative" of the Emperor, ie, Baras. So not only are the defeating the pretender; they're claiming their rightful place in the Sith hierarchy.


And you're right, the Rule of Two doesn't apply here, because it's 3000 years earlier and a different Sith Order. But even when the Rule of Two was in effect, it did get quietly blown off. Darth Vader had about a squillion secret apprentices, and so did Emperor Palpatine.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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I was at that point we where fighting the strongest sith of the empire that out of prime and out of shape sith gathered power from an force entity and even after freed the entity according to Vrowrawn,Barass still gathered enough power to be nearly invincible,


If you all remember the fight we had to fight him until all that power he had was gone. Basically we beat an nearly invincible Barass.


That is impressive.

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He was a pretty tough fight when the game was released so it's not like he was made out to be a total pushover. I actually had to go buy gear for Quinn my first time through because I only ever used Vette and his heals just weren't cutting it.
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Whas the game really that tough in the beginning? I have played it for a year and a half now and I have never run into trouble through any fight until the Eternal throne. I have played through the SW story 3 times with both M and J and that was no trouble, as many times with the SI and that was no problem either.


Has BIoware lowered the difficulty or something because I am just a story-gamer so ther is no way that I'm just good att gaming?

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Whas the game really that tough in the beginning? I have played it for a year and a half now and I have never run into trouble through any fight until the Eternal throne. I have played through the SW story 3 times with both M and J and that was no trouble, as many times with the SI and that was no problem either.


Has BIoware lowered the difficulty or something because I am just a story-gamer so ther is no way that I'm just good att gaming?


Before 2.X, story content got very hard, very fast. Baras would absolutely **** you up if you didn't have a geared Quinn. Several end-story bosses, in fact, were obnoxious. There were a LOT of people who never finished the Knight story because they just couldn't kill the final boss. You're forced by the story to use T7, who at the time was a ranged tank... you couldn't switch to a healer companion.

Edited by Diviciacus
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The final bosses back then really felt like final bosses. Beating them was hard work (especially if you didn't gear the companion) but oh so satisfying. Now, they really are missing something. Did the Jedi Knight story again last year for the DvL Event and tore through the final boss like he was nothing. So anti-climactic :(
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Yes it was very impressive before all the changes. The only boss that can still actually kill you (especially if you haven't learned to use your interrupt) is the Jedi Consular boss as that boss has one ability that will kill you immediately if you don't interrupt it. The problem is people have sped through the classes now with no thought of how to use their ability.


The sith inquisitor was a great fight when I first did it on my sorcerer but the last time I did it on my assassin it was over in just a few seconds.

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I was so lucky to have killed Baras when he was really hard to beat it gave me an appreciation for my main that I never got with any other of my toons.

Lorwise it was impressive to beat Baras but gameplay wise was far more impressive. Hell there where challenges to kill him without an companion.

I killed him after 10 tries that ****** he was.

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